First snow of this season started to fall last evening and didn't stop till this morning. Neil took Tess out before bed time, and few seconds after she return to him a big branch fell on the ground where she was standing and landed on our cars. Mine have two dents on the fender and his little dents all over his hood. We are not happy about that part but we are really grateful that our precious dog is ok.
vetev ( uz odtazena stranou ) ktera pristala mezi auty
this is the branch ( puled off the cars) that was right in the middle
a takhe vypada muj blatnik
and this is my fender
Dnes uz zase krasne svitilo slunicko a byl nadherny den.
Today the sun came out again and we had a gorgeous day.
Uz jste nekdy jedli "cipsy" z Kaderavku? Jestli ne o hodne jste prisli a ja vam je vrele doporucuji vyzkouset.
Kaderavek umyjeme, osusime a natrhame na kousky. Nejlepe v mise pokapeme olivovym olejem a osolime hrubou soli. Promichame, narovname na plech a peceme v troube vyhrate na 120 -150 celsia.. Jsou hotove kdyz prvni konecky zacinaji hnednout. Listy musi zustat zelene, hnede jsou spalene a maji horkou chut, takze radeji pecte pomaleji a casto kontrolujte. Napiste mi jak vam chutnali, u nas je v mziku cely plech pric, coz ale vubec nevadi, protoze na rozdil od klasickych chipsu, tyhle kaderavkove, jsou zdrave.
Did you ever have Kale chips? If not, you have to try! It is really simple to make them.
- Preheat an oven to 250- 300 degrees F . Line a non insulated cookie sheet with parchment paper ( silicon pad ) .
- With a knife or kitchen shears carefully remove the leaves from the thick stems and tear into bite size pieces. Wash and thoroughly dry kale with a salad spinner. Drizzle kale with olive oil and sprinkle with rock salt.
- Bake until the edges brown but are not burnt, 10 to 20 minutes.
I don't even take them off the baking sheet, my family flocks around me when I take them out of the oven and they are gone in no time.
pro dnesni inspiraci kliknete zde
Today's inspiration
Preji vam krasny vikend a dekuji za mile komentare.
Have a wonderful weekend and thank you for your kind comments.