Ani jsem si neuvedomila, jak me chybely jehlice a hacek. Po tom, co jsem pro vnoucka v nedeli usila malou hracku, jsem vcera zacala novy projekt, uhadnete co to bude?
I didn't realize how much I missed my hooks and needles and after sewing the little toy for Mak, I started another project last night. It's coming along quite nicely. Can you guess what it's gonna be?
Trosku jsem si upravila popis ale na internetu je spousta podrobnych navodu na tuto "africkou kvetinu".
I adjusted the pattern to my liking but you can find a lot of good tutorials for this "african flover".
Vcera jsem Makeefovi "predala" jeho novou velrybu a jak vidite, mela uspech, huraaa!
I gave Makeef his new toy whale yesterday and as you can see, he did like it, hooray!
Hackovany nahrdelnik, prvni a zatim take posledni....napadu mam plno ale casu se stale nejak nedostava.
Crocheted necklace, first and last for now......lots of ideas but no time.
úterý 25. září 2012
neděle 23. září 2012
Whale and fire in the sky.....
Je to jen par tydnu, co jsem fotila tyhle nadherne zapady slunce a stejne jako kazdy rok, me fotky prosleho leta budou celou zimu pripominat zahradu, slunce, vodu a pohodu prazdninovych dni. V letnich mesicich toho moc nevytvorim, zahrada a moznost byt venku vetsinou pohlti cely den. Uz tu ale mame podzim a ja jsem vcera nevydrzela a misto zavarovani usila Makeefovi tuhle velrybu. Strih jsem nasla jak jinak, nez na internetu na blogu small dreamfactory. Zdravim a preji pohodovy den!
It's been only few weeks, since I took these photos of sunsets. They will remind me all winter of the summer days, as they do every year. I am not very creative during these few months, I spend lots of time outdoors and I am usually happy when fall arrives. Yesterday, instead of canning, I couldn't resist and made this little whale for Makeef. You can find this nice and easy pattern at the small dreamfactory blog. Have a wonderful day!
It's been only few weeks, since I took these photos of sunsets. They will remind me all winter of the summer days, as they do every year. I am not very creative during these few months, I spend lots of time outdoors and I am usually happy when fall arrives. Yesterday, instead of canning, I couldn't resist and made this little whale for Makeef. You can find this nice and easy pattern at the small dreamfactory blog. Have a wonderful day!
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