Valentyn se kvapem blizi a tak se treba nechate inspirovat temito obrazky a udelate si venecek. Predstavivosti se meze nekladou, staci se doma poohlednout a venecek z papirovych pytliku, z prouzku latky, z filtru do prekapavace na kavu nebo treba papirovych kosicku na muffiny je na svete.
1.Mary Janes and Galoshes, 2.Katie's Nesting Spot, 3.Come Play, 4.Tatertots and Jello.Valentines is approaching fast, maybe you get inspired by these images and make yourself a wreath. You can let your imagination soar, look around your home and wreath from lunch bags, fabric strips, coffee filters or muffin cups is created.
Pletena Sovi cepice pro Makeefa na zadost maminky :)
Knitted Owl hat for Makeef at the request of his mom :)