pondělí 21. května 2012


Po tydnech hackovani hledam jine rozptyleni a rozhodla jsem se ze si  usiji quilt. Hledala jsem inspiraci na webu a na tomto blogu mi padla mi do oka tahle deka......

 After weeks of crocheting, I am looking for some diversion. I think I like to make a quilt, so I started looking for some inspiration on the web. I really like this pattern, that I  first saw here.......

odtamtud jse, se dostala sem .......
 that took me here and from there.....

 a nokonec nasla podobny strih tady. Vim, ze hodne z vas se ted pustilo do vyroby patchworkovych dek a tak se mozna tento vzor bude hodit i vam. Nez jsem nasla vhodny strih, zkusila jsem si ho predkreslit.
Dalsi stranka se strihy.

I found this pattern, that I think will work. Since a lot of you are into quilting, I hope you can use it.
Before I found the suitable pattern I drawn my own.
Another quilt blocks galore here.

 Zelenina na polevku z nasi zahrady.  Porek, kadeřávek a rapikaty celer jeste stale rostou od minuleho leta, petrzelka, libecek a dalsi bylinky uz z letosni urody....nesmela chybet ani rebarbora na kolac. Jsem moc rada, ze mam moznost vybehnout ven a natrhat si co potrebuji, je to hodne prace ale vysledek se vyplati.

Greens and veggies  for soup from our garden . Leek, kale and celery still growing since last summer. Parsley, lovage and other herbs from this years crop.....also rhubarb for a pie. I really appreciate, that I can gather what I need fresh,  from the garden. It's lots of work but it's worth it.

Pomocnice Maja :)
My helper Maja  :)

 Na hore Washington je stale jeste snih ale u nas v udoli je jaro v plnem proudu.
 There is still snow on Mt. Washington, but the spring is in full swing in the valley.

čtvrtek 17. května 2012

a little bit of everything ........

Pracuji na zahrade a okolo domu.  Pocasi je stale nadherne a tak toho vyuzivam a snazim se toho zvladnou co nejvic. Presazuji, sazim, uklizim, no vzdyt to znate jiste sami :)) O vikendu jsme z rodinou a prateli oslavili Den Matek, jak jinak nez posezenim na zahrade.

I've been busy, busy, busy in the garden and around the yard. The weather is still superb and I am taking advantage of it,  trying to do as much work in the garden as possible.  Mothers Day went by in a flash, we celebrated with kids and friends.

Makeef je blazen do traktoru, Neil ho uci, jak snim pracovat a on to zvlada neuveritelne rychle !

Makeef is obsess with the tractor, Neil is teaching him how to operate it  and  he learning sooo fast, it's amazing!

na zahrade
in the yard

 poklad ze sekace
 second hand treasure

podlozka -( popis v cestine dodam)
coaster - pattern link available on this blog

Srnky se vesele prohaneji po zahrade a co neni oploceno sezerou :((
 Deer, having a good time in our yard, they eat everything that is not fenced :((

 Z Makeefem vyrazime do mesta na male prochazky, ktere si uzivam......

I enjoy outings with Makeef around the town.....

  a on si zase uziva obcerstveni a mlsky .....

and he enjoys the treats......

čtvrtek 10. května 2012

strawberry-rhubarb crumble

 Dnes jsem delala ovoce zapecene se zmolenkou. Nepamatuji si, ze by se takovehle  " kolace " pekly v cesku, mozna se pletu ale u nas doma se rozhodne nedelaly. Nasla jsem si recept na internetu a trochu si ho upravila. Zmolenku delam od oka a davam bilou a celozrnnou mouku. 
Zmolenka podle receptu
1 1/3 hrnku mouky
1 lzicka prasku do peciva
3 lzice cukru
3 lzice nerafinovaneho cukru ( ja vynechala )
nastrouhana citronova kura
14 dkg masla

jahody a rebarbora ( ja dala i mango a mrazeny cerveny rybiz )
3 lzice skrobove moucky
1/2 hrnku cukru
nastrouhana citronova kura
spetka soli

Ovoce nakrajime na kousky a smichame vsechny ingredience, dame do vymazane a moukou vysypane formy a posypeme zmolenkou. Peceme  na 190 C.   40 - 50 minut, do zlatova. Podavame teple, nejlepe z vanilkovou zmrzlinou. Tento zakusek se dopekl presne po veceri, Dominik jeste stacil na kole dojet pro zmrzlinu a pak jsme si uz mohli pochutnat.  Na zaver vecera jsme se vypravili do kina na film "The avengers" natoceny na motivy komiksu, plny specialnich efektu,  ktere jeste vice vynikly v 3D podani. Asi ne film pro kazdeho ale mi si to uzili  ........

I wanted to make fruit crumble today, so I looked up some recipes and more or less followed this one. I often change the ingredients to my liking  and this one was not different.  I  substituted  half of the white flour with whole wheat and used only 3 tbsp. of sugar. I also just eyeballed the quantity and I think that mine was more crumbly, which means less butter,  and that's ok with me.  I picked rhubarb in the garden and used frozen red currant  from last summer crop, I also put in mango, that I had on hand and of course strawberries.  It was ready just in time for desert after dinner. Dominik hoped on his bike and got  vanilla ice cream at the close by store. By the time he was back, the crumble cooled down slightly and was ready to be served.  I was really, really good.  After that, we went to see the new " The Avengers " 3D movie. The effects are amazing and we all enjoyed the show.........

pondělí 7. května 2012

and that's life my friends.....

a to je zivot pratele....
zahrada,uklid, vareni, prani,deti a jejich 100+1 aktivit, cteni, tvoreni, fitnes,chvilky z rodinou ale i obcasne lenoseni.....to vse ( a mnoho dalsiho ) patri k dennim radostem i starostem  " a to je zivot pratele ",  ktery jsem si vybrala a ktery ziju rada!

and that's life my friends....
yard work, housekeeping, laundry, kids and their 100+1 activities, reading, crafting, exercising, family time and down time....and that ( and much more ) is life my friends..... Life I chose and life I love!

 me nove " koupaliste "  pro ptaky .....

my new birdbath .....

Dominika sobotni fotbalove  utkani :)
Pocasi se konecne umoudrilo, dnes dopoledne ve stinu celych 17 C.

Dominik's Saturday soccer game. 
 Our weather is finally warm, today, before noon, whooping   17 C. in the shade.  

 Knizky, po kterych jsem jiz delsi dobu pokukovala  a ktere jsem si konecne v sobotu koupila.  Najdete tam vse, jak je videt na titulnich obrazcich, co se hodi kazdemu  "hospodari " :) )

I bought these two books Saturday, I had my eyes on them for a while and I am not disappointed.

"Poklad" ...... snad nadoba na kavu ? Netusim ale co vim je,  ze drevena cast ceka na novy nater.

" Treasure" ......maybe a coffee urn? I have no idea, but I know, that the wood is getting painted.

 Podlozka pod sklenici, ci mala decka, prvni ze soupravy, kterou prave hackuji.

Crochet coaster, first one from a set i am crocheting right now.

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Nadherny blog, tedy alespon pro mne, tesim se na kazdy novy prispevek!  Miga de Pan

Beautiful blog   Miga de Pan.   I am eagerly looking forward to every new post!


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