úterý 27. dubna 2010


Je to uz vic nez deset let co jsem doma mela houbu Kombuchy a delala z ni pravidelne cajovy napoj.Protoze jsme vsichni v rodine relativne zdravi,nemuzu tady psat o zadnem zazracnem ucinku Kombuchy .Pamatuji si ale, ze se nam vsem hodne rychle hojily ruzne ranky a odreniny,meli jsme hodne energie a meli jsme dobrou imunitu proti chripkam a nahlazeni.Je mi skoro 45 let a tak bych ted docela urcite blahodarne ucinky teto houby vyuzila.Nedavno jsem nasla inzerat,ktery zdarma tuto houbu nabizel. Houba se sama rozmnozuje (narusta) a tak mlade houbicky jsou vetsinou k dostani mezi prateli zadarmo.Ke koupi jsem ji nasla tady.

Probably more then 10 years ago, I used to brew tea from Kombucha culture.We are generally a healthy family so I can not really tell you some miracle story about the healing powers of Kombucha. I remember that our wounds and cuts were healing really fast, we had lots of energy and good immunity against cold and flu. Now, I am almost 45 and I sure can use some of the benefits of drinking this healthy tea. I was looking through Craigslist the other day and someone was giving away Kombucha baby(mother) culture.

A tady je,jeste jsem novy caj neudelala ale nemuzu se dockat az zase zacnu.
And here it is. I did not start the new batch yet but can't wait to get back to it.
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neděle 25. dubna 2010

Beranek- Lamb form

Tyto velikonoce na me padl smutek,kdyz jsem videla vsechny ty nadherne velikonocni beranky.........
Take jsem mela krasneho,velkeho, keramickeho beranka.Formu jsem behem roku mela vystavenou na vrchu kuchynske linky ale jednoho dne polovina beranka (sano sebou ta z oblicejem)spadla a rozbila se na kusy :(
Takze od te doby se u nas beranek nepekl a ja tak nejak rezignovala.Ted jsem se ale rozhodla,ze beranka musime zase mit,zvlast kdyz maly vnoucek Makeef ho uz bude moc pristi velikonoce ochutnat.Tentokrat jsem se rozhodla pro litinoveho a po "prozkoumani situace" na netu se mi v aukci podarilo ziskat tohoto fesaka:)))

I use to have a ceramic lamb cake form.In Europe is mostly use for Easter cake.For the rest of the year I displayed mine on the top of the kitchen cupboard till.....one day....half of it felt down and broke into many pieces. So for a while I did not baked the Lamb cake for the Easter holidays.This year when I saw all the beautiful cakes on my friends blogs I decided I have to have it again. So i put myself to work,did some research and got this "beauty" at the E bay auction. It's cast iron and I can not wait to try it out :)))

Jeste par fotek z provizorniho skleniku,kam jsem musela prestehovat rajcara protoze jsem je opet presadila a do kuchyne se uz proste nevesly.Tam jsou ted papriky,ktere uz take kvetou a dalsi "zelen" ktera poputuje na zahradku po Ledovych muzich.

......and few more photos of my tomatoes,I replanted them again and had to move them in the temporary greenhouse because they would not fit in the house any more :) I can't wait to start gardening after the May long weekend.Till then there is still the chance of frost at night. 

Preji krasny tyden a brzy nashledanou......
Have a great week, see you soon....
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neděle 18. dubna 2010

šašek - jester

Pomalu postupuji s timto obrazem.Vetsinou maluji jednou tydne se skupinou opravdu fajn lidi.Malujeme par hodin,potom mame hodinu obed a pak znovu na par hodin zpatky k malovani.Od jara do podzimu mame prestavku,protoze kdyz je hezke pocasi je tezke se kazdy tyden schazet.Je to znova skoro za mami a ja bych chtela dodelat tenhle obrazek nez zkoncime :)Zacala jsem malovat pred tremi let,nemela jsem zadny vycvik a mam velke stesti,ze muzu byt ve spolecnosti tehto talentovanych lidi.Dve maji webove stranky. Saskia a Brenda ,at se vam libi :)

I am slowly making progress with this painting.I usually paint once a week with a really nice group of people.We paint for few hours in the morning then have one hour lunch and then back to work for another couple of hours.We have a break from spring to fall because when the weather gets nice it's hard to meet every week.It's almost over again and I want to finish this picture before that :) I started painting three years ago,I had no training but I am very lucky to be in the company of these talented people. Two of them have a website. Saskia and Brenda, enjoy :)

krok za krokem........

step by step.......

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čtvrtek 15. dubna 2010

Objevy ze sekace-Thrift store finds

Talirek z cervenohnedym vzorem,ktery se vyjima v me "modre" kolekci.

Red and brown plate that stands out in my "blue" collection.

Stojanek na zakusky,vybirala jsem mezi dvema,protoze uz doma jedem mam.Tezke rozhodovani :)
Dessert plate.I had to pick between two of them since I already have one at home.Hard decision :)

Smaltovany talir v jemne zelenkave barve.

 Enamel plate in  light green

A jeste par hrnicku,ktere take zbiram a ovalny podnos s kytickama.

And a pair of cups and saucers which I also collect and an oval platter with flower design.

Brzy vam ukazu,co jsem koupila na aukci.Cekam az zasilka dorazi:)

Soon I'll show you what I bought at an auction. I am waiting for the package arrival :)
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Sunshine award - Slunickove oceneni

It's taken me awhile to post this, I received this Sunshine award from Bobbi.
Thank you so much for this award. You're so sweet!
The rules for the award are:
1) Pass the award onto 12 fellow bloggers
2) Link the nominees within the blog post
3) Let the nominees know they have won the award by leaving them a comment on their blog
4) Share the love and link to the person that you received the award from, simple!

Dala jsem si nacas se zverejnenim tohoto oceneni, ktere jsem dostala od Bobbi. Mockrat dekuji!
1) poslete oceneni 12 blogum
2) zverejnete link na nominovane na svem blogu
3)zanechte odkaz o nominaci na jejich blogu
4)Podelte se o svou lasku a uvedte link na cloveka,ktery vas nominoval

A tady je mych dvanact blogu:
I want to pass some "sunshine" on to the following bloggers:


A posilam take moc a moc slunicka tem vsem dalsim blogum,ktere se mi do seznamu nevesly :))
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pátek 9. dubna 2010

Svetr -Sweater

Dokoncila jsem svetr, ktery jsem pred casem upletla ale byl pro Makeefa velky.Ted do nej dorostl a ja se pustila do poslednich uprav. Lemovani,aplikace, kterou jsem udelala z filce a pak uz zbylo jen prisit knofliky. Nemuzu se dockat az si ho oblekne :)

I finished a sweater which I made for Makeef a while ago but was still too big for him.Now he grew into it and I added last few finishing touches. Piping,application, which I made from felt and then I just added the buttons.I can wait for him to wear it :)

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středa 7. dubna 2010

Zahradka v kuchyni - Garden in the kitchen

Vcera jsem podruhe presazela sazenicky do vetsich kvetniku a protoze noci jsou stale chladne, misto ve skleniku jsou za kuchynskym oknem.Vyjde to nastejno,cela stena a cast stropu jsou cele prosklene a zatim se tady s nimi nejak srovname.

Yesterday I re-potted my seedlings into bigger pots and because the nights are still chilly they are still behind the kitchen windows instead of the green house.I doesn't make any difference, the whole wall and a part of the ceiling is glass.

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sobota 3. dubna 2010

Nove hobby-New hobby

Nedavno me Marťa nabidla zucasnit se vymenne akce patchwork stitku.Ja s radosti prijala a protoze jsem jeste nikdy zadny patchwork nesila,vyrazila jsem nakoupit potrebne pomucky a material.

I while ago my friend Marta asked me to participate in a patchwork square swap.I gladly said yes and because I never did any patchwork before I had to go shopping for tools and fabrics. 

Vybrala jsem pro zacatek tuto kombinaci,snad se bude libit.

For the start I chose this combination and hopefully it will be liked. 

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Mazanec,vitr a rodinna vecere :) Sweet bread,wind and family diner :)

Vcera se u nas prehnala vertrna boure, ktera zpusobila vypadky proudu po celem ostrove.Ja jsem si naplanovala rodinnou veceri zrovna tenhle den! Takze deset minut pred tim nez mel mazanec putovat do trouby,asi v jednu odpoledne, naposled zablikala svetylka a bylo po proudu.

Yesterday a wind storm swept through our region and cost lots of power outages on the island.I planned a family supper this exact day! So 10 minutes before the sweet bred was ready for the oven, at around 1 o'clock in the afternoon,the lights flicker for the last time,went out and that was it for the electricity.

Mazanec tedy skoncil v hrnci a se zbytkem veskerych ingredienci k priprave vecere bylo vse nalozeno do auta.
Nastesti u dcery k vypadku nedoslo ale pulka mesta takove stesti nemela.Po ceste jsme se museli dvakrat vracet,hlavni silnice byla uzavrena, blokoval ji obrovsky strom ktery strhnul i draty elektrickeho vedeni.Dalsi bocni cestu jsme jen tak tak projeli nez ji take uzavreli.Auto v protismeru melo velike stesti protoze padajici strom jim znicil jen predni naraznik a nikomu se nic nestalo.

So the sweet bread ended up in the pot and with the rest of the ingredients for supper everything was loaded to the car.Good think that my daughter did not lost the power but half of the city wasn't so lucky.On the way there we had to backtrack twice since the main road was block by a big tree that also took down the power lines.We just barely made it through another side road before they close it. A car in the opposite direction was very lucky because the falling tree took off just the front bumper and everyone was OK.

Nakonec jsme v poradku dorazili k Tereze a poskladali se v jejich malem bytecku:) Dokonce i mazanec znovu vykynul a upekl se krasne do zlatova a k nasi velike radosti se tesne pred veceri dostal domu i jeji partner ktery pracoval na ostruvku Hornby kde byl diky vetru zastaven provoz prepravnich lodi.K veceru se ale vitr uklidnil a tak jsme se vsichni stastne sesli !!

Finally we made it to Tereza and filed their little space :))Even the sweet bread rose again and baked to the golden perfection.To our big delight right before dinner Tereza's partner made it home as well.He worked on the Hornby Island and the ferries were not running till the wind died down.So at the end we all happily reunited !

Kdyz jsme se pozde vecer vratili domu, elektrina byla uz opravena.Dnes je krasny jarni den, slunicko sviti a pofukuje jen JEMNY VANEK..............
When we came home late that night,the power was on.Today is a beautiful day,the sun is shining a there is just a LITTLE BREEZE.........
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čtvrtek 1. dubna 2010


Od Pavliny jsem dostala toto hezke oceneni.Moc dekuji a posilam je dal.
I also want to thank lovely Pavlina for awarding my blog the Happy 101 Award.
Součástí tohoto ocenění je uvést 10 blogu ktere rozveseli muj den:
Tag 10 bloggers who brighten your day!

A dale 10 věcí, které mi udělají radost:
10 things that makes me happy:
when my family is together
good chocolate
hanging out with friends
talking to my grandma
happy people
nice song
good book
award :)

Od Zuzky :)

Jeste jedno podekovani Zuzce.Dorazily ysivane pytlicky a navrch jeste krasne srdicko ktere jsem vyhrala v soutezi na jejim blogu.

(zajicek ze sekace,ceka na novy kabatek)

A jeste par krepelcich vajicek od babicky.
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