pondělí 28. června 2010

narozeniny birthday

V pracovnim kolotoci minuleho tydne jsem ani nestacila pridat zadne novinky na blog. 23.6. jsem oslavila narozeniny a protoze to padlo na prostredek tydne,slavili jsme take jeste v sobotu.Tedy vyrazili jsme cela rodinka na veceri,protoze ja bych zadne jidlo doma dohromady nedala.Cely tyden delame z Neilem na zahrade a okolo domu az do setmeni a vecer padam do postele uplne vycerpana.Zahradka je ale konecne osazene do posledniho mistecka,vykaceli jsme spousty stromku ktere na stinily okolo domu a zahrady,travnik je posekany (mozna na tyden? :))) a strunkovou sekacku vypnul Neil vcera az kdyz byla tma a na praci uz nevidel.Dnes me tedy ceka zhrabnou co sni posekal a i kdyz mam cele telo rozlamane,mam dobry pocit,ze jsme udelali kus prace.

We were in the working mode all last week and that's why I didn't post anything for so long. 23.6. was my birthday and because it was in the middle of the week we celebrated it properly on Saturday.Even though normally I love to entertain we went to the restaurant. I had no energy to make diner.We worked all week till nightfall in the garden and around the house and every evening I just fall exhausted in the bed. We did lost of work though,the garden is planted,we cut down tons of little alders that were shading our garden and yard,the lawn is cut(for a week? :)).Neil still worked till dark yesterday with the weed eater.My body is hurting but I will go out today and rake.I have a good felling that we accomplished a lot.

Cast pokacenych stromku
Some of the cut alders

pokracujici prace na zahrade
garden, still in working progress.
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neděle 20. června 2010

Krmitko - Feeder

Pred par dny jsem opet zachranovala kolibrika, ktery nam vletel do domu. Vzhledem k tomu,ze mame stresni okna, neobejde se to vetsinou bez zebriku a kolibrik je evidentne ve stresu.Rozhodla jsem se tedy povesit dalsi krmitko ktere snad kolibriky bude zajimac vic nez otevrena okna a dvere. Tentokrat jsem si koupila jen "pitko" ktere se da nasadit na lahev. Tedy koupila jsem jich pet a tak dalsi budou viset jen co vyberu nejake hezke lahve.
Few days ago I had to rescue another hummingbird that flew inside the house.We have skylights so we usually have to get a ladder and the birds are evidently in distress. So I decided to put up more feeders.Hopefully they'll be more interested in them and stop looking for food inside the house. This time I just both the ends(5 of them) and used a nice bottle I had at home. I'll make and hang more soon.

Pridala jsem jeste koralky protoze cervena kolibriky pritahuje.
I also added beads since hummingbirds are attracted to red.

Doufam,ze jste si vsichni hezky uzili vikend :)

I hope you all enjoyed the weekend :)
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čtvrtek 17. června 2010

Odpocivej v pokoji - R.I.P.

Ptacatko lezelo mrtve rano v trave a tak jsem si ho musela vyfotit i kdyz mi to nakonec prislo trosku morbidni.Chudinek :(

Little birdie laid dead on the grass this morning. I had to take a picture even thought it was a little bit morbid. Poor birdie :(

Tento tyden my prisla prvni knizka ze dvou,ktere jsem si nedavno objednala.Je presne takova, jakou jsem si ji predstavovala nebo snad jeste lepsi! Z popisy na  hackovane ctverce,trojuhelniky a dalsi ruzne tvary.  Hned jsem jeden vzorek vyzkousela :))

This week I received the first book of two that I ordered a while ago.It's exactly what I imagined or maybe even better! With crochet instructions for squares,triangles and other shapes and I had to try it out right away :))

Vcera jsem se pri nakupech zastavila v sekaci a zjistila,ze maji ten den vse za polovicni cenu. Musela jsem se drzet abych toho nekoupila vic:))

Yesterday I stopped at the secondhand store just to find out that it's the half price day. I had to brace my self not to buy more :))

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sobota 12. června 2010

Vyhlaseni viteze

Tamtadadaaaa......je sobota a tedy cas na vyhlaseni vyherce.Jako minule jsem zapojila Neila aby losoval.
Vitezkou se stala Duby,moc gratuluji a zaroven dekuji vsem za ucast :))

(Ivetko,posli mi mailik s adresou at vim kam casopis poslat.)
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sobota 5. června 2010

Losovani o cenu - Giveaway

Protoze pocasi jak v cechach tak tady u nas na ostrove tento rok zatim za moc nestoji,rozhodla jsem se vyhlasit losovani o cenu. A to o casopis Tilda,letni napady.Jedne z vas snad trosku prosluni sedive dny.Zucastnit se muze kazdy,zanechte jen tady u mne komentar.Soutez potrva do patku pristiho tydene,to je 11.6.Losovani probehne v sobotu.Hodne stesti :))

Because of the rainy weather I decided to host another giveaway on my blog.It's Tilda's summer ideas magazine.I hope that it will bring one of you some sunshine into the gray,rainy days.Anyone can participate just leave me a comment.The draw will be next Saturday so leave the comment no later then next Friday,June 11th.Good luck :))
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