úterý 28. února 2012

V barvách korálu......

 The coral color

Pred par dny se u nas zase ochladilo, teploty se pohybuji kolem 5 stupnu a tak se alespon virtualne snazim vymanit ze sedi zimniho obdobi. Jako asi vetsina z vas i ja se tesim na jaro a take na to az odhodim kabat a kozacky a obleknu se treba do barev koralu, ktere mam moc rada.Kdybych se mala rozhodnout pro jednu vec z teto kolekce, byla by to nejspis kabelka,  ktera je ale bohuzel vyprodana  :(

Out weather changed  few days ago, and the temperatures dropped again to 5 degrees.  I am trying to brighten  my days with the help of internet and I dream of spring and color and sunny days. I love the shades of coral and these products......if I was to pick one I would probably choose the bag which of course is sold out :(

Dress/ saty
Ring/ prsten 
Flats/ baletky
Neclace/ nahrdelnik
Bag/ kabelka
Jacket/ kabatek
A co by jste si vybraly vy?
And what would you choose?

sobota 25. února 2012

Koláč linecký po česku

                  Quark cheese cake the Czech way

 from the 1935 Anuse Kejrova Czech dessert book

250 g flour
1 tsp. baking powder 
60 g butter
70 g powdered sugar + 1 vanilla sugar
zest from 1/2  orange
1 egg yolk 
2-3 tbsp. milk
1tbsp. rum
Mix everything into a dough ball and let rest for 20 minutes.

Cheese stuffing:
450 g quark cheese
1 egg
50 g powdered sugar + 1 vanilla sugar
zest from 1/2 orange
1 tbsp. rum
Mix all ingredients then  fold in
1 whipped egg white.

Roll out 2/3 of the dough, arrange in the pie form and add the cheese mixture. Roll  12 pieces out of the reminding 1/3 of the dough and make lattice pattern for the top of the pie. Brush with egg wash and bake in medium hot oven for about 30 minutes.

Tahle kniha moucniku  Anuse Kejrove byla vydana v roce 1935.

Recept jsem si trosku upravila. Misto citronove kury jsem do testa nastrouhala kuru z poloviny pomerance a druha pulka prisla do tvarohove nadivky. Tu jsem udelala z 45 dkg tvarohu a vynechala strouhane mandle. Take jsem do testa nedavala muskatovy orisek, ktery moc nemusim. Kolac je moc dobry, delala jsem ho do  velke formy a tak je testo jen asi  5mm vysoke a  pridanim tvarohu neni moucnik suchy.

Forma na pudink a japonska zapekaci/servirovaci miska ze sekace z kteryzto veci mam moc velkou radost :))

Pudding form and Japanese oven/serving dish from second hand. I was very happy to "score " these :))

Preji vam vsem krasny vikend.....
Have a wonderful weekend........

sobota 18. února 2012

Oven-baked Chicken Fingers

V troube pecene kureci prsty.

 2 kureci prsa
1 hrnek srouhanky
1/4 hrnku sezamovych seminek
1/3 hrnku nastrouhaneho parmazanu
sul,pepr, italske koreni

 2 chicken breast
1 cup bread crumbs
1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese
1/3 cup sesame seeds 
seasoning salt, pepper, Italian seasoning 


 1 cejce
1 strouzek cesneku

1 garlic clove

  Kure nakrajime na kousky. V jedne misce smichame suche ingredience a v druhe rozslehame vejce s cesnekem. Kureci kousky namacime ve vajicku a pak obalime ve strouhance. Narovname na pecicim papirem vylozeny plech.

 Remove tenders from chicken breasts and cut the remaining meat in  strips. Mix the dry ingredients in one bowl and the egg with crushed garlic in another. Dip chicken strips in the egg then coat with the bread crumb mixture. Place  on baking sheet line with baking paper.

 Oloupejte a nakrajejte sladke bramboty ( yams)

Peel and cut yams.

Pridejte sul,pepr, trosku hnedeho cukru a lzici olivoveho oleje. Promichejte a rozprostrete na plech. Troubu predehrejeme na 190 C  a kure i brambory  peceme 20-30 minut. Plechy asi po deseti minutach stridave menime z horni na dolni mrizku.

Season the yams with seasoning salt, pepper, little bit of brown sugar and about 1 tbs. of olive oil. Mix and spread on  baking sheet.  Preheat the oven to 375F  and bake the chicken and yams for about 20- 30 minutes. Alternate the baking sheets( top/bottom )  every  10 minutes.

Mezitim si pripravte salat.
listy salatu
nastrouhana mrkev
nastrouhana varena cervena repa
nastrouhana okurka
1 lzice olivoveho oleje
1 lzice citronove stavy
1 lzice pomerancove stavy
spetka bazalky
strouzek cesneku
sul, pepr
1 lzicka pikantni marmelady
Vse dukladne protrepeme, nejlepe v zavickovane sklenici a tesne pred podavanim promichame se salatem.

 Meanwhile you make the salad.
salad greens
grated carrot
grated cooked red beet
grated cucumber
For the dressing;
I tbs olive oil
1 tbs lemon juice
1 tbs orange juice
dash of basil
garlic clove
1 tsp jam (to your liking)
Mix vigorously in a jar and dress the salad just before serving.


Kureci kousky a bramborove "hranolky" pecene v troube  jsou zdravejsi alternativa nez  olejem nasakla clasicka verze.

Healthier oven - bake  chicken strips and potatoes fries are a better alternative to the pan fry version.

Dobrou chut!


 Timto se take zarazuji do souteze u Lenky  " VRAŽ DO TOHO KOPU LÁSKY "

Me nove hobby.  Vcera jsme z Neilem domu dovezli tuhle nadheru - kolovratek - mou novou lasku! Bude to chvilku trvat, nez se do vseho pustim.  Potrebuji nakoupit dalsi pomucky, nez budu moc doopravdy zacit ale zaklad uz mam - kulnu plnou ovci vlny, kterou se chystam postupne zpracovat. Je to zdlouhavy proces, vlna se nejdrive cisti, potom pere, pripadne rovnou barvi a nakonec se sucha musi pripravit na predeni. Je to dost delikatni zalezitos, protoze vlna pri nespravnem procesu muze snadno zfilcovated a tim se znehodnoti.

My new hobby :) Yesterday, we brought home this beauty  - spinning wheel - my new love!  I still have to get a carder before I can start spinning but I have a full truckload of sheep fleece in our shed already. I am planing to work through it slowly, It's a long  and delicate process, you have to clean it, wash it, ( eventually dye it at this stage ) and when it's dry you carder it. I did wash a bunch just to try it out, you can felt the wool very easily if you not careful, but I turned out really well.

 Ma Valentynska kyticka dnes rano, stale jeste vplne krase :)

My Valentine bouquet this morning, still holding :)

středa 15. února 2012

day in the park

Vnoucek  Makeef oslavil v nedeli sve druhe narozeniny. Nemuzu tomu ani uverit!  Pridavam par fotek z vcerejsi prochazky, kterou jsme si oba uzili :)

Our grandson Makeef celebrated his second birthday this past Sunday. I can not believe he is two already! I am posting few photos from yesterday's walk in the park, we had lots of fun :)

Pro milovniky hackovani  popis na backory pro dospele. Kazdy prece vyuzije hezke papuce a to nejen v zimnich mesicich.

Slippers pattern  for the crochet lovers. Anyone can use a cute pair of these and not just in the winter.

Nove cislo casopisu Covet Garden  si muzete prohlednou zde.

New issue of the Covet Garden magazine is available here.

čtvrtek 9. února 2012

National Sweater Day

  9. unor je narodni den svetru v kanade.
Byl vyhlasen na pomoc setreni energiie. Vyziva snizit teplotu topeni o par stupnu, obleknout teply svetr a tim  usetrit energii.  Statistiky uvadeji, ze kdyby kazdy kanadan tuto zimu snizil teplotu jen o par stupnu, bylo by to stejne, jako vyradit 300.000  aut z provozu . Motto tohoto dne - conzervujte zivotni prostredi a myslete nejen na sebe ale i na dalsi generace. (  vice na webove strance  )

Turn down the heat and wear a sweater to conserve energy
On Feb 9th, put on your favorite sweater and turn the heat down a few degrees to help WWF
take action against climate change, and work toward a sustainable future.
By rethinking how we use energy and how much we use, we can make a big impact on climate change.
If every Canadian lowered the heat a few degrees this winter, it'd be like taking 300,000 vehicles off the road!  Canadian National Sweater Day

Vysivana sovicka dostava tvar. Nejsem zadna zdatna " vysivacka "  :)  snad to dobre dopadne!  Vysledek vam ukazu po dokonceni celeho projektu :)

My embroidered owl is taking shape. I am not that good at embroidery :) but hopefully,  I can show you the finished project soon.

 Skoro dokoncene detske backurky.

Almost finished baby booties.

Preji vam pohodovy zbytek tydne  a i kdyz nejste zrovna v kanade,  zkuste snizit teplotu topeni alespon na jeden den i vy.

Hope you have a great rest of the week, and even though you are not in Canada, try to lower the heat even for just one day too.

neděle 5. února 2012

pamper yourself

V zimnich mesicich nase pokozka trpi mnohem vic vlivy pocasi a zaslouzi si nasi pozornost.  Ja osobne davam prednost domacim vyrobkum, jednak jsou daleko levnejsi ale hlavne vzdy cerstve a bez chemickych pripravku. Udelejte si tedy alespon jednou tydne cas a urcite nebudete litovat.

In the winter months our skin needs extra care. I, personally prefer homemade  products, they aren't just cheaper but  they are fresh and without chemicals. You would not regret treating your skin at lease once a week.

Zacneme s cistym oblicejem, coz je velice dulezite. Ze 2 lzic sody na peceni  a  vody si udelame pastu, kterou pak asi pet minut lehce krouzivymi pohyby brousime (dermabrasion) kuzi na obliceji, citime lehke paleni. Samozrejme vynechame ocni partie.  Porane oplachneme.

 Start with a clean face (very important, as you don’t want to rub any dirt back into your skin). Make a slightly soupy paste with the baking soda and distilled water. Working in small circles, rub the entirety of your face very lightly. Do this for five minutes (that seem to go on forever, while you contemplate the slight stinging sensation you feel). Do, of course, avoid the eye area. Rinse very well.

 2 Tbsp Baking soda

                                                              One Good Thing

Nebo si udelejte tento "scrub" .
5 lzic morske soli
1 lzice olivoveho oleje
1 citron
Smichejte olej se soli a kdyz je sul poradne nasakla ( obalena ) olejem,  pridejte stavu z citronu. ( bez oleje by citron sul rozpustil! Timhle solnym pripravkem zase krouzivymi pohyby  lehce masirujeme kuzi. Po chvilce uz citite jak je pokozka krasne jemna.

Or make a salt scrub like this one.

  Nebo cukrovy "scrub" na telo. Nedoporuceje se na oblicej.
1/2 hrnku bileho cukru
2 hrnky hnedeho cukru
1 lzice medu
1/2 hrnku olivoveho oleje
1 lzice prirodni vanilky nebo par capek aromatickeho oleje.
Zase nejprve smichame cukr s olejem, pridame med a vanilku nebo par kapek aromatickeho oleje.
Uchovavejte v uzavrene sklenici a pred pouzitim zamichejte, protoze se olej usadi.

Or  body sugar scrub like here.

 Po odstraneni mrtve kuze,  je velice prijemna maska z papaya. Kdyz okrajuji slupku z manga, zamerne necham trosku vic duziny. Slupky zmrazim a pouzivam podle potreby. Zmrazena slupka prijemne chladi, masirujte oblicej a po chvilce uz rozmrazena duzina a stava  krasne prilne na pokozku. Nechte pusobit 15-20 minut, pak oplachnete.

I usually use mango mask after the face scrub. When I peal papaya I leave more meat on the skin and freeze it, then I use the pieces as I need. They are really soothing when cold and the juice and thawed pulp stays on the skin after a while. Leave on for 15-20 minutes, then rinse.

 A nakonec muzete pouzit kokosovy olej, nejen na oblicej ale i na cele telo.

At the end you can apply coconut oil to your whole body. 


Par fotek z  prochazky.  Co jste o vikendu delali vy?

Few pics from a walk. What did you do this weekend?


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