Starsi syn Michael Jan oslavil 24 listopadu 19 narozeniny. Sesla se u nas na oslavu cela rodina a protoze bylo vsude plno snehu,pripadalo mi to spis jako vanoce nez konec listopadu.
Nase cubicka Tess se okamzite nabali snehem jen kdyz se jde vycurat, Neil ji v patek odklidil snih pred domem. Vecer se uz oteplilo a zacalo prset a behem vikendu snih pomalu ale jiste tal.Son Michael Jan celebrated 19th birthday on November 24th. The whole family got together and because there was so much snow it felt more like Christmas holidays than the end of November.
Happy Birthday Michael!!!

Our Tess gets covered with snow just stepping out to pee so Friday Neil cleared some space for her in the front of the house. By the evening it was warmer and raining.
Pri dnesni prochazce uz nebylo po snehu ani pamatky
The snow was gone when we went for a walk today.
......a jeste obrazkovy navod na vyrobu ozdoby z blogu Spunky Junky
.......and a cute ornament tutorial at Spunky Junky blog