neděle 31. října 2010

Moje male radosti - My little pleasures

Alespon jednou tydne zamirim do nasich "sekacu".Na to,ze jsme v podstate male mestecko jich mame pozehnane.Zalezi na tom co ve meste vyrizuji v kterem znich zrovna skoncim.Vzdycky se tam najde neco noveho a pro mne zajimaveho :) Minuly tyden jsem se nadchla pro tenhle servis.Den na to jsem v dalsim secondhandu nasla jeste jeden talir a kamaradka,ktere jsem servis ukazala mi druhy den telefonovala,ze objevila 4hrnicky z podsalky.Ty jsem samo sebou take dokoupila a tak se sada za $10.50 pomalu rozrusta.

At least once a week I end up in our secondhand stores. There are lots of them here considering we are just a small town.  There is always something new and interesting to me :) Last week it was this china that caught my attention. The next day I found one more plate in another store and my friend who I showed the set called me to tell me there are 4 cups and saucers in yet another thrift store. I bought them too for $10.50 in all, the set is slowly growing :)

A tyto dva talire jsem tam prece nemohla nechat !

I had to have these two plates too!

V patek jsem hlidala maleho Makeefa protoze rodice sli na Halloweenskou zabavu a tak jsem zatimco on spal uhackovala nekolik vetsich vanocnich hvezdic.

Friday we babysat Makeef, when his parents went out to a Halloween dance. While he was sleeping I made these big Christmas stars.

Pro pripadne zajemce prikladam popis.
If you are interested in making them I am including the chart.

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čtvrtek 21. října 2010

Rijnova zahrada - October garden

Vcera jsem vyrazila na zahradku sklidit jablka a zeli a take poklidit zahonky. Slunicko palilo jako by bylo leto a ja se nejak nemohla dostat k tomu abych vytrhala rostliny ktere jeste stale rostou,kvetou a plodi.Staci jedna chladna noc a bude jim konec ale zatim to vsechno jeste nechavam rust.

I went to the garden yesterday to harvest apples, cabbage and also clean the beds.The sun was so strong that it felt like summer again and I couldn't possibly just rip out the growing,flowering and producing plants. One cold night and that will be the end of them but for now I just left everything to grow.

Na ceste a pod ovocnymi stromy je plno hub.

There are many mushrooms on the path and under the fruit trees.
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úterý 19. října 2010

Dortova modelovaci hmota - Fondant

Neni to nadhera? Takove krasne barvicky. Udelat jedlou modelovaci hmotu na zdobeni dortu neni vubec slozite. Receptu je mnoho ale ja vcera "zakopla" o tento,  ktery je z marshmallow. Ty dame na par vterin do mikrovlne trouby az zmeknou a zacnou se roztekat. Pridame praskovy cukr, kapku prichute a potravinarske barvy a vypracujeme hmotu z ktere pak muzeme vyvalovat a vykrajovat vsemozne tvary nebo pokryt rovnou cely dort. Ruce a nacini si muzeme namastit aby se nam lepe pracovalo.

Isn't this beautiful? Such a pretty colors. To make fondant is not that complicated.There are many recipes, this one is made with marshmallows.

Fotky jsou stazene z Google
Images from Google search
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sobota 16. října 2010

Sítnice - Retina

Bohuzel ve ctvrtek Neil zacal mit problemy z pravym okem.V patek po prohlidce lekarem skoncil na ocnim kde mu rekli ze ma natrzenou sitnici( zpusobeno padem z balkonu) a potrebuje laserovou operaci na kterou si oni netroufaji.Bez ni by mohl oslepnout.Na ostrove Vancouver, kde bydlime nemohli narychlo nikoho sehnat a tak jsme se museli vydat do mesta Vancouveru. Dnes (v sobotu) ho odoperovali,probehlo to bez problemu, zitra rano jeste prohlidka a pak se snad uz budem moc vydat na cestu domu.

Unfortunately Neil started to have problems with vision in his right eye Thursday. Friday he was sent by his doctor to the ophthalmologist where he was told that he has a big retinal tear from the fall and that he needs laser retinopexy or he can go blind.They couldn't find anyone on the Vancouver Island to do it in the next few days so we had to go all the way to Vancouver.He had it done this morning(Saturday) everything went ok, he has to go back for check up tomorrow morning and after that we can hopefully head back home.
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čtvrtek 14. října 2010

Oceneni - Award

Rada bych opozdene podekovala Verce,Mili a Lusice za pozvani ke hre a za oceneni "Creative Blogger" Jsem rada,ze se vam u mne libi,ze se sem vracite.Moc me to potesilo! Predavam dal, vam vsem, kreativnim tvorilkam. Dekuji........

I would like to say thank you to Verka,Mili a Lusikka for the game invitation and the "Creative Blogger" award.That made me very happy.I am glad that you like my blog and that you are coming back. I would like to pass it on to all of you creative fellow bloggers . Thanks......

Dokoncene bezprstove rukavice.Vzalo mi to dva cele vecery ale z vysledkem jsem spokojena.Vychytala jsem chybicky a doufam,ze dalsi par uz bude 100%.

Finished fingerless gloves.It took me two evenings to make them and I am happy with the result. There were few little glitches and I hope that the next pair will be 100%.
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úterý 12. října 2010

rukavice - gloves

Dekuji vsem za podporu,Neil bude v poradku ale poradne me to vydesilo!

Vcera jsem dopletla prvni rukavici,chybi knoflicky na manzete.Na ne a dalsi "dodelavky" se vrhnu az bude hotova i ta druha.

Thank you everyone for all the support.Neil is going to be ok but the whole thing was a big scare.

Yesterday I finished the first glove,buttons on the cuff are still missing.I'll do the finishing touches when the second one is done too.
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pondělí 11. října 2010

Happy Thanksgiving - Den díkuvzdání

Dnes se u nas slavi Thanksgiving, trosku nekonvencni Den dikuvzdani. Hlavni chod je pecena kruta a jako zakusek pak dynovy kolac. Mezi tim spousta dalsich priloh a dobrutek! My jsme meli veceri v sobotu protoze v nedeli jela dcera s pritelem k jeho rodine a dnes to zase slavi muj syn z pritelkyni u nich. Kruta byla krasne vypecena a dobreho jidla a piti bylo vic nez dost.Vecer probehl pohodove ale dobrou naladu prece jen poznamenala dost zavazana udalost. Po tydnech a tydnech prace na strese Neil ve ctvrtek delal dalsi upravy na balkone a uz za tmy pri uklizeni spadl.Nasla jsem ho v bezvedomi na zemi se zakrvacenym oblicejem. Ma pohmozdenou celou levou stranu na kterou nejspise dopadl-nic si nastesti nepamatuje.Hlava je v poradku. Doktor nevyloucil zlomena zebra ale z rengenu se to nedalo presne vycist. Kycel je nastesti cela i kdyz cela kycelni oblast je jedna velka podlitina.Take rameno je poradne pohmozdene. Je mi porad jeste spatne pri pomysleni ze mnoho nechybelo a mohl byt zmrzaceny a nebo to vubec nemusel prezit.

Today is Thanksgiving,which means turkey and pumpkin pie and many other goodies in between! We had our Thanksgiving dinner Saturday because my daughter was celebrating it with her partners parents Sunday and my son with his girlfriends family today. The turkey was perfect, the food was delicious but there was one thing that marked the happy gathering. After weeks of working on the roof, Neil was finishing some stuff on the balcony on Thursday evening and fell down.I found him on the ground unconscious with bloody face. His head is ok, his left side of the body took the impact ( he doesn't remember anything).The doctor couldn't tell if some ribs were cracked but his hip is not and that's a good news.He is bruised very badly but I am very grateful that he is not crippled or dead...........very sickening thought.

V nedeli rano jsem se pustila do uklidu kuchyne,zbylo dost jidla nejmene na dalsi dva dny a z Neilem jsme tu zustali sami dva.

Sunday I started cleaning the kitchen, we have enough left overs for few days. It was just Neil and I at home.

Podzimni pocasi,vytopeny dum a klidne odpolende jako stvorene pro rucni prace.

Fall weather, warm house and peaceful afternoon just perfect for some craft time.

Vytahla jsem tedy klubko a jehlice a nahodila ocka . To je moje terapie.

I pulled out my knitting needles and cast on the stitches. That is my mind therapy :)

Popis v anglictine tady.

Free pattern from Knitty for fingerless gloves.
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neděle 10. října 2010

Kuchynske drevene pomucky - Wooden utensils

V lete jsem objevila na blogu u Geninne tenhle prispevek a odkaz k Stephanie. Ta uvadi postup jak si udelat z vceliho vosku a mineralniho oleje "hmotu" na osetreni drevenych varecek,misek,prkenek atd. 1 dil vceliho vosku se rozpusti ve sklenicce ve vodni lazni a pak se pridaji 4 dily mineralniho oleje. Po zchladnuti muzete zacit nanaset,je to velice prijemne na ruce a tak ani nevadi,ze se musi aplikace dost casto opakovat.Kuchynske nacini pry dele vydrzi,nenatahuje do sebe tekutiny a vypada mnohem lepe.

I found this on Geninne's blog this summer and went to check Stephanie's blog as well.I tried it and it turned out really well.You have to re-apply it quite frequently but the bees wax with the oil feels very good on your hands and the utensils are so nice and shiny after the application that I don't really mind to do it. 1 part bees wax to 4 parts of mineral oil. Melt the bees wax in a jar in the water bath then add the oil to it.It will blend together nicely and after it cools down you can start oiling :))

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pátek 8. října 2010

neděle 3. října 2010

Casopisy - Magazines

Z nakupem novych casopisu i nova predsevzeti o tom jak ze mne za dlouhych zimnich veceru bude pilna vcelicka.
Jenze bohuzel i v zime nejak stale nemuzu najit dostatek casu pro vsechny me konicky:(

With the purchased of some new magazines also comes a resolution about me being a busy bee in the long winter evenings. Unfortunately even in winter I have a hard time to find enough time for all my hobbies :(
In spite of that, I already started to crochet some Christmas ornaments. No time for starch yet :)
Nicmene jsem se uz pustila do hackovani vanocnich ozdob.Na skrobeni zatim nebyl cas :)
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pátek 1. října 2010

Az se zima zepta......

Asi jsem se zblaznila ale letos jsem uz zpracovala (kompoty,dzemy,drene,catni,nakladana zelenina) :

27kg tresni (a vsechny vypeckovala)
40kg broskvi
10kg svestek
18kg hrusek
20kg boruvek
30kg okurek
20kg zelenych fazolek
11kg cervene repy

Na zitrek mam nachystany dalsi 11kg pytel cervene repy.Ted nam zacinaji dozravat jablka,z tech delam jablecnou dren a most a pak uz jen nalozit zeli.Pri nakupu bio ovoce a zeleniny (neco je z nasi zahradky) z mistnich zdroju vime ze nekonzumujeme chemicky osetrene plody a ja si rikam,ze se vsechna ta prace s tim spojena vyplati.

I must be crazy but this year I already processed (jams,relishes,can fruits and pickled veggies) :

60 lbs cherries
90 lbs peaches
20 lbs plums
40 lbs pears
45 lbs blueberries
65 lbs cucumbers
45 lbs green beans
25 lbs red beets

I have one more 25 lbs bag of red beets waiting for me to do tomorrow.The apples are ripening in the garden.I usually make apple sauce and juice and after that I'll make sauerkraut. When you buy(some we grow) organic fruits and veggies locally I think that at the end all this work is worth it.

Recept na Cuketovou kari polevku najdete tady a Salat z cervene repy zde.

You can find the recipe for Curried zucchini soup here and Red beet salad here.

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