neděle 25. prosince 2011

Merry Christmas

Cely dum  jeste spi a ja mam vedle sebe velky hrnek caje, vanocni cukrovi a na kline pocitac abych vam konecne poprala vesele vanoce. Tak tedy, krasne svatecni dny, plne pohody a lasky,  stul plny dobrot a nadherne chvilky stravene z rodinou a prateli.

The whole house  is still sleeping,  I am sitting on the couch with a cup of tea and a plate of Christmas cookies next to me with my laptop on my lap so I can finally wish you happy holidays!! Hope you are having wonderful time, enjoying the festivities,  relaxing and visiting with family and friends.

Nezapomente se zapojit do souteze.
 Don't forget to enter the giveaway.

čtvrtek 15. prosince 2011

I wish.....

Dnes jsem na facebook cetla komentar jedne kamaradky o tom, jak ma napeceno, naklizeno, nazdobeno proste hotovo a raduje se z vanocni pohody.  Ja jen tise zavidim, protoze nemam vubec nic, to znamena neuklizeno, nenazdobeno a nenapeceno a jak jste na tom vy?   Stale dodelavam resty, ktere jsem si dala za ukol do vanoc zvladnout. O vikendu jsme hlidali vnoucka, takze jsem neudelala vubec nic. Tedy  podarilo se mi uhackovat mu novou sovi cepicku. Vcera Neil dovezl vanocni strom a dnes jsme ho zacali zdobit ale je tak veliky, ze nam 4 snury elektrickych zarovicek vysly jen do pulky a protoze se mi uz nikam nechtelo a dalsi zdobeni muze pokracovat az kdyz jdou umistena svetylka,  budeme pokracovat zitra. Zadelala jsem si tedy alespon dve davky testa na vanocni cukrovi a naplanovala dalsi na zitrek.

I read on my friends facebook page today, that she is ready for Christmas. Everything is clean, the baking is done, the house is decorated.... I wish, I could say so too, but my reality is quite the opposite! How are you doing, are you ready for the holidays? I am trying to finish all the projects I  said I would. We babysat our grandson this weekend so nothing got done. Well, I manage to make a new owl hat for him, I can check that off of my list :) Neil got a three yesterday and we started decorating it today, but is so big that we ran out of the lights half way through and I didn't feel like going to town so we will have to continue tomorrow. I made two butches of cookie dough instead and planed to make more tomorrow.

Makeefa nova sovi cepicka
Mak's new owl hat


 Dalsi dokoncena cepice  "Aviatrix"  z Ravelry.  Puvodne mela byt take pro Makeefa ale protoze jsem ji pletla poprve a  jinou vlnou nez si zada popis, je velka i me a tak ji radostne " zabavil " Neil :))

Another finished hat  " Aviatrix "  from Ravelry. It was supposed to be for Makeef as well, but because I made it for the first time and picked up just random wool I had at home instead of following the pattern it is big even for me and so Neil is happy to have a new hat :))

Dalsi skoro dokoncene dilko. Zminovala jsem se o tomto projektu pred rokem   tady a konecne se dopracovala k jeho realizaci. Neil me musel upravit podstavce ze svicnu a nalepit prkenka na syr (se sklenenym poklopem). Vse jsem nakoupila za "babku' v sekaci. Ted uz jen natrit, Neil se priklani k cerne barve a ja uz je v duchu vidim v bilem, tak uvidime.....

Another project that is almost finished. I blogged about it  a year ago  here and It's finally happening. Neil had to glue the candle holders to the cutting boards and now, I just have to paint them. He likes the black color and I like white. I guess will see.....

Vanocni inspiraci najdete na me virtualni nastence na Pinterest.
My Christmas inspiration board on Pinterest.

Dekuji vam za nevstevu a preji krasny zbytek tohoto tydne.
Thank you for visiting, enjoy the rest of the week.

 all images by MoniO click to enlarge  MoniO fotky se kliknutim zvetsi

úterý 6. prosince 2011


 Vsechny vas po delsi odmlce zdravim. Pri psani  jsem si vzpomela na Miroslava Donutila a jeho "porad se neco deje" coz by byl asi prihodny nazev pro dnesni  prispevek :)  Starsi syn oslavil minuly mesic dvacate narozeniny.  Jak tech 20 let silene rychle uteklo, vsechno nejlepsi Michael!   Musim podotknout, ze on i jeho mladsi bratr Dominik jsou hudebne nadani a tak jsem se ani moc nedivila, kdyz vyslovil prani vlastnit housle. Oba hraji na kytaru, klarinet, piano a dalsi instrumenty, ktere jim padnou do ruky a tak ted posloucham take fidlovani.

Hello my friends, time just flies and I've been extremely busy these past few weeks. We celebrated my older son's birthday last month. I can't believe he is twenty already - Happy Birthday Micheal!  He, like his brother, is very musically incline, they play guitar, clarinet, piano and whatever they can get their hands on, so I wasn't surprised when he  expressed his interest to play violin.

 Michael a jeho nove  housle.

Michel and his new violin.

 Dominik, si mezitim stacil vykloubit rameno. Tady uz se na pohotovosti usmiva, potom, co mu doktorka bezbolestne, novou technikou, kloub usadila zpatky. Mel stesti, jak nam vesele prozradila, protoze byl prvni, na kterem si ji ( tu techniku) vyzkousela. Udajne to z kolegou zhledli na You Tube na jejich predesle smene :) Musim  rict, ze to opravdu bylo jednoduche, kloub zapadl na sve misto bez nasili a dalsiho zraneni tkane, ke kteremu casto dochazi. Ted ho ceka 5 tydnu rehabilitace a tri mesice doleceni. Sedm lidi z deseti pry skonci  na operacnim stole, protoze nedodrzi dobu leceni.

Dominik dislocated his shoulder. Here, he is already smiling after the doctor reset it. She used a new technique for the first time. She informed us that she watched it on You Tube the previous shift. No pulling, stretching or further damage to the tissue,  it worked like a charm. So he has five weeks of rehab ahead of him and then three more months to heal. The physio guy told us that seven out of ten people and up on the operating table, because they don't follow the healing procedure.

 Strih na vanocni garlandu.
Christmas garland pattern.


A nakonec losovaci soutez o " The Knook " Ze jste se stim jeste nesetkali? Je to vlastne pleteni hackem. Ja jsem si sice jednu sadu koupila take pro sebe ale musim se priznat, ze jsem to jeste nemela cas vyzkouset!  Tady je jejich stranka, kde najdete videa z navodem. Take na You Tube, kdyz si zadate " the knook " je toho dost ke zkouknuti.  A jak se zapojit do souteze? Velice jednoduse,  pokud uz  nenasledujete muj blog, stante se ctenarem. Vsichni pak zanechte komentar a napiste mi, jestli a jakou mate rodinnou vanocni tradici. Soutez je otevrena do konce prosince, vyhlaseni viteze probehne uz v novem roce. Hodne stesti!

Last but not least is the giveaway. You can enter to win " The Knook " It is new " knitting with the crochet hook " technique. I also bought one set for me but had no time to try it out yet. You can see videos on their site or search You Tube for " the knook ".  And how can you enter? If you don't follow me yet, become my blog follower. All of you leave a comment and tell me if you have and what is your family Christmas tradition. The giveaway is open till the end of December, I will announce the winner after New Year. Good luck!


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