neděle 12. dubna 2009

Vice z velikonoc

Pomalu odskrtavam co uz je hotovo. Vcera Dominik barvil vajicka, v patek mel horecku a na fotce je videt, ze mu jeste neni nejlepe ale i tak se do barveni schuti pustil.

I am crossing things that are done on my "to do" list. Yesterday Dominik colored and decorated  eggs . He wasn't felling hundred percent yet, he had fever Friday, but he still enjoy doing it.

Susenky jsou upecene,
poleva pripravena.


A takhle to dopadlo.
Finished cookies. 

Musim take napsat,ze se nam v noci rozprselo a tak je dnes velmi sedivy den.Jak ja miluji slunicko a jak mi hned zvedne naladu.Nejradeji bych se zavrtala zpatky do perin a cely den si cetla.To se ale asi nestane ......

I have to say, that it's raining and gray. Sun always makes me feel happy and I would like to go back to bed today and spend the day in there reading, but that's not going to happen.......

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