neděle 25. prosince 2011

Merry Christmas

Cely dum  jeste spi a ja mam vedle sebe velky hrnek caje, vanocni cukrovi a na kline pocitac abych vam konecne poprala vesele vanoce. Tak tedy, krasne svatecni dny, plne pohody a lasky,  stul plny dobrot a nadherne chvilky stravene z rodinou a prateli.

The whole house  is still sleeping,  I am sitting on the couch with a cup of tea and a plate of Christmas cookies next to me with my laptop on my lap so I can finally wish you happy holidays!! Hope you are having wonderful time, enjoying the festivities,  relaxing and visiting with family and friends.

Nezapomente se zapojit do souteze.
 Don't forget to enter the giveaway.

čtvrtek 15. prosince 2011

I wish.....

Dnes jsem na facebook cetla komentar jedne kamaradky o tom, jak ma napeceno, naklizeno, nazdobeno proste hotovo a raduje se z vanocni pohody.  Ja jen tise zavidim, protoze nemam vubec nic, to znamena neuklizeno, nenazdobeno a nenapeceno a jak jste na tom vy?   Stale dodelavam resty, ktere jsem si dala za ukol do vanoc zvladnout. O vikendu jsme hlidali vnoucka, takze jsem neudelala vubec nic. Tedy  podarilo se mi uhackovat mu novou sovi cepicku. Vcera Neil dovezl vanocni strom a dnes jsme ho zacali zdobit ale je tak veliky, ze nam 4 snury elektrickych zarovicek vysly jen do pulky a protoze se mi uz nikam nechtelo a dalsi zdobeni muze pokracovat az kdyz jdou umistena svetylka,  budeme pokracovat zitra. Zadelala jsem si tedy alespon dve davky testa na vanocni cukrovi a naplanovala dalsi na zitrek.

I read on my friends facebook page today, that she is ready for Christmas. Everything is clean, the baking is done, the house is decorated.... I wish, I could say so too, but my reality is quite the opposite! How are you doing, are you ready for the holidays? I am trying to finish all the projects I  said I would. We babysat our grandson this weekend so nothing got done. Well, I manage to make a new owl hat for him, I can check that off of my list :) Neil got a three yesterday and we started decorating it today, but is so big that we ran out of the lights half way through and I didn't feel like going to town so we will have to continue tomorrow. I made two butches of cookie dough instead and planed to make more tomorrow.

Makeefa nova sovi cepicka
Mak's new owl hat


 Dalsi dokoncena cepice  "Aviatrix"  z Ravelry.  Puvodne mela byt take pro Makeefa ale protoze jsem ji pletla poprve a  jinou vlnou nez si zada popis, je velka i me a tak ji radostne " zabavil " Neil :))

Another finished hat  " Aviatrix "  from Ravelry. It was supposed to be for Makeef as well, but because I made it for the first time and picked up just random wool I had at home instead of following the pattern it is big even for me and so Neil is happy to have a new hat :))

Dalsi skoro dokoncene dilko. Zminovala jsem se o tomto projektu pred rokem   tady a konecne se dopracovala k jeho realizaci. Neil me musel upravit podstavce ze svicnu a nalepit prkenka na syr (se sklenenym poklopem). Vse jsem nakoupila za "babku' v sekaci. Ted uz jen natrit, Neil se priklani k cerne barve a ja uz je v duchu vidim v bilem, tak uvidime.....

Another project that is almost finished. I blogged about it  a year ago  here and It's finally happening. Neil had to glue the candle holders to the cutting boards and now, I just have to paint them. He likes the black color and I like white. I guess will see.....

Vanocni inspiraci najdete na me virtualni nastence na Pinterest.
My Christmas inspiration board on Pinterest.

Dekuji vam za nevstevu a preji krasny zbytek tohoto tydne.
Thank you for visiting, enjoy the rest of the week.

 all images by MoniO click to enlarge  MoniO fotky se kliknutim zvetsi

úterý 6. prosince 2011


 Vsechny vas po delsi odmlce zdravim. Pri psani  jsem si vzpomela na Miroslava Donutila a jeho "porad se neco deje" coz by byl asi prihodny nazev pro dnesni  prispevek :)  Starsi syn oslavil minuly mesic dvacate narozeniny.  Jak tech 20 let silene rychle uteklo, vsechno nejlepsi Michael!   Musim podotknout, ze on i jeho mladsi bratr Dominik jsou hudebne nadani a tak jsem se ani moc nedivila, kdyz vyslovil prani vlastnit housle. Oba hraji na kytaru, klarinet, piano a dalsi instrumenty, ktere jim padnou do ruky a tak ted posloucham take fidlovani.

Hello my friends, time just flies and I've been extremely busy these past few weeks. We celebrated my older son's birthday last month. I can't believe he is twenty already - Happy Birthday Micheal!  He, like his brother, is very musically incline, they play guitar, clarinet, piano and whatever they can get their hands on, so I wasn't surprised when he  expressed his interest to play violin.

 Michael a jeho nove  housle.

Michel and his new violin.

 Dominik, si mezitim stacil vykloubit rameno. Tady uz se na pohotovosti usmiva, potom, co mu doktorka bezbolestne, novou technikou, kloub usadila zpatky. Mel stesti, jak nam vesele prozradila, protoze byl prvni, na kterem si ji ( tu techniku) vyzkousela. Udajne to z kolegou zhledli na You Tube na jejich predesle smene :) Musim  rict, ze to opravdu bylo jednoduche, kloub zapadl na sve misto bez nasili a dalsiho zraneni tkane, ke kteremu casto dochazi. Ted ho ceka 5 tydnu rehabilitace a tri mesice doleceni. Sedm lidi z deseti pry skonci  na operacnim stole, protoze nedodrzi dobu leceni.

Dominik dislocated his shoulder. Here, he is already smiling after the doctor reset it. She used a new technique for the first time. She informed us that she watched it on You Tube the previous shift. No pulling, stretching or further damage to the tissue,  it worked like a charm. So he has five weeks of rehab ahead of him and then three more months to heal. The physio guy told us that seven out of ten people and up on the operating table, because they don't follow the healing procedure.

 Strih na vanocni garlandu.
Christmas garland pattern.


A nakonec losovaci soutez o " The Knook " Ze jste se stim jeste nesetkali? Je to vlastne pleteni hackem. Ja jsem si sice jednu sadu koupila take pro sebe ale musim se priznat, ze jsem to jeste nemela cas vyzkouset!  Tady je jejich stranka, kde najdete videa z navodem. Take na You Tube, kdyz si zadate " the knook " je toho dost ke zkouknuti.  A jak se zapojit do souteze? Velice jednoduse,  pokud uz  nenasledujete muj blog, stante se ctenarem. Vsichni pak zanechte komentar a napiste mi, jestli a jakou mate rodinnou vanocni tradici. Soutez je otevrena do konce prosince, vyhlaseni viteze probehne uz v novem roce. Hodne stesti!

Last but not least is the giveaway. You can enter to win " The Knook " It is new " knitting with the crochet hook " technique. I also bought one set for me but had no time to try it out yet. You can see videos on their site or search You Tube for " the knook ".  And how can you enter? If you don't follow me yet, become my blog follower. All of you leave a comment and tell me if you have and what is your family Christmas tradition. The giveaway is open till the end of December, I will announce the winner after New Year. Good luck!

pátek 18. listopadu 2011

and so it begins

Prvni snih letosni zimy zacal padat vcera vecer a neprestal az do rana.  Neil sel pred spanim vyvencit  Tess a par vterin po tom , co k nemu pribehla zpatky spadla v miste kde predtim stala  (pod tihou snehu ) velika vetev. Tess se  snad zazrakem nic nestalo. Vetev pristala na mem a Neilove aute, me ma promackly blatnik a Neil ma nekolik "zhmozdenin" na kapote. Z toho radost nemame ale jsme oba moc radi, ze nase milovana cubicka Tess je v poradku.

First snow of this season started to fall last evening and didn't stop till this morning. Neil took Tess out before bed time,  and few seconds after she return to him a big branch fell on the ground where she was standing and landed on our cars.  Mine have two dents on the fender and his little dents all over his hood. We are not happy about that part but we are really grateful that our precious dog is ok.

vetev ( uz odtazena stranou ) ktera pristala mezi auty

this is the branch ( puled off the cars) that was right in the middle

a takhe vypada  muj blatnik

and this is my fender

Dnes uz zase krasne svitilo slunicko  a byl nadherny den.

Today the sun came out again and we had a gorgeous day.

Uz jste nekdy jedli "cipsy" z  Kaderavku? Jestli ne o hodne jste prisli a ja vam je vrele doporucuji  vyzkouset. 
Kaderavek umyjeme, osusime a natrhame na kousky. Nejlepe v mise pokapeme olivovym olejem a osolime hrubou soli.  Promichame, narovname na plech a peceme v troube vyhrate na 120 -150 celsia.. Jsou hotove kdyz prvni konecky zacinaji hnednout. Listy musi zustat zelene, hnede jsou spalene a maji horkou chut,  takze radeji  pecte pomaleji a casto kontrolujte. Napiste mi jak vam chutnali, u nas je v mziku cely plech pric, coz ale vubec nevadi, protoze na rozdil od klasickych chipsu,  tyhle kaderavkove,  jsou  zdrave.

Did you ever have Kale chips?  If not,  you have to try! It is really simple to make them. 


  1. Preheat an oven to 250- 300 degrees F . Line a non insulated cookie sheet with parchment paper ( silicon pad ) .
  2. With a knife or kitchen shears carefully remove the leaves from the thick stems and tear into bite size pieces. Wash and thoroughly dry kale with a salad spinner. Drizzle kale with olive oil and sprinkle with rock salt.
  3. Bake until the edges brown but are not burnt, 10 to 20 minutes.

  I don't even take them off the baking sheet, my family flocks around me when I take them out of the oven and they are gone in no time.

pro dnesni inspiraci kliknete zde
Today's inspiration

Preji vam krasny vikend a dekuji za mile komentare.

Have a wonderful weekend and thank you for your kind comments.

středa 16. listopadu 2011

in the making ......

Tvorim,tvorim,tvorim, tak by se daly definovat me dny, ktere  leti rychleji nez bych si prala. Dalsi obchudek me oslovil s navrhem, prodavat me nakrcniky a tak pletu o sto sest...... :)

I am making lots of neck warmers these past days. One local store with two branches is interested in selling them, so I knit and knit and knit...... :)

 Stale me take "vola" kulaty polstarek. Postup jeho  vyroby jsem vam pred nedavnem ukazala tady. Zatim jsem vybrala latky, ktere chci na jeho vyrobu pouzit.

I still want to make the round pillow that I blog about here. For now I selected the fabric I think I'll use to make it.

 Vanocni venecky, koupene v dollarovem kramku, ano vse tam koupite za dollar- tedy musim se opravit, protoze pred par mesici uz to neni $1.00 ale $1.25.  a pochybuji, ze zmeni nazev ochodu, prezto ze je najdete po cele severni americe. V potrebach pro kutilky za polotovar na zdobeni zaplatite kolem $7.00. Takze jsem pro zacatek z venecku otrhala vsechnu dekoraci a  omotala ho reznou latkou. Snad se k jejich dokonceni brzy dostanu.

Christmas wreaths from dollar store that I took apart and started redecorating. I payed $1.25 compere to $7.00 at the craft store.  I used linen fabric but have to put it aside for now till I have more time on hand.

A jak uz jiste vsechny vite, loucim se s vami vetsinou " spetkou  inspirace ".  Vim, ze jsou ted hodne v oblibe obhackovana raminka ale pro ty co hackovat neumi,  nebo nemaji tolik casu, ci trpelivosti,  snadno zvladnou tuto techniku. Co myslite, zkusite si  takove raminko udelat?

As you all probably now by now, I like to leave you with some inspiration. I've seen lots of crochet covered coat hangers, but for you, who don't crochet or have no time nor the patience, you can try this easy and fast project. Do you think you'll give it a try?

čtvrtek 10. listopadu 2011

Bits and pieces- Stripky

 Dnes vam chci ukazat vanocni podlozku, kterou jsem konecne dodelala a vyfotila.  Vysivani normalne moc nedam ale na tomto jednoduchem zadnim stehu se neda opravdu nic zkazit :) 

Today, I want to show you my finished mug rug. I do not embroider very often but this stitch is simple enough even for me.

Muj novy oboustrany nakrcnik. Mam tuto techniku moc rada, protoze nitky netahneme po zadni strane. Tam vzor prouzkuje a proto muzeme nosit i naruby. Mnoho krasnych nakrcniku muzete videt  na Pinterest.

This is my new double sided cowl that I work on for several evenings. I love this technique, which is like Fair Isle but you don't have the messy string on the wrong side. Instead the pattern makes stripes and that way you can also wear it inside out. You can find more cowls to look at on Pinterest.

Dalsi prirustek do sbirky, tentokrat znacky White, kterym me Neil nedavno prekvapil a udelal velikou radost! Je plne funcni z celou vybavou rozdilnych patek a nastavcu.

Another addition to my collection, this time " White " . Very nice, thoughtful  and unexpected surprise from Neil. It's fully functioning with lots of different attachments.  

 A jeste jeden kousek. ktery pribyl vcera v jidelne, nalezeny v inzerci v kolonce ZDARMA!
Barvou sice uplne neladi spodnimu kusu ktery jsem pred vice nez deseti lety koupila na aukci starozitneho nabytku ale prozatim to musi vydrzet, nez sezenu vyhovujici spodni cast.

And one more piece, free buffet that we scored yesterday from Craigslist. It doesn't  exactly match the bottom piece that I purchased more then 10 years ago at some antique action but it will do for now.

Zitra je 11.11.11, u nas svatek Valecnych Veteranu. Hezky si ten "jednickovy" den uzijte.........

Tomorrow is 11.11.11.  and Remembrance Day as well so enjoy the special day....

neděle 30. října 2011

Moss Terrarium - Mechové terrarium

Jeste nez zacnu z dnesnim prispevkem, chtela bych jen pripomenout, ze zitra 31.10. se uzavira nase akce "vymena chnapek". Zitra rozeslu jmena  kam vase vyrobky poputuji a pak se jen budu tesit na ukazky vasi prace. Zatim  vsem moc dekuji za ucast a priste uslysite vice.

Dnes bych vam chtela ukazat mechove terarium. Jako mnoho dalsich napadu a inspirace, bylo terarium na mem seznamu veci, do kterych se "jednou" pustim. Pred par dny jsem nasla tento podrobny postup a tak prikladam jen par mych fotografii. Ciste kaminky na dno na ne vrstva uhliku( ja je vybrala z polela ale prodavaji se treba v akvarijnich potrebach do filtru) a vrstva vlhke hliny. Na ni uz jen date mech, zastriknete vodou, utrete steny sklenice a umistite ozdobu podle vaseho vkusu. Ja mela maleho kolouska, ktery se velikosti do me zavarovacky krasne hodil. Nezapomente zavickovat, tim si mech udrzuje vlhkost a pekne se zelena a roste. Podle potreby roste (zavlazujte) a radujte se z maleho lesniho kralovstvi!

 Today, I would like to show you Moss Terrarium. It was on my  list " to do things "  for a long time, like many other projects and ideas. Couple of days ago I stumbled over this wonderful tutorial  . You can see the instructions there so I am just giving you few of my photos. It was fast and easy project. Because we live in the country I had everything on hand, I just had to step out in the yard and gather some rocks, moss and charcoal from the fire pit and within 15 minutes I was done. I do like it a lot, it's my little green forest oasis inside the house :)

 Fotografie MoniO, kliknete pro zvetseni.
 Images by MoniO , click to enlarge.

pondělí 24. října 2011


Prvni skritek dokoncen dnes rano. Vcera jsem ho "mordovala" do tri do rana a dneska jsem dopletla salu, dovysila ocka, pusu a tady je, v plne krase muj prvni...........
Velke podekovani Alence, od te doby co jsem ji minuly rok prvne poprosila o radu pri siti vyrobku  Tildy,  me ochotne radi a pomaha, bleskove odpovida na me emaily a je naprosto uzasna, diky Alenko.

 Is it an elf, is it a gnome, what would you call him? Anyway I finished my first one this morning and he is a happy fellow, look at his big smile........
Big thank you to my friend Alenka, she is giving me tips on how to make these Tilda creatures from the very beginning. Thank you!

Detailni postup vyroby tohoto krasneho polstare najdete tady. Chystam se na jeho usiti, snad bude tak hezky, jako tenhle.

Tutorial for this lovely pillow is here. I will make one myself, and I  hope it's going to be as pretty as this one.

Doufam, ze jste si uzili vikendu a preji vam krasny tyden.

Have a wonderful week.

pátek 21. října 2011

Christmas preparations - Vanocni pripravy

Výmena chnapek zdarile pokracuje a kdokoli by mel jeste zajem, muze se pripojit.  Rozhodla jsem se vam ukazat barevnou kombinaci v ktere jsem mou chnapku uhackovala ja. Ke komu poputuje jeste nevim, vylosuji jmena na konci mesice pro vsechny ucastnice teto vymeny.........

Our  Potholder Swap is in full swing but if you are interested you can still join in. I decided to share the color scheme in which I made my potholder. Just a little sneak peek for you guys! I will draw the names to whom you will ship your creation at the end of this month........

 Vcera jsem zacala z vanocnim tvorenim, mam predplacene misto na dvou vanocnich trzich a nic na prodej, tak si musim pospisit :)

I have started making Christmas stuff for craft fairs, I already prepaid a spot at two of them and I have nothing to sell. I better hurry up :)

Takhle vznika prvni sobik, je to muj prototip a proto ta barevna kombinace. Nechtelo se mi hned napoprve strihat do novych lnenych latek  ( fotky priste )  a tak jsem vyuzila co bylo po ruce.

This is my first try to make this moose that's why the weird color combination. I didn't want to cut into my new linen fabrics that I bought for future projects so I used what I had on hand.

Jeste nema prisite nozky a "nekouka",  houpaci podstavec bude dalsi  nova zkusenost. Neil me koupil motorovou pilku ( tolik novych moznosti) na vyrezavani veci ze dreva. Ted si ji alespon vyzkousim.

No legs or eyes yet and also the rocking base is missing. Another new project, Neil bought me a scroll saw ( oh, the possibilities ) and it's time for me to try it out.

Take vam musim ukazat jak mi rozkveta Azalka. Dostala jsem ji minuly rok od pritelkine ale po odkvetu jsem myslela, ze je sni konec. Cele leto  byla venku, kde jsem ji poctive prihnojovala a ted, kdyz je zase doma se rozhodla kvest.

I have to show you this Azalea that I've got last year form a friend. I thought It was going to die after it bloomed. I put it outside for the summer and fertilized it religiously when I saw the new growth. It is back in the house now and starting to bloom. 

 Jak jiste uz vite, rada vam vzdy prinasim nejakou novou inspiraci. A protoze vanoce se pomalu ale jiste blizi,  tady je stranka z ruznymy napady.

As you know I like to leave you with some inspiration and because Christmas is slowly approaching  here is a page with holiday crafts ideas.

pondělí 17. října 2011


Minuly tyden jsme stravili na Hornby, poklizeli jsme  a " zazimovali "  dum a zahradu. Neil si tam mimo sezonu casto " zaskoci", ja tam prez zimu jezdim minimalne.  Byla to take dobra lekce pro Dominika. Skolni autobus nam tady v Merville stavi primo u domu a cesta do skoly trva neco prez pul hodiny. Takze rano jede v 8:00 a v 16:00 je doma. Ovsem z ostrova Horny je to jine kafe. Autobus ho vyzvedaval v 7:00  a domu se dostal v 17:30.  (skola je  od 9 do 15:00)  Tak si moc dobre uvedomil, jak to mistni deti maji tezke. V zimnich mesicich je rano i vecer, kdyz se vrati domu  tma.
   Pocasi nam pralo, moc jsem bohuzel nefotila a tak alespon par snimku z nasi ulice. Aralia v barvach podzimu. Jmeno mi prozradila Jaromilka, dekuji!

We spent the last week on Hornby, cleaning and winterizing the yard and house. Neil  often goes there in the winter, I on the other hand  usually stay home. It was a good lesson for Dominik. In Merville, the school bus stops right at the end of our property and the ride takes little over half an hour. He leaves at 8am and is at home by 4 pm. ( school goes from 9 to 3 )  On Hornby he had to be at the bus stop at 7 am and wasn't back till 5:30 pm.. He also had to walk one street over. He did realize how good he has it, compere to the Hornby kids. In the winter months they leave and come back home in the dark, day after day :(
  We had beautiful weather  but I did not take many pictures. Here are few photos from our neighbors property, I don't know the exact  name of these trees,  but they are so gorgeous this time of the year. 

Take jsem nazbirala lisky a bedly a vcera jsme si na nich pochutnali v polevce.

I also picked some mushrooms,  we already enjoyed them in the soup I made yesterday.

A aby houbicek nebylo malo, dnes jsem v sekaci koupila tyto umelohmotne dozy.

I " picked " more mushrooms today at the thrift store. Funky, retro jars.

Vcera jsme se vratili domu a Dominik i ja jsme  pekne nastydli, cpeme se vitaminama, echinaceou a popijime caj. A co jste delali o vikendu vy?

We came home yesterday and both Dom and I are down with cold. We are taking  vitamins, echinacea  and drink lots of hot tea.  What did you do this weekend ? 


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