Do tehle uzasnych, vanocnich ozdob, ktere jsem pred par dny koupila v "sekaci", jsem se okamzite zamilovala :)) Dnes bylo nadherne a tak jsem je mohla "vyvencit" a vyfotit :))
I am in love with these darling Christmas ornaments. I scored them in the second hand store just a few days ago. The weather was perfect today so I took them out for a photo shoot :))
Do "domecku" se sice nevejdou, ale nekupte ho :) Na fotce to neni vydet ale strecha a strany jsou z dravenych dosek.
They don't fit into this display cabinet, but i had to buy it to :) You can't see it in this photo, but the roof and the sides are covered with wooden shingles.
A jeste posledni nalez.....
And last but not least....
Po vecerech pletu bezprstove rukavice. Tady jsou dva pary ze vcerejsiho vecera. Sedive jsou presne podle popisu, hnede trosku upravene. A tyhle jsem pletla ve ctvrtek.
I am knitting hand warmers. This is such a quick project, I made these two pairs last night and another one the day before. It is addicting.
Krasny vikend, M.
I hope you have a wonderful weekend, M.
sobota 16. listopadu 2013
úterý 12. listopadu 2013
retro circles blanket
Dokoncena hackovana deka podle predlohy a navodu ktery jsem nasla na blogu
" Three Beans in a Pod " Musim ric, ze to byla zabava od zacatku az do konce. Zadne takove " uz aby to bylo hotove, hackuji x-ty ctverec a nudim se " :) Takze dnes uz naposled v plne krase deka "Retro Kruhy"
For the last time.....finished "retro circles blanket" from Tree Beans in a Pod blog. It was fun from the beginning to the end, I newer felt bored making this blanket even though there are many, many many squares and they are all the same :)
Zvolila jsem trosku jiny okraj nez je u deky podle ktere jsem hackovala.
I made a different border then there is on the original blankie.
Libi se mi tenhle maly "vzorek" ktery vznikne pri sesiti ctvercu.
I love this little detail which emerged when I joined the squares.
Z houbami se na zahrade roztrh pytel, toto je jen mala ochutnavka, je jich tam stovky a vselijake druhy. Par jich rozeznam jako jedle ale stejne je nezbiram, oni se o ne zvirata (jak je videt na fotkach) postaraji :))
We have tons of mushrooms in the yard, this is just a fraction. Some I recognize as edible, but I am not picking them . The animals (as you can see) like to munch on them :))
Chtela bych si vyrezat nejake drevene ozdoby a tak jsem pozadala Neila aby me naucil zachazet z lupinkovou pilkou. Takze cvicne, od oka, ze stareho kousku dreva, vznikl tento stromek. Asi 15 cm vysoky, ktery ceka na novy nater.
I would like to make some wood cutout decorations, so I asked Neil to help me with the scroll saw. We made this little tree, from an old piece of wood. Free hand, about 15 cm tall, that I still have to paint to make it more pretty.
Mejte se krasne, Monika.
Take care, Monika.

" Three Beans in a Pod " Musim ric, ze to byla zabava od zacatku az do konce. Zadne takove " uz aby to bylo hotove, hackuji x-ty ctverec a nudim se " :) Takze dnes uz naposled v plne krase deka "Retro Kruhy"
For the last time.....finished "retro circles blanket" from Tree Beans in a Pod blog. It was fun from the beginning to the end, I newer felt bored making this blanket even though there are many, many many squares and they are all the same :)
Zvolila jsem trosku jiny okraj nez je u deky podle ktere jsem hackovala.
I made a different border then there is on the original blankie.
Libi se mi tenhle maly "vzorek" ktery vznikne pri sesiti ctvercu.
I love this little detail which emerged when I joined the squares.
Z houbami se na zahrade roztrh pytel, toto je jen mala ochutnavka, je jich tam stovky a vselijake druhy. Par jich rozeznam jako jedle ale stejne je nezbiram, oni se o ne zvirata (jak je videt na fotkach) postaraji :))
We have tons of mushrooms in the yard, this is just a fraction. Some I recognize as edible, but I am not picking them . The animals (as you can see) like to munch on them :))
Chtela bych si vyrezat nejake drevene ozdoby a tak jsem pozadala Neila aby me naucil zachazet z lupinkovou pilkou. Takze cvicne, od oka, ze stareho kousku dreva, vznikl tento stromek. Asi 15 cm vysoky, ktery ceka na novy nater.
I would like to make some wood cutout decorations, so I asked Neil to help me with the scroll saw. We made this little tree, from an old piece of wood. Free hand, about 15 cm tall, that I still have to paint to make it more pretty.
Mejte se krasne, Monika.
Take care, Monika.

středa 6. listopadu 2013
Homemade Nutella
"Prekulil" se dalsi mesic a protoze do vanoc zbyva 47 dni (jak mi poctive odpocitava jedna z mnoha mobilnich apps :) pustila jsem se do vyroby prvni vanocni ozdoby. Tyhle sisky okukuji na webu uz delsi dobu, dnes jsem tedy konecne zasedla a protoze se mi nechtelo prekladat dansky popis "strihla" jsem tuhle sisku jak se rika od oka po zhlednuti tohoto videa. Prekladac google v tomto pripade absolutne zklamal at uz v anglickem ci ceskem prekladu. I kdyz by se clovek jiste "dobral" patricnych vyrazu, míček = klubko atd., me se do toho nechtelo. Ale alespon jsem se po ranu dobre zasmala. Takhle popis zacina :))
Musíte použít1 míček. Bavlna Bavlna 8 8/8 velká hnědáHáček 3 ( nebo 5 v případě, že příze Háčkovací manželskou postelí nebo bavlna 8/8)Fiber Fill ← neni nad to strihnou do toho jeste par anglickych sluvek, hi,hi.....
I downloaded this countdown app for my phone today :) It is November already and there are 48 days left till Christmas so I decided it is time to star making some new Christmas decorations. I had my eyes on these pine cones for a while now and I finally made one. The pattern I found is in Danish and in this case Google translate totally fail (lots of gibberish that didn't make any sense) so I just improvised after watching this video.
Trošku šišatá ale vzdyt je to prece šiška :))
Slightly lopsided :))
Vcera jsem zhackovala ctverce deky a ted musim dokoncit jeji okraj. Zbyva mi po jednom klubku sede a tmavsi modre vlny a tak budu muset vymyslet nejaky vzor a kombinaci barev.
I joined the squares yesterday and now I just have to do the border to finish this blanket. I only have 1 skein of grey and the darker blue, so I have to think about the design.
Uz jste si nekdy zkousely udelat Nutellu? Ja posledni dobou pouzivam jen tuto domaci, protoze presne vim, jake se v ni "ukryvaji" ingredience. Snazime se vyhybat bilemu cukru a necitelnym chemickym latkam a i chutove se ji kupovana vubec nevyrovna. A jak na to? Recept je velice jednoduchy:
Do trouby vyhrate na 190 C dame na 10-12 minut oprazit 2 hrnky (500ml) liskovych orisku.
Did you ever try to make homemade Nutella? One reason why I started making it at home is because we try not to eat white sugar and also to eliminate preservatives in the store both food. This recipe is very easy:
Preheat oven to 375 degrees F. Spread the hazelnuts out on a single layer on a rimmed baking sheet and roast until dark brown and fragrant, 12 to 15 minutes, rotating the baking sheet halfway through baking. Keep a close eye on them, as they can go from perfect roasted to burnt in a short amount of time.
Po vychladnuti by se slupka mela lehce sloupnout. Me tam vzdy jeste najaka zustane ale to vubec nevadi. Orisky dam do mixeru, pridam asi pul hrnku medu, dve lzice bio kokosoveho cukru, trosku vanilky, spetku himalajske soli a tri lzice kokosoveho oleje. A to je vse, rozmixujete do kremovite konzistence a muzete konzumovat. Ja ji mam ulozenou jen tak ve skrince, nema se cas zkazit (žluknout) protoze se po ni vetsinou jen zaprasi.
Once the hazelnuts are cool enough to handle rub the skins off. Process the hazelnuts in a food processor with 1/2 cup honey, 2tbsp. organic coconut sugar, splash of vanilla, dash of Himalayan salt and 3 tbsp. of coconut oil. That's it, you can store it at room temperature for up to 1 month, but it never last that long at our house :)
Vyzkousejte, nebudete litovat!
Try it, you will not regret!

Musíte použít1 míček. Bavlna Bavlna 8 8/8 velká hnědáHáček 3 ( nebo 5 v případě, že příze Háčkovací manželskou postelí nebo bavlna 8/8)Fiber Fill ← neni nad to strihnou do toho jeste par anglickych sluvek, hi,hi.....
I downloaded this countdown app for my phone today :) It is November already and there are 48 days left till Christmas so I decided it is time to star making some new Christmas decorations. I had my eyes on these pine cones for a while now and I finally made one. The pattern I found is in Danish and in this case Google translate totally fail (lots of gibberish that didn't make any sense) so I just improvised after watching this video.
Trošku šišatá ale vzdyt je to prece šiška :))
Slightly lopsided :))
Vcera jsem zhackovala ctverce deky a ted musim dokoncit jeji okraj. Zbyva mi po jednom klubku sede a tmavsi modre vlny a tak budu muset vymyslet nejaky vzor a kombinaci barev.
I joined the squares yesterday and now I just have to do the border to finish this blanket. I only have 1 skein of grey and the darker blue, so I have to think about the design.
Uz jste si nekdy zkousely udelat Nutellu? Ja posledni dobou pouzivam jen tuto domaci, protoze presne vim, jake se v ni "ukryvaji" ingredience. Snazime se vyhybat bilemu cukru a necitelnym chemickym latkam a i chutove se ji kupovana vubec nevyrovna. A jak na to? Recept je velice jednoduchy:
Do trouby vyhrate na 190 C dame na 10-12 minut oprazit 2 hrnky (500ml) liskovych orisku.
Did you ever try to make homemade Nutella? One reason why I started making it at home is because we try not to eat white sugar and also to eliminate preservatives in the store both food. This recipe is very easy:
Preheat oven to 375 degrees F. Spread the hazelnuts out on a single layer on a rimmed baking sheet and roast until dark brown and fragrant, 12 to 15 minutes, rotating the baking sheet halfway through baking. Keep a close eye on them, as they can go from perfect roasted to burnt in a short amount of time.
Po vychladnuti by se slupka mela lehce sloupnout. Me tam vzdy jeste najaka zustane ale to vubec nevadi. Orisky dam do mixeru, pridam asi pul hrnku medu, dve lzice bio kokosoveho cukru, trosku vanilky, spetku himalajske soli a tri lzice kokosoveho oleje. A to je vse, rozmixujete do kremovite konzistence a muzete konzumovat. Ja ji mam ulozenou jen tak ve skrince, nema se cas zkazit (žluknout) protoze se po ni vetsinou jen zaprasi.
Once the hazelnuts are cool enough to handle rub the skins off. Process the hazelnuts in a food processor with 1/2 cup honey, 2tbsp. organic coconut sugar, splash of vanilla, dash of Himalayan salt and 3 tbsp. of coconut oil. That's it, you can store it at room temperature for up to 1 month, but it never last that long at our house :)
Vyzkousejte, nebudete litovat!
Try it, you will not regret!

pátek 1. listopadu 2013
Takhle pokracuje detska deka......toto jsem fotila vcera a dnes jsem pridala jeste jednu radu a obhackovala vsechna kolecka. Barvy jsem definitivne vybrala az z postupem prace, takze mala zmena od puvodniho planu. Pribyla jeste blede modra.
Baby blanket in progress......since I took this picture yesterday, I added one more row and finished all my squares. I changed the color scheme slightly when I started working on it and I like how it's turning out so far. I still have hours of work ahead of me joining the squares and crocheting the border.
Priprava dynove polevky. Delam ji pokazde trosku jinak, jak mam prave naladu a hlavne co mam po ruce :) Tentokrat porek, mrken,dyne, paprika, cesnek a bylinky pripravene do trouby.
Pumpkin, leeks, carrots, pepper, garlic and herbs ready to be roasted for pumpkin soup.
Po upeceni vse putovalo do hrnce z kurecim vyvarem a kouskem zazvoru. Po rozmixovani jsem vse zalila kokosovym mlekem....byla to mnamka!
Roasted veggies ready to be put into chicken stock with piece of ginger. After a bit of cooking I purred the soup and added coconut was gooood!
Dalsi houbarske vypravy.....tedy oni nam vlastne rostou primo v sousedstvi :)
More mushroom picking in the neighborhood.
Boruvci a hroznove vino se krasne barvi.
Blueberry and grape vines turning into gorgeous colors.
Az se zima zepta....
Getting ready for winter....
Mlhave rano.
Fogy morning.
Preji vam vsem krasny vikend a posilam alespon virtualni kyticku.
Hope you have a wonderful weekend, here is a virtual bouquet from me to you.
Baby blanket in progress......since I took this picture yesterday, I added one more row and finished all my squares. I changed the color scheme slightly when I started working on it and I like how it's turning out so far. I still have hours of work ahead of me joining the squares and crocheting the border.
Priprava dynove polevky. Delam ji pokazde trosku jinak, jak mam prave naladu a hlavne co mam po ruce :) Tentokrat porek, mrken,dyne, paprika, cesnek a bylinky pripravene do trouby.
Pumpkin, leeks, carrots, pepper, garlic and herbs ready to be roasted for pumpkin soup.
Po upeceni vse putovalo do hrnce z kurecim vyvarem a kouskem zazvoru. Po rozmixovani jsem vse zalila kokosovym mlekem....byla to mnamka!
Roasted veggies ready to be put into chicken stock with piece of ginger. After a bit of cooking I purred the soup and added coconut was gooood!
Dalsi houbarske vypravy.....tedy oni nam vlastne rostou primo v sousedstvi :)
More mushroom picking in the neighborhood.
Boruvci a hroznove vino se krasne barvi.
Blueberry and grape vines turning into gorgeous colors.
Az se zima zepta....
Getting ready for winter....
Mlhave rano.
Fogy morning.
Preji vam vsem krasny vikend a posilam alespon virtualni kyticku.
Hope you have a wonderful weekend, here is a virtual bouquet from me to you.
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