I don't know, where the time goes. I am really trying to post more often, but it feels like an impossible task lately. So once again, here are some photos from the last few weeks. Lots of sun, lots of rain as well, but I managed to get out in the garden and planted broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, beets, carrots, onions, peas, potatoes, cilantro, parsley......well, you get the idea. The more delicate plants have to wait for warmer weather, tomatoes are in the greenhouse and peppers still "live" in our kitchen.
Nevim, kam ten cas leti.... Snazim se venovat tomuto blogu vice nez jen jednou za mesic, ale nejak se mi to nedari. Takze opet " fotkova okupace" z poslednich par tydnu. Hodne slunicka, hodne deste a prace na zahrade zacala! Vysazela jsem brokolici, kvetak, ruzickovou kapustu, zeli, cervenou repu, mrkev, hrasek, cibuli, brambory, petrzelku.... no jiste si to dovedete predstavit. Rajcata jsou zatim jeste v kvetinacich ve skleniku nez je presadim do zeme a papriky a dalsi teplomilne rostlinky stale jeste "bydli' v kuchyni.
I love our walks where the river joins the ocean, with a little airport on the side. Thus the name Air park.
Mam rada nase prochazky okolo reky, ktera se vleva do more pri ceste parkem, ktery je z druhe strany obklopen malym letistem.
When working on the portrait for my friend I decided to take watercolor classes on the internet. First exercise was this pear and then yesterday I started working on the daffodil. Hopefully I'll be able finish that one tonight. What a difference from
this picture three weeks ago. I am enjoying it so much, working on my drawing as well as learning more about watercolor.
Pri malovani obrazku pro kamaradku jsem se rozhodla, ze se prihlasim na lekce akvarelu na internetu. Prvni cviceni byla tahle hruska a vcera jsem se pustila do narcisky, kterou bych dneska chtela dokoncit. Je to velky rozdil v porovnani s timhle obrazkem pred tremi tydny. Moc me to bavi a mino malovani akvarelkami se ucim lepe rozumet i kresleni.
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© monika opatril