pondělí 31. ledna 2011

Sovi cepice - Owl hat

Valentyn se kvapem blizi a tak se treba nechate inspirovat temito obrazky a udelate si venecek. Predstavivosti se meze nekladou, staci se doma poohlednout a venecek z papirovych pytliku, z prouzku latky, z filtru do prekapavace na kavu nebo treba papirovych kosicku na muffiny je na svete.

Valentines is approaching fast, maybe you get inspired by these images and make yourself a wreath. You can let your imagination soar, look around your home and wreath from lunch bags, fabric strips, coffee filters or muffin cups is created.

1.Mary Janes and Galoshes, 2.Katie's Nesting Spot, 3.Come Play, 4.Tatertots and Jello.

Pletena Sovi cepice pro Makeefa na zadost maminky :)

Knitted Owl hat for Makeef at the request of his mom :)

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sobota 22. ledna 2011

barveni latky - fabric dyeing

Tak tady je vysledek prirodniho barveni latky. Zacala jsem slupkami z cibule, pridala kavu potom pytlicky caje a stale se mi barva nezdala.Tak jsem do lazne pridala lzicku kurkumi, povarila asi z hrnkem octa a takhle to dopadlo . Takze to je odpoved na Mokopcinu otazku! Urcite se vrhnu do dalsiho barveni, priste vyzkousim lazen z cervene repy :)

This is the result of dyeing fabric with natural dyes. I started with onion skin, added coffee, then tea bags and still didn't like the color so I added 1 tsp. of cumin and cooked it with one cup of vinegar.I will do it again for sure, next time I'll try red beets:)

Latku jsem pouzila na saticky zajice,me prvni dilko z casopisu Tilda. I kdyz me Alenka varovala, ze "mrnata" se siji hure nez vetsi kousky i presto jsem zacala strihem mensiho zajicka a musim ji dat za pravdu!

I used the fabric to make clothes for this little rabbit, my first figure from Tilda magazine. Alenka warned me that the little figures are harder to make then the bigger ones but I chose to make the small one regardless just to find out she was right!

Tento posledni snimek je foceny v umelem svetle a barvy nejsou verne, takze se omlouvam. Prvni fotka se vzorkem latky je barevne asi nejpresnejsi.

This last picture was taken in the artificial light and the colors are not true, sorry about that. The first photo with the fabric sample is probably  the closes to the real color.

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čtvrtek 20. ledna 2011

Z kuchyne - From the kitchen

V nedeli jsem u Vlasticky objevila recept na tuhle tresnovou babovku a dnes jsem se pustila do peceni.

Sunday at Vlastas blog I found this recipe for cherry bundt cake and today I made it.

        Moooc dobra, Vlasti diky!!

       It's goood, thank you Vlasta!!

Jeste neco jineho se mi vari v kuchyni a brzy vam ukazu co to je........
Something else cooking in my kitchen and I will reveal what it is soon...........

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sobota 15. ledna 2011


Konecne jsem si po mesici pomuchlovala vnoucka. Ve ctvrtek se vratili z dovolene v Mexiku a i kdyz jsme skoro denne Skypovali, drzet ho v naruci bylo uplne neco jineho. Pritisknul se ke mne a uz jsem ho nepustila :)

Finally after a month I could cuddle my grandson again. They have return Thursday from their vacation in Mexico, we Skyped almost every day but holding him in my arms is totally different. He gave me a big hug and I didn't let go of him for a long time:)

A takhle si to tady uzivame my, mexiko to rozhodne neni:) Vcera se oteplilo, teplomer se vysplhal na 10 stupnu, snih pomalu ale jiste taje a prsi a prsi.....

And this certainly is not Mexico :) The temperature climbed to 10 degrees Celsius yesterday,snow is slowly melting and we are back to rain,rain and more rain......
Courtenay, Vancouver Island, B.C.
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středa 12. ledna 2011


Vcera odpoledne zacalo snezit a neprestalo az do rana. Starsi syn prijel  na navstevu a nakonec prespal u nas, protoze vecer uz cesty vypadaly dost bidne. Skoly byly dnes zavrene, tak jsme si alespon prispali a  v pozdnim ranu posnidali  a posedeli uz v prilivu slunicka :)

Yesterday afternoon started snowing and didn't stop till this morning.My older son came to visit and decided to stay for the night, since the roads were really bad in the evening. The schools were closed today which was a good reason to sleep in,  had a late breakfast and soak  in some sun :)

Vcera jsem se zamilovala....do tehle nadherne Singrovky! Koupila jsem ji na inzerat a mam z ni velikou radost protoze je plne funkcni. Bude delat spolecnici "slapaci" kolegyni kterou mam uz pul roku doma a ktera ceka na zrestaurovani.

Yesterday I fell in love again.....with this beautiful Singer! I found it on the Craigslist and I am stoke. It is fully functional and its going to keep company to my treadle sewing machine that I have for about half a year and it's waiting for restoration.

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úterý 11. ledna 2011

pouzdro na kameru - camera case

Dnes vecer jsem dokoncila pouzdro na kameru. Dlouho jsem uz nevysivala, moc me to bavilo a jsem spokojena jak to dopadlo. Myslim, ze se do toho brzy pustim znova, nejspis to bude kryt na cajovou konvici.

Tonight I finished the camera case, I didn't embroider for such a long time and I think I will be doing more projects with felt and floss soon.I really enjoyed it and I am quite happy with the result. My next project will probably be teapot cozy.

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neděle 9. ledna 2011

vado HD

Rozhodla jsem se usit (a vysit) obal na kameru, kterou jsme dostali k vanocum od pratel.

I decided to make a case for our new camera, Christmas gift from  friends.

Creative Vado HD 3rd generation

Nakonec jsem zvolila jen dvojbarevnou kombinaci bavlnek a doufam, ze vam brzy budu moc predvest vic nez tenhle polotovar :) Casove vic narocne nez jsem si myslela, nad timhle kouskem jsem dnes vecer stravila nekolik hodin ale pri pustene televizi to rychle uteklo.

Finally I chose two color combination and I hope to show you more soon. It's taking more time then I anticipated, tonight I spend few hours  working on it and with the TV on it went by really fast.

Preji vam prijemny vikend a dekuji za navstevu..........

Have a wonderful weekend and thank you for visiting.....
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středa 5. ledna 2011

virus a ne pocitacovy - virus and not a computer one

Trosku pomalejsi vstup do noveho roku, diky nepeknemu viru, z kterym uz od minuleho tydne bojuji :( Polevky,caje a hlavne odpocinek,ten jsem asi potrebovala nejvic po tom blaznivem svatecni maratonu.

Slower start to the new year thanks to a nasty virus which I am fighting since last week :( Soups,teas and much needed rest after the holiday marathon.

garlic soup

Jedna bezva stranka pro milovniky hackovani iCrochet, co obrazek to jiny blog, preji hezkou zabavu.........

One very cool blog iCrochet for- of course :) crochet lovers. Tons of links,have fun...........
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