čtvrtek 19. února 2015

 I like to snap pictures with my phone. It's convenient and the phone fits in my pocket. Also it's really easy to post pictures on the Instagram or Facebook right away.  But I missed  my camera so out it came again instead of my phone. Being able to take better quality photos and  "play" with the settings and lenses makes it up for the inconvenient size.

Rada fotim z telefonem protoze je maly a vejde se mi do kapsy. Je take sikovne mit moznost fotky rovnou poslat na Instagram nebo na Facebook. Ale zastesklo se mi po fotaku a tak jsem ho zase "oprasila" a zacala si hrat.

If you didn't see my kitchen before, you could probably guess which color is  the most dominant just from looking at these shelves ;)

Jestli jste nikdy nevideli mou kuchyn lehce uhodnete, ktera barva tam prevlada jen z pohledu na me policky ;)

Also I finally manage to take  pictures of these  infinity scarfs. You can find them in my fb shop.

Konecne jsem nafotila i davno dodelane saly. K dostani na me facebook strance.

And of course I had my "helper"  Charlie watching me. He follows me everywhere like a dog and he is super sweet!

No a samosebou jsem na to mela pomocnika Charliho, ktery za mnou vsude chodi jako pejsek a je hrozne mily a pritulny!

photos © Monika Opatril


úterý 17. února 2015

oh deer....

We still have such a gorgeous weather and we take full advantage of it every day. We take Tess for  walk on our beach almost every evening. The days are already noticeably longer and sunsets are beautiful! I am working on lots of things as usual,  tomorrow I plan to start refinishing more pieces of furniture.  I bought  some new watercolor supplies today and had fun drawing this buck deer. I like to upload my pictures to the computer and use different filters and backgrounds to digitally enhance the image.

Stale mame nadherne pocasi a plne toho vyuzivame. Skoro kazdy den chodime s Tess na dlouhe vecerni prochazky po plazi. Dny se prodluzuji a zapady slunce jsou nadherne. Ja, jako obycejne, pracuji na vsemoznych projektech, zitra mam v planu renovovat dalsi kusy nabytku. Dnes jsem si koupila par novych "pomucek" na malovani akvarelkami a zabavila se kreslenim tohoto srnce. Jak uz jsem psala minule, rada si upravuji me obrazky digitalne v pocitaci (pozadi a ruzne filtry) a tenhle neni vyjimka.

 Lots of flowers are already in bloom.
Kytky se zacinaji probouzet.

images © monika opatril

Lately I am being lazy and do not carry my camera thus the grainy (not enough light) pictures from the beach taken just with my iPhone.

Posledni dobou jsem lina tahat fotak. Proto tedy ty zrnite fotky (malo svetla v podvecer) z plaze, focene jen  iPhone.  

sobota 14. února 2015

Happy Valentine's Day ♥

Happy Valentine Everyone, a special day to celebrate what we do every day, love one another. What a wonderful day to tell the world and remind each other how lucky we are to have each other ♥

Preji vam hezkeho Valentyna ♥

© monika opatril


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