Je tady patek a ja vam chci vsem poprat krasny vikend.
Vcera jsem dopletla sal Baktus a urcite neni posledni. Bezmyslenkovite pleteni se mi moc libylo, dokoukala jsem si pri tom treti serii Pantstvi Downton :))
It's Friday already and I hope that you all have a great weekend. I finished the Baktus shawl yeasterday and I am very happy with it. I am going to be making more of them. I enjoyed the mindless knitting which allowed me to finish watching the third season of Downton abbey :))
pátek 31. května 2013
středa 29. května 2013
Uz dlouho obdivuji krasne saly Baktus ( a nejen ty ) na blogu u Jany K. a protoze se nam opet zkazilo pocasi a dva dny uz zase topime, na spraveni nalady jsem vytahla jehlice :) Mozna si pamatujete na tento sal, ktery jsem sice dopletla ale ktery me, jak se rika, "vubec nebral". Jak barva tak vzor me proste nijak neuspokojily a tak byl ulozen na dne suplete az vcerejska. Parat ho byla uleva a kombinace z dalsi samo prouzkovaci vlnou odstiny cervene pekne rozveselila. Tedy alespon pro me a co myslite vy, byla to dobra volba?
I am admiring Jana's K. Baktus shawls for a while now and because the weather is horrible and I am siting inside for the last few days while the fire is going again, I took out my knitting needles. You may remember this shawl that I really didn't like at all after I finished it, so it was a good feeling to take it apart and start fresh. I paired it with another self striping sock yarn and this time I am very please with the result. Do you think it was a good choice?
Baktus shawl
Minuly patek jsem si poridila novou "hracku". Staricky, stolni, tkalcovsky stav. Zatim na nej jen koukam a ptam se sama sebe, jestli mi ho bylo zapotrebi kupovat. Zacinam pochybovat, jestli to vubec zvladnu ale snad se brzy odhodlam a navleknu prvni osnovu :)
I've also got a new toy. It is an old table loom, that I bought last Friday. I feel little bit overwhelm just looking at it and realizing how complex this thing is :)) So it's just siting on my kitchen table for now and I am mentally preparing myself to tackle this new hobby of mine :)

S pritelkyni Susan.
With my friend Susan.
I am admiring Jana's K. Baktus shawls for a while now and because the weather is horrible and I am siting inside for the last few days while the fire is going again, I took out my knitting needles. You may remember this shawl that I really didn't like at all after I finished it, so it was a good feeling to take it apart and start fresh. I paired it with another self striping sock yarn and this time I am very please with the result. Do you think it was a good choice?
Baktus shawl
Minuly patek jsem si poridila novou "hracku". Staricky, stolni, tkalcovsky stav. Zatim na nej jen koukam a ptam se sama sebe, jestli mi ho bylo zapotrebi kupovat. Zacinam pochybovat, jestli to vubec zvladnu ale snad se brzy odhodlam a navleknu prvni osnovu :)
I've also got a new toy. It is an old table loom, that I bought last Friday. I feel little bit overwhelm just looking at it and realizing how complex this thing is :)) So it's just siting on my kitchen table for now and I am mentally preparing myself to tackle this new hobby of mine :)

V minulem prispevku jsem psala o celosvetove demonstraci proti spolecnosti Monsanto. Vse probehlo v klidu a tady je ke zhlednuti video. Lide prichzeli a podepisovali petice cele dopoledne i kdyz pochodu se zucastnilo jen asi 40 lidi.
Last time I wrote about global " March Against Monsanto" People were coming and signing petitions all morning, but for the actual march only about 40 people attended. A bit disappointing, I have to say! I uploaded two short videos on YouTube .
With my friend Susan.
čtvrtek 23. května 2013
Po celem svete se v sobotu kona pochod proti Monsanto. Ucastnite se take? Ja ano, ve meste Nanaimo!!!
Česká republika: Start pochodu ve 14:00hodin na Palachově náměstí, přes Karlův most, Malostranské náměstí až k cílové USA ambasádě.
Tato událost je vytvořena zejména pro lidi, kteří mají zájem zůčastnit se pochodu proti nadnárodní společnosti Monsanto, a to v Praze 25.5.2013 jako součást celosvětové akce, která se bude konat na několika různých místech po celém světě.
Pozvání platí jak pro odpůrce GMO potravin, tak pro lidi, kteří by se chtěli dozvědět víc, popřípadě se seznámit s podrobnostmi, proč proti této společnosti vzniká odpor markantních rozměrů (celosvětově).
Tady jeste fb stranka.
I am attending "March Against Monsanto" this Saturday. Are you going to participate as well? I am going to be in Nanaimo!!!
fb page will give you more information and here is a list of locations.
This is a PEACEFUL march.
It's time we all stand up to the EVIL company and demand change. Get your banners ready and join this WORLDWIDE - GLOBAL movement to take down MONSANTO and take back our FOOD!
Pri prohlizeni fotek z poslednich par dnu jsem si vsimla, ze nenapadne ale efectivne prevladaji odstiny zlute a oranzove. I kdyz tyto barvy muzou mit take negativni vliv, ve me vyvolavaji pocit radosti a harmonie.
When I was looking at my photos from the past few days I noticed the domination of yellow and orange color. Sometimes they can have some negativity on our mood, but for me they represent happiness and harmony.
Dyne z lonske urody jsou stale krasne a chutne. Tahle "padla" na mou oblibenou polevku, kterou v malych obmenach varim v chladnem obdobi dost casto. A protoze se nam zkazilo pocasi, vcera prisla obzvlast k chuti.
kureci vyvar
oloupana, na kostky nakrajena dyne
na hrubo pokrajena mrkev (asi 3 kusy)
lzicka kari korene (prasek)
lzice thajske, zelene kari pasty
bazalka, oregano, rozmaryn, salvej
kokosove mleko
Vse uvarit a rozmixovat, ponorny mixer pracuje vyborne (Ja pouzivam Vitamix, ktery za 7 minut zeleninu nejen rozmixuje ale i uvari, pri mixovani jsem pouzila predem namoceny strouhany kokos misto kupovaneho mleka ) Kdyz mame polevku rozmixovanou nalejeme zpatky do hrnce a zasypeme rychlovarnymi ovesnymi vlockami. Povarime, pridame pulku na kosticky nakrajeneho avocada a na taliri posypeme oprazenymi sezamovymi seminky.
My squash from the last years crop still looks and tastes like I picked it yesterday. I made my favorite soup and here is the recipe:
chicken broth
peel, cube squash
3 carrots peel and chopped
salt, pepper,
basil, oregano, rosemary, sage
1 tsp. curry powder
1 tbs. green Thai curry paste
coconut milk
Cook till the veggies are done and then blend it. ( I just put everything in my Vitamix, it blends and also cook the soup as well. I didn't use coconut milk, but added shredded coconut that I soaked in water for a bit instead. ) Then put back into your pot, add quick oats and cook till done. That doesn't take more then few minutes.Garnish with cubed avocado and toasted sesame seeds.
No a pri nakupovani se mi zluta barva take nejakym zpusobem "vloudila" do kosiku :) Kupovala jsem je (latky) na konkretni projekt ale o tom zase nekdy priste......
Even while shopping the yellow color found its way into my basket. I do have a plan for these fabrics, but that's another story......
Mnohe z vas zacaly pouzivat google circles. Prosim zkontrolujte si nastaveni . Treba k Daje a Jane K. se nemuzu dostat vubec a nektere blogy mi nedovoluji napsat komentar, protoze nejsem do google circles prihlasena, zatimco jine navstevuji bez problemu. Google circles povazuji za velike zasahovani do meho soukromi a protoze uz delsi dobu pouzivam bloglovin, muzete se k nasledovani meho blogu pripojit take tam, abyste mohli i nadale muj blog nejen navstevovat ale take psat komentare. Ja uz jsem si vsechy blogy ktere nasleduji prevedla take tam. Moc vam vsem dekuji!
Zde se o bloglovin doctete vice. Jen podotykam, ze blogy, ktere sledujete, vlozite do bloglovin vsechny najednou jednim kliknutim. (V tom je autorka clanku nepresna)
With all the changes coming to Bloger, ( Reader is closing down and I need a new RSS aggregator. What a pain. ) I've decided to open an account with blogloving. You can follow my blog there by clicking the link. Thank you!
(Also a quick note, if you are using Bloglovin and are not able to comment on certain Blogs, you can go to "Settings" and "turn off the Bloglovin frame")
pátek 17. května 2013
Dnes me na poste cekal balicek. Pro maleho povlak na polstar, balonek a hackovany krtek a myska. Krtecek je od malicka jeho nejoblibenejsi pohadka a tak bude urcite nadseny. Tety mu pokazde nezapomenout neco s krteckem pribalit.
Nice surprise at the post office today. Package from Czech with lots of goodies not just for Mak. He loves "the mole" movies, can you tell?
No a pro nas samo sebou klasika :) I kdyz si tady kupuji canadskou "nahraskovou" kavu s cikorkou, ceska melta to neni.
Chicory coffee, mustard, chocolate bars,Carlsbad liqueur....all the goodies I can't get here but like so much.
Vcera jsme cely den hlidali vnoucka. I kdyz se pocasi tento tyden zkazilo, meli jsme i tak bezva den :)
Rano jsme si hrali na zahrade a vyrazili na malou prochazku.
We babysat Mak all day yesterday and even though the weather wasn't the same like the last two weeks we had lots of fun playing in the yard, going for a walk.....
Po odpolednim spanku jsme vyrazili na plaz.
and spending some time after his nap on the beach.
Minuly tyden jsem se nostalgicky probirala fotkami (den matek) a tak vznikla tahle kolaz.
I was nostalgically looking through some old photos last week (mothers day) and made this collage.
Babicka s moji maminkou, maminka a ja, ja s Terezou a Tereza s Makeefem. Jak ten cas leti.......
Grandma and my mom, mom and I, Tereza and I and Tereza with Makeef. Time flies......
Preji vam vsem krasny viken, M.
Hope you all have a wonderful weekend, M.
Nice surprise at the post office today. Package from Czech with lots of goodies not just for Mak. He loves "the mole" movies, can you tell?
No a pro nas samo sebou klasika :) I kdyz si tady kupuji canadskou "nahraskovou" kavu s cikorkou, ceska melta to neni.
Chicory coffee, mustard, chocolate bars,Carlsbad liqueur....all the goodies I can't get here but like so much.
Vcera jsme cely den hlidali vnoucka. I kdyz se pocasi tento tyden zkazilo, meli jsme i tak bezva den :)
Rano jsme si hrali na zahrade a vyrazili na malou prochazku.
We babysat Mak all day yesterday and even though the weather wasn't the same like the last two weeks we had lots of fun playing in the yard, going for a walk.....
Po odpolednim spanku jsme vyrazili na plaz.
and spending some time after his nap on the beach.
Minuly tyden jsem se nostalgicky probirala fotkami (den matek) a tak vznikla tahle kolaz.
I was nostalgically looking through some old photos last week (mothers day) and made this collage.
Grandma and my mom, mom and I, Tereza and I and Tereza with Makeef. Time flies......
Preji vam vsem krasny viken, M.
Hope you all have a wonderful weekend, M.
pondělí 13. května 2013
Earrings DIY
Ma dcera nasla na Pinterest tenhle navod na nausnice a tak jsme se pri me posledni navsteve pustily do prace. Ja jsem si sve udelala mensi, tak aby vyhovovaly me potrebe, Tereza se drzela navodu. A jak se povedly? To posudte vy :) (nezapomente se podivat take na jeji nastenky)
My daughter found this tutorial on Pinterest and decided to make few pairs when I was visiting. I ended up making a pair for myself too, but I used only two strings. How did they turn out? tell me :) ( don't forget to check my boards too)
hmm, tolik moznosti :-)
ohh, the possibilities :-)
maly pomocnik
little helper
Terezy verze
Tereza's version
Mala ukazka jak se "rodi" dalsi zajic.
Little preview of a new bunny in making.
Se zmenami, ktere prichzi na Bloger jsem se rozhodla zacit pouzivat bloglovin. Prosim, pridejte se k nasledovani meho blogu take tam, abyste mohli i nadale muj blog nejen navstevovat ale take psat komentare. Dekuji!
With all the changes coming to Bloger, ( Reader is closing down and I need a new RSS aggregator. What a pain. ) I've decided to open an account with blogloving. If you are making the switch over in that direction you can follow my blog there by clicking the link. . Thank you!
(Also a quick note, if you are using Bloglovin and are not able to comment on certain Blogs, you can go to "Settings" and "turn off the Bloglovin frame")
My daughter found this tutorial on Pinterest and decided to make few pairs when I was visiting. I ended up making a pair for myself too, but I used only two strings. How did they turn out? tell me :) ( don't forget to check my boards too)
hmm, tolik moznosti :-)
ohh, the possibilities :-)
maly pomocnik
little helper
Terezy verze
Tereza's version
Mala ukazka jak se "rodi" dalsi zajic.
Little preview of a new bunny in making.
Se zmenami, ktere prichzi na Bloger jsem se rozhodla zacit pouzivat bloglovin. Prosim, pridejte se k nasledovani meho blogu take tam, abyste mohli i nadale muj blog nejen navstevovat ale take psat komentare. Dekuji!
With all the changes coming to Bloger, ( Reader is closing down and I need a new RSS aggregator. What a pain. ) I've decided to open an account with blogloving. If you are making the switch over in that direction you can follow my blog there by clicking the link. . Thank you!
(Also a quick note, if you are using Bloglovin and are not able to comment on certain Blogs, you can go to "Settings" and "turn off the Bloglovin frame")
neděle 12. května 2013
pátek 10. května 2013
the joys of spring.........
Teploty se posledni tyden splhaji ke tricitce a tak je tu razem letni nalada. Na blogovani casu premalo a tak vam jen v cuku letu ukazu jak pokracuji me prace na zahradce, co noveho vykouzlila jehla (a ne jenom siciho stroje) a take prinasim recept na muj oblibeny "drink". Je to voda, ochucena ovocem a bylinkami, plna vitaminu - variace neomezene a jen podle vasi chute a fantazie.
nakrajena pulka bio pomerance a citronu
nasekane listky maty peprnne a cerneho rybizu(jestli mate po ruce)
dame do sklenice, protreseme a nechame chvili louhovat. Ja po vypiti vetsinou naplnim jeste jednou vodou a ziskam dalsi sklenici no a nakonec vyluhovane ovoce pouziji v mixeru pri vyrobe smoothie.
Dalsi kombinace pro inspiraci:
meloun a rozmarin
maliny, limetka, mata
ostruziny, salvej
ananas, mata
okurka, limetka, mata,
jahody, pomeranc, mata
Temperatures are climbing to thirties and it feels like summer here. There is little time to blog, so I will quickly share few pictures from the garden, from my sewing room and from the kitchen. I will start there with my favorite summer drink recipe, loaded with vitamins.
Fruit infused water:
Sliced 1/2 organic lemon and orange
spring of mint leaves and if you have available also black currant leave- chopped
shake and let sit in the fridge for a bit. I usually add water one more time after drinking the first batch and then use the fruit in my smoothie - i hate waste!
Other variations
Mellon, rosemary
raspberry,lime, mint
pineapple. mint
cucumber, lime, mint
strawberries,orange, mint
The combinations are endless, go crazy and create you favorite one.....or two, or three : )
Kocicak Charlie, ktereho jsme v zime zacali krmit a ktery, pri kazdem pokusu se jen na dalku priblizit upaloval do ukrytu, se ted od nas nehne.
Male stray that we named Charlie, who adopted us this winter after we started feeding him. Being shy for years and always staying safe distance away is now following me like a dog everywhere I go :)
a dalsi zajda, ktery se doma ani neohral......
and another softie, that already found new home.....
nakrajena pulka bio pomerance a citronu
nasekane listky maty peprnne a cerneho rybizu(jestli mate po ruce)
dame do sklenice, protreseme a nechame chvili louhovat. Ja po vypiti vetsinou naplnim jeste jednou vodou a ziskam dalsi sklenici no a nakonec vyluhovane ovoce pouziji v mixeru pri vyrobe smoothie.
Dalsi kombinace pro inspiraci:
meloun a rozmarin
maliny, limetka, mata
ostruziny, salvej
ananas, mata
okurka, limetka, mata,
jahody, pomeranc, mata
Temperatures are climbing to thirties and it feels like summer here. There is little time to blog, so I will quickly share few pictures from the garden, from my sewing room and from the kitchen. I will start there with my favorite summer drink recipe, loaded with vitamins.
Fruit infused water:
Sliced 1/2 organic lemon and orange
spring of mint leaves and if you have available also black currant leave- chopped
shake and let sit in the fridge for a bit. I usually add water one more time after drinking the first batch and then use the fruit in my smoothie - i hate waste!
Other variations
Mellon, rosemary
raspberry,lime, mint
pineapple. mint
cucumber, lime, mint
strawberries,orange, mint
The combinations are endless, go crazy and create you favorite one.....or two, or three : )
Na zahradce se to pomalu zacina "rysovat"
Garden beds are getting filed with goodies.
Kocicak Charlie, ktereho jsme v zime zacali krmit a ktery, pri kazdem pokusu se jen na dalku priblizit upaloval do ukrytu, se ted od nas nehne.
Male stray that we named Charlie, who adopted us this winter after we started feeding him. Being shy for years and always staying safe distance away is now following me like a dog everywhere I go :)
a dalsi zajda, ktery se doma ani neohral......
and another softie, that already found new home.....
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