Vcera,kdyz po dlouhe dobe zase vykouklo slunicko,jsem honem utikala na zahradku otrhat fazole,nejen k okamzite spotrebe ale take na zavarovani.Je jich letos pozehnane a stale jeste kvetou. Pri te prilezitosti jsem take "obrala" kericky maty.Cokoladova a pomerancova jsou me letosni novinky.Cokoladova mata a levandulove kvitky mam vyzkousene,je to vyborna kombinace na caj. Take petrzelka dostala novy sestrih. Rozmixuji s troskou vody,dam do misticek na led,doleji vodou a nacham zmrazit.Potom jen vyklopim a v plastikovem mrazicim pytliku skladuji v mrazaku celou zimu. Na radu prisla take dobromysl obecná neboli oregano.Tu susim ale take z ni pripravuji olej,ktery je velmi lecivy.V kapkach pouzivam hlavne pri nachlazeni.
When the sun came out yesterday, after a along time I went to the garden to harvest beans not just for eating but for pickling too. They are very abundant this year and still flowering. I also cut some mint to dry. This year I tried a few new varieties-chocolate and pineapple. The chocolate one mixed with lavender flower is a nice tea blend. Also the parsley got a new "haircut". I put it in the blender and then use ice cube trays to freeze it. I keep the cubes in Ziploc bags in the freezer,that way I have it handy all winter. Last but not least I cut a bunch of oregano to dry and make a batch of oil of oregano. There are many recipes on the web.
čtvrtek 30. září 2010
úterý 28. září 2010
Lisky - Chanterelles
Deset veci ktere mam rada(pokracovani)
2. filmy pro pametniky
3. elektronicke "hracky"
4. melouny a ananas
5. knihy
6. stare veci
7. veci do kuchyne
8. obrazy
9 .sladkosti
10. rada chodim na houby
Ten things I like continues :
2.old movies
3.electronic gadgets
4.melon and pineapple
5. books
6. old things
7. kitchen stuff
8. paintings
9. sweets
10.mushroom picking
Lisky2. filmy pro pametniky
3. elektronicke "hracky"
4. melouny a ananas
5. knihy
6. stare veci
7. veci do kuchyne
8. obrazy
9 .sladkosti
10. rada chodim na houby
Ten things I like continues :
2.old movies
3.electronic gadgets
4.melon and pineapple
5. books
6. old things
7. kitchen stuff
8. paintings
9. sweets
10.mushroom picking
neděle 12. září 2010
narozeniny - birthday
Dekuji Pavline a Bare za pozvani zapojit se do hry ktera nezadrzitelne preskakuje z blogu na blog :)) Rada se zucastnim ale bude me chvilku trvat,nez zverejnim 10 veci ktere mam rada. Po malicke prestavce jsem zase v jednom kole ale slibuji vam ze muj dalsi prispevek tady na blogu bude prave me desatero.
Vcera jsme v rodinnem kruhu oslavili Neila narozeniny. Miluji rodinne seslosti a to je tedy moje 1.
Thank you Pavlina and Bara for the game invitation. I love to participate but it will take me a little while to post my 10 favorite things. Last few weeks I had some time to come back and catch up with my blog and you guys. Now back to the craziness but I promise that my next post will be about my fave 10.
Yesterday we celebrated Neil's B-day with the family.I love family gatherings and that will be my number 1.
Vcera jsme v rodinnem kruhu oslavili Neila narozeniny. Miluji rodinne seslosti a to je tedy moje 1.
Thank you Pavlina and Bara for the game invitation. I love to participate but it will take me a little while to post my 10 favorite things. Last few weeks I had some time to come back and catch up with my blog and you guys. Now back to the craziness but I promise that my next post will be about my fave 10.
Yesterday we celebrated Neil's B-day with the family.I love family gatherings and that will be my number 1.
Synove Michael a Dominik
My sons Michael and Dominik
Dom,Mak,Mike a jeho pritelkine Francine
Dom,Mak,Mike and his girlfriend Francine
úterý 7. září 2010
pondělí 6. září 2010
Jantar - Amber
Vzdycky me pritahoval a fascinoval Jantar. Moc jsem si prala vlastnit nejaky jantarovy sperk. Neil me minuly tyden prekvapil a me prani se naplnilo. Dostala jsem tento nahrdelnik a par dalsich jantarovych kamenu z kterych budou nausnice a dalsi jantarovy privesek.Tmavy kousek je jantar ktery neni jeste opracovan,je na povrchu tmave zeleny ale kdyz se podivate proti svetlu krasne prosvita jeho klasicka zlatava barva,ktera se pod povrchem skryva.
I've always been drawn to and fascinated by Amber. I wished to have a piece of Amber jewelry. Neil surprised me last week and my wish was fulfill. I received this necklace and few other amber pieces that are going to be use for earnings and another necklace. The dark piece is raw amber,dark green on the surface but if you look against the light you can see the classic lovely golden color that is under the surface.


Z latinského názvu iänus - bůh počátku.Jedná se o zkamenělou organickou pryskyřici jehličnatých stromů, je žlutý až hnědý, průsvitný.Dává teplo a naději. Jeho sluneční síla vede po cestě života k větší radosti a jasnějšímu světlu. Zprostředkovává vhled a ukazuje jak se v životě realizovat. Propůjčuje také šťastnou ruku při podnikání.
Obecně zbavuje tělo negativní energie a je tedy vhodný na všechna onemocnění.
Značně posiluje psychiku lidí se sebevražednými sklony a depresemi.
Utišuje bolesti při prořezávání a růstu zubů,
zastavuje krvácení z nosu.,
léčí dýchací cesty, astma, bronchitidy,
poruchy žaludku a střev,
kameny v močovém traktu,
brání před nemocemi ledvin a jater,
vyrovnává činnost hormonálních žláz,
snižuje horečku, infekci,
léčí žlučník,
bolesti uší,
oční problémy,
odstraňuje závratě a slabosti
pomáhá při léčbě ohluchnutí,
zabraňuje padání vlasů.
Usually thought of as a golden yellow colour but can also be found in shades of milky white, red-orange, grey, black and very rarely violet. Amber is found mainly in the baltic Sea, and is 40 to 55 million years old. Amber is superior in quality to any other resins. Nicknames the 'happy stone' because it is said that amber helps with depression, etc.
Asian cultures regard amber as the 'soul of the tiger'. Amber comes from trees and therefore it shares many spiritual qualities similar to that of a tree. For example; trees are beings whose roots bury deep into the earth, and whose tops reach to the sky. This is like a bridge between heaven and earth; the spiritual and the physical. Sap is the lifeblood of the tree, that carries and transmits its energy.
Thus: amber is seen to be the gemstone that can be used to ground spiritual energies into the physical body. This also works the opposite way round; if you are not feeling enough 'earth' energy (grounded) - amber can help you achieve this connection to the physical plane.
Amber Gemstone Meanings - Emotional, Spiritual, etc.
Amber relieves depression - called the 'happy stone'.
Amber promotes good luck and success.
Amber helps give a care free, sunny disposition.
Amber can change negative energy into positive energy.
Amber helps dissolve oppositions.
Amber is a symbol of courage in the far east.
Amber was used as a protection gemstone for travellers in ancient times.
Amber can be placed in your bath to aid relaxation.
Amber is great for chakra balancing and sorting out any energy blockages.
Amber is good for grounding or helping connect to the physical plane - also the opposite is true; helps you connect to the spiritual plane.
Amber emits soothing energy.
Amber relates to the 3rd chakra - navel chakra
Amber Gemstone Meanings - Healing, Medical, Physical, etc.
Amber is good for depression.
Amber was prescribed by many early physicians for: heart problems, headaches and arthritis.
Amber helps the spleen.
Amber can help with the bladder.
Amber can be used for detoxification and protection from radiation.
Amber helps the stomach.
Amber helps with kidney complaints.
Amber can help balance the Electro magnetics in the body.
Amber helps with teething pain in babies.
Amber helps with throat problems.
Amber reduces joint problems.
Amber helps the body heal itself.
čtvrtek 2. září 2010
Quilt pro Makeefa - Quilt for Makeef
Verte, neverte ale i prez vsechen ten blazinec okolo domu se mi dnes podarilo vytahnout sici stroj and dodelat tenhle quilt. Dcera Tereza ho nastrihala a rucne vysila oci a zobacky. Od te doby byl u mne doma a nekolik mesicu cekal na dokonceni. Dost se u nas ochladilo a tak by ho rada mela hotovy aby ho mohla dat Makeefovi do postylky.Takze jsem ho dnes dokoncila - tedy skoro! Jeste z nej musim udelat povlak (rozstriham velkou perinu na velikost jakou potrebuji) a POTOM to bude hotove :)) Myslim, ze se ji moc povedl a jsem rada, ze ma kreativitu v krvi :)))
Believe it or not but today with all the craziness happening around the house I managed to pull out my sewing machine and finish this quilt. My daughter Tereza cut all the pieces and hand stitched the eyes and beaks. And then it sat in my house for months waiting to be machine stitch.Well the weather is getting colder and she would like to use it for Maks crib. So today I finished it - almost! I still have to turn it into duvet cover ( I am going to cut down duvet to the size) and THEN it will be done :)) I think that it looks adorable.I am very happy that she has the creative "bug" in her blood :)))
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