Pomalu postupuji s timto obrazem.Vetsinou maluji jednou tydne se skupinou opravdu fajn lidi.Malujeme par hodin,potom mame hodinu obed a pak znovu na par hodin zpatky k malovani.Od jara do podzimu mame prestavku,protoze kdyz je hezke pocasi je tezke se kazdy tyden schazet.Je to znova skoro za mami a ja bych chtela dodelat tenhle obrazek nez zkoncime :)Zacala jsem malovat pred tremi let,nemela jsem zadny vycvik a mam velke stesti,ze muzu byt ve spolecnosti tehto talentovanych lidi.Dve maji webove stranky. Saskia a Brenda ,at se vam libi :)
I am slowly making progress with this painting.I usually paint once a week with a really nice group of people.We paint for few hours in the morning then have one hour lunch and then back to work for another couple of hours.We have a break from spring to fall because when the weather gets nice it's hard to meet every week.It's almost over again and I want to finish this picture before that :) I started painting three years ago,I had no training but I am very lucky to be in the company of these talented people. Two of them have a website. Saskia and Brenda, enjoy :)
I am slowly making progress with this painting.I usually paint once a week with a really nice group of people.We paint for few hours in the morning then have one hour lunch and then back to work for another couple of hours.We have a break from spring to fall because when the weather gets nice it's hard to meet every week.It's almost over again and I want to finish this picture before that :) I started painting three years ago,I had no training but I am very lucky to be in the company of these talented people. Two of them have a website. Saskia and Brenda, enjoy :)
3 komentáře:
Ahoj Moniko!Dekuju ti za opravu,to jsem se trochu spletla ,ale tech tam asi bude vic.Ja nejsem moc na pravopis...Teda zjistila jsem krasnou vec,ze malujes.I ja s epred lety prihlasila do kurzu malovani..a je to super zchazet obcas a malovat.Miluju malovani ,ikdyz to ted hodne flakam..(Francesco malinky atak nic nestiham)..mej se krasne Romca
What a fun picture - you're talented! Looks like an illustration to a fairytale - maybe write one too?
Ahoj Romano,ano malovani se da stejne jako mnoha jinym vecem lehce propadnout.Jen kdyby jeste dny byly trosku delsi a dalo se vse stihnout:)
Hello Martina,this painting was inspired by a puppet that my daughter got when she was a little girl:)Thank you :)