neděle 30. prosince 2012
Happy New Year ❤
Preji vam vsem prekrasny novy rok! Dekuji za navstevy a mile komentare. Moc take vitam nove "followers" tohoto blogu, jsem potesena! A jeste jednou preji pekne Silvestrovske oslavy ☕
Wishing you the most amazing and exiting new Year! Thank you ALL for visiting this past year and leaving you very kind comments! I would also like to WELCOME all of my new followers that join in recently, I really appreciate that! Have a wonderful New Year celebration, cheers and see you in the new year ☕
pátek 21. prosince 2012
elf on the shelf
Stedry den je, jak se rika, za dvermi a ja se snazim na posledni chvili dodelat vsechny resty. Dnes jsem jeste behala cely den po obchodech ale dycha se mi snadneji, ted potrebuji opravdu jen par malickosti a to uz zmuzu hrave, pravda! Dcera chtela pro maleho vanocniho skritka a tak jsem se pustila do siti. Ma ruce i nohy vyplnene dratky, takze je vic pohyblivy. Kdyz uz jsem v tom byla, tak jsem spichla jednoho vetsiho (vrchni fotka) take pro sebe, ty z minuleho roku putovaly do novych domovu.
I am trying to finish my shopping list. I feel much better today after a day in town. Mission accomplished, now I need just few miner things and I am done! My daughter asked me to make "elf on the shelf " for Mak (below) so I took out my sewing machine and while I was on it i made one (top picture) for myself as well.
Z pecenim jsem zacala teprve tento tyden, nektere je uz naplnene a nazdonene, na jine se snad dostane v pristich dnech. Nelamu to prez koleno, vanoce jsou prece svatky pohody a klidu.....,no nevim, pohody urcite ale toho klidu je vetsinou po skrovnu. Vetsinou si oddechnu az kdyz se posadim ke stedrovecerni veceri :)) Takhle jsem dopadla pri peceni cukrovi, pri spatnem odhadu rychlosti :)))
I didn't start baking till this week, but some of the cookies are now filed and done and I hope to finished the rest in the next couple of days. Flour attack - baking can be dangerous :)))
Kdyz uz, tak uz, pustila jsem se jeste do chleba. Normalne si testo delam v pekarne a pak ho jen upecu v troube ale tentokrat jsem udelala klasicky bochnik jen z prirodnoho kvasku bez drozdi. Dvou denni proces, ktery ale stoji za to!
I also made this wild yeast bread. The whole process took two days, but it was well worth it!
Tyhle fotky jsou uz nejmene dva tydny stare, ke kolovratku se ted nedostanu ale uz se tesim, ze si to po svatcich vynahradim.
These photos are at least two weeks old. I have no time to spin now, but cant wait to start again after the holidays.
Hackovane backory, ktere jsem po dokonceni zfilcovala v pracce.
I finished my crochet felted slippers.
neděle 18. listopadu 2012
Nekolik navodu DIY neboli " udelej to sam " pro ty, kteri radi tvori. Pomalu (ale jiste) se blizi vanoce a tak treba udelate nekomu radost rucne vyrobenym "sperkem".
Few DIY for all of you who like to make jewelry, and since Christmas is approaching fast, these would make nice gifts too.
By Wilma
Studs and Pearls
How did you make this
No a co takhle hackovany venec? Nechci tady strasit se svatky predcasne ale myslim, ze na vyrobu darku a dekorace uz opravdu zase tolik casu nezbyva :)) Uz vas to take "chyta"? Je to tezke odolat, kdyz obchody jsou plne vanocni vyzdoby a v pulce listopadu vam hraji koledy!
And what about this crochet wreath? I don't want to push holidays on you so early, but I think that if you are making gifts and decorations yourself, there is no time to spare :)) It is hard to resist, specially when the stores are already decked up for the holidays and playing Christmas songs!
Few DIY for all of you who like to make jewelry, and since Christmas is approaching fast, these would make nice gifts too.
By Wilma
Studs and Pearls
How did you make this
No a co takhle hackovany venec? Nechci tady strasit se svatky predcasne ale myslim, ze na vyrobu darku a dekorace uz opravdu zase tolik casu nezbyva :)) Uz vas to take "chyta"? Je to tezke odolat, kdyz obchody jsou plne vanocni vyzdoby a v pulce listopadu vam hraji koledy!
And what about this crochet wreath? I don't want to push holidays on you so early, but I think that if you are making gifts and decorations yourself, there is no time to spare :)) It is hard to resist, specially when the stores are already decked up for the holidays and playing Christmas songs!
neděle 11. listopadu 2012
it's snowing......
Prvni snih se letos zacal sypat o tyden driv nez lonskeho roku a musim rict, ze me opravdu prekvapilo, kdyz jsem rano vyhledla z okna a uvidela tu nadilku. Cely den stridave snezi a prsi, takze postupne taje a zase pribyva a neni ho ted odpoledne o moc vic nez rano. Protoze jsem pekne doma v teple, vubec mi to nevadi. Kolovratek alespon nezahali, bytem voni chystana vecere a ja premyslim, co sladkeho dnes upecu az dopiji kavu.....
First snow arrived a week earlier then last year and I have to say that I was surprise, when I woke up this morning and looked out the window. It's snowing and raining all day so the snow is melting and then some more falling down and in the afternoon, there is still the same amount as in the morning. I am cozy at home and don't mind this "white stuff". The spinning wheel is put to work, the house smells of supper being cook and I am contemplating, what to make for dessert after I finish my coffee......
Vcera vecen jsem mela o zabavu postarano, vzniklo toto pradenko. Je to uzasne videt v co se vam pred ocima meni obarvene kousky vlny a dalsi barevne prekvapeni na vas ceka kdyz z pradenka neco vytvorite.
I had a blast last night working on this skein. You never know what colors you get after you spin your dyed fleece and to make something from it is yet another surprise.
A jedna perlicka pro milovniky Tildy. Sikovna Angeline vytvorila tuhle netradicni krasku pomoci hacku.
Sweet angel for all Tilda lovers created by Angeline.
First snow arrived a week earlier then last year and I have to say that I was surprise, when I woke up this morning and looked out the window. It's snowing and raining all day so the snow is melting and then some more falling down and in the afternoon, there is still the same amount as in the morning. I am cozy at home and don't mind this "white stuff". The spinning wheel is put to work, the house smells of supper being cook and I am contemplating, what to make for dessert after I finish my coffee......
Vcera vecen jsem mela o zabavu postarano, vzniklo toto pradenko. Je to uzasne videt v co se vam pred ocima meni obarvene kousky vlny a dalsi barevne prekvapeni na vas ceka kdyz z pradenka neco vytvorite.
I had a blast last night working on this skein. You never know what colors you get after you spin your dyed fleece and to make something from it is yet another surprise.
A jedna perlicka pro milovniky Tildy. Sikovna Angeline vytvorila tuhle netradicni krasku pomoci hacku.
Sweet angel for all Tilda lovers created by Angeline.
sobota 10. listopadu 2012
Lemon tree
Mozna si nekteri z vas jeste pamatuji muj lonsky prispevek o citrovniku. Byl nadherny ale od okamziku co jsem ho donesla domu zacal chradnout. Presazovala jsem, mlzila, prenasela ze skleniku na zahradu a ze zahrady zpet do skleniku ale nakonec stejne uhynu. Dopadl tak i druhy stromek,kterym jsem ho promptne nahradila. Po prozkoumani korenu jsem usoudila, ze byly asi prehnojene. Kulickami vyzivy se to v kvetinaci jen hemzilo. Nevzdala jsem se a to hlavne z toho duvodu, ze prvni stromek byl vlastne darek k narozeninam od meho otce. Netrpelive jsem cekala na jaro, az se stromky znovu objevi v prodeji. Tentokrat se mu dari, ( krizim prsry ) nejprve byl asi mesic doma, kde jsem steteckem opylovala jeho kvety a kdyz se dostatecne oteplilo, putoval do skleniku. Tam zacal rust doslova pred ocima a male citronky se zacaly nalevat. Vcera jsem ho donesla domu, venku bylo v noci pouze pul stupne nad 0 a protoze sklenik neni vytapeny, stromek precka zimu v dome. Jen se bojim aby ten sok ze stehovani prezil!
You may remember my last year post about Meyer lemon tree. Healthy looking when I first got it, but it deteriorated fast after we brought it home. I moved it from the greenhouse to the garden and then back to the greenhouse again, but it died and so did the one I replaced it with. It was a birthday gift from my father so I was waiting anxiously for spring, when they arrive in stores again. I kept this one at home for about a month before putting it in the greenhouse, I pollinated the flowers with little brush and the plant grew and thrived before our eyes. I just move it back into the house as the temperature dipped to 0 last night and I am crossing y fingers that the tree will survive the move.
Citrovnik Meyer - Meyer Lemon
Me prvni pradeno. Procvicuji si koordinaci a techniku na vlne, kterou jsem dostala spolu s kolovratkem. Nejsou to zrovna barvy, ktere bych normalne volila ale jak se rika "darovanemu koni na zuby nekoukej" :) Na fotce je videt jednoducha pomucka na kterou se prize navine a tak vznikne "pradeno".
My first skein. I am practicing my coordination and technique using some gifted fiber. No exactly my colors if i had a choice, but it'll do for now. Wooden skein winder ( Niddy Noddy )comes handy too.......
Dnesni rano mne privitalo slunickem. Prize pripravena na praci, tentokrat v trosku veselejsich barvach. V pozadi je videt tkalcovsky stav, ano vidite dobre, tkalcovsky stav. Reknete ne, kdyz vam ho nekdo nabizi zdarma.... ale jestly to takhle pujde dal, nebudeme se moct ani najist, protoze nas me hobby pomalu vytlacuje z jidelny.
I was greeted by sunshine this morning. Fiber ready to spin in more cheerful colors. In the back you can see my loom, I know, loom ? you may say, but I couldn't say no to it for it was free and looking for a new
home :) If I'll continue "collecting" more stuff, we'll soon need a new dining room.
Jak malo staci k (me) radosti :)
How little you ( I ) need to be happy :)
Na zaver jeste kolaz pro potechu oka. Neptejte se, odkud fotky jsou, vse stazene z netu, ulozene v mem "inspirace" file.
And last but not least an inspiration collage. Don't ask me where the images came from,they are in my "inspiration" file now :)
You may remember my last year post about Meyer lemon tree. Healthy looking when I first got it, but it deteriorated fast after we brought it home. I moved it from the greenhouse to the garden and then back to the greenhouse again, but it died and so did the one I replaced it with. It was a birthday gift from my father so I was waiting anxiously for spring, when they arrive in stores again. I kept this one at home for about a month before putting it in the greenhouse, I pollinated the flowers with little brush and the plant grew and thrived before our eyes. I just move it back into the house as the temperature dipped to 0 last night and I am crossing y fingers that the tree will survive the move.
Citrovnik Meyer - Meyer Lemon
Me prvni pradeno. Procvicuji si koordinaci a techniku na vlne, kterou jsem dostala spolu s kolovratkem. Nejsou to zrovna barvy, ktere bych normalne volila ale jak se rika "darovanemu koni na zuby nekoukej" :) Na fotce je videt jednoducha pomucka na kterou se prize navine a tak vznikne "pradeno".
My first skein. I am practicing my coordination and technique using some gifted fiber. No exactly my colors if i had a choice, but it'll do for now. Wooden skein winder ( Niddy Noddy )comes handy too.......
Dnesni rano mne privitalo slunickem. Prize pripravena na praci, tentokrat v trosku veselejsich barvach. V pozadi je videt tkalcovsky stav, ano vidite dobre, tkalcovsky stav. Reknete ne, kdyz vam ho nekdo nabizi zdarma.... ale jestly to takhle pujde dal, nebudeme se moct ani najist, protoze nas me hobby pomalu vytlacuje z jidelny.
I was greeted by sunshine this morning. Fiber ready to spin in more cheerful colors. In the back you can see my loom, I know, loom ? you may say, but I couldn't say no to it for it was free and looking for a new
home :) If I'll continue "collecting" more stuff, we'll soon need a new dining room.
Jak malo staci k (me) radosti :)
How little you ( I ) need to be happy :)
Na zaver jeste kolaz pro potechu oka. Neptejte se, odkud fotky jsou, vse stazene z netu, ulozene v mem "inspirace" file.
And last but not least an inspiration collage. Don't ask me where the images came from,they are in my "inspiration" file now :)
čtvrtek 8. listopadu 2012
Beautiful Fall......and more spinnig :)
Tento vikend jsem z "detmi" vyrazila na Hornby Island a i kdyz pocasi bylo ryze podzimni, hezky jsme si to uzili.
I spent this weekend on Hornby Island with my daughter and her family and even though the weather was truly " fally " we had a great time.
Snidane z prateli v mistni restauraci Thatch. ( a prepravni lod)
Breakfast with friends at local Thatch restaurant and pub. ( ferry lounge )
Mak byl v dobre nalade i prez to ze cesta autem a prepravni lodi zabere pul druhe hodiny.
Mak was in a good mood, despite the drive and two ferry rides.
Pole plne labuti v Merville.
Field full of swans in Merville.
Muj novy kolovratek Ashford Kiwi. Mozna si pamatujete na tento prispevek. Bohuzel tento " kousek" byl spise starozitnost vhodna pro dekoraci nez pouzitelna k praci.
My new Ashford Kiwi spinning wheel. You may remember this post, unfortunately I found out that this antique piece was more or less good for decoration rather then for actual spinning.
S pomoci knizek a sledovanim You Tube se pomalu ucim a delam prvni krucky....
Reading books and watching You tube helps me a lot. I am taking first steps and slowly learning.....
Po usiti a odskouseni prvniho paru jsem vcera usila dvoje dalsi flanelove kalhoty na spani pro Makeefa. Miluje Buzze a Woodyho z Příběhu hraček :)
After making sure, that the first pajama pants fit, I made two more pairs yesterday. Soft flannel fabric with Makeefs favorite Toy story character Buzz and Woody :)
Me velke podekovani Jitce za "srdce na dlani" Posilam ho dal dvoum novopecenym maminam Jane K. & Jane G. jejichz blogy mne inspiruji a moc rada je navstevuji!
Many thanks to Jitka for this award. I am forwarding it to two new moms Jana K. & Jana G. I love to visit their blogs!
I spent this weekend on Hornby Island with my daughter and her family and even though the weather was truly " fally " we had a great time.
Snidane z prateli v mistni restauraci Thatch. ( a prepravni lod)
Breakfast with friends at local Thatch restaurant and pub. ( ferry lounge )
Mak byl v dobre nalade i prez to ze cesta autem a prepravni lodi zabere pul druhe hodiny.
Mak was in a good mood, despite the drive and two ferry rides.
Pole plne labuti v Merville.
Field full of swans in Merville.
Muj novy kolovratek Ashford Kiwi. Mozna si pamatujete na tento prispevek. Bohuzel tento " kousek" byl spise starozitnost vhodna pro dekoraci nez pouzitelna k praci.
My new Ashford Kiwi spinning wheel. You may remember this post, unfortunately I found out that this antique piece was more or less good for decoration rather then for actual spinning.
S pomoci knizek a sledovanim You Tube se pomalu ucim a delam prvni krucky....
Reading books and watching You tube helps me a lot. I am taking first steps and slowly learning.....
Po usiti a odskouseni prvniho paru jsem vcera usila dvoje dalsi flanelove kalhoty na spani pro Makeefa. Miluje Buzze a Woodyho z Příběhu hraček :)
After making sure, that the first pajama pants fit, I made two more pairs yesterday. Soft flannel fabric with Makeefs favorite Toy story character Buzz and Woody :)
Me velke podekovani Jitce za "srdce na dlani" Posilam ho dal dvoum novopecenym maminam Jane K. & Jane G. jejichz blogy mne inspiruji a moc rada je navstevuji!
Many thanks to Jitka for this award. I am forwarding it to two new moms Jana K. & Jana G. I love to visit their blogs!
čtvrtek 1. listopadu 2012
.....lilo a lilo, ne zrovna idealni pocasi pro male "kolednicky" chodici v maskach od domu k domu. My jsme si Halloween uzili v kruhu pratel a v suchu :) rained and rained, not the best Halloween night for little trick or treaters, but we were cozy indoors with family and friends :)
Michael, Neil,Tess and I, friends with Tereza in the middle.
Kombinace materialu a barev me pritahuje na navstevy blogu Shabby Roses Cottage.
Lots of color, texture and eye candies at Shabby Roses Cottage blog. I love the combination of crochet and fabric on the pillow or what about knitted blanket with crochet border..... rained and rained, not the best Halloween night for little trick or treaters, but we were cozy indoors with family and friends :)
Michael, Neil,Tess and I, friends with Tereza in the middle.
Kombinace materialu a barev me pritahuje na navstevy blogu Shabby Roses Cottage.
Lots of color, texture and eye candies at Shabby Roses Cottage blog. I love the combination of crochet and fabric on the pillow or what about knitted blanket with crochet border.....
úterý 30. října 2012
Spindle 2 - Vřetánko 2
Shodou okolnosti byla u nas v klubu pratel vlny akce, kdy k nam prichazi prodejci a to hned druhy den po tom, co jsem koupila me prvni vřetánko. Neodolala jsem a tak u mne naslo "novy domov" vřetánko cislo 2. Pracuje se snim trosku jinak, misto v misticce se toci ve vzduchu. Obarvila jsem take mou prvni varku vlny a pomalu spradam ( a stradam ) material, abych se konecne mohla pustit do pleteni.
I bought spindle number 2 at our Woolgatherers guild meeting, the next day I've got my "supported " spindle. This one is a drop spindle and it works beautifully. I also dyed my first batch of fleece and I like the way it looks after I spun it. Ohh, the possibilities.....I am working on producing enough yarn to start knitting.
Some odd bits and ends
Blog Magic with hook and needles navstevuji uz nejaky cas a moc se mi libi Vendulcino hackovani. Pro ty, kteri jeji blog a praci neznaji prinasim alespon malou ukazku a doporucuji zaskocit na navstevu. Ne nemam zaplaceno tady reklamovat jeji vyrobky, jsem jen obdivovatelka jeji napaditosti a zrucnosti :)
I visit Magic with hook and needles blog for a while now. I like Vendula's whimsical creations and I suggest you go and see more of her work ( this is not a payed endorsement :) )
Dalsi kreace, ktera me zaujala jsou tyto kocky do oken. Vtipne a nenarocne na pleteni (popis v anglictine) jiste vykouzli usmev nejenom na detskych tvarickach.
I also like these " Window Cats " Aren't they cute?
Prvni snih na vrcholcih hor......
First snow on the mountains......
I bought spindle number 2 at our Woolgatherers guild meeting, the next day I've got my "supported " spindle. This one is a drop spindle and it works beautifully. I also dyed my first batch of fleece and I like the way it looks after I spun it. Ohh, the possibilities.....I am working on producing enough yarn to start knitting.
Some odd bits and ends
Blog Magic with hook and needles navstevuji uz nejaky cas a moc se mi libi Vendulcino hackovani. Pro ty, kteri jeji blog a praci neznaji prinasim alespon malou ukazku a doporucuji zaskocit na navstevu. Ne nemam zaplaceno tady reklamovat jeji vyrobky, jsem jen obdivovatelka jeji napaditosti a zrucnosti :)
I visit Magic with hook and needles blog for a while now. I like Vendula's whimsical creations and I suggest you go and see more of her work ( this is not a payed endorsement :) )
Dalsi kreace, ktera me zaujala jsou tyto kocky do oken. Vtipne a nenarocne na pleteni (popis v anglictine) jiste vykouzli usmev nejenom na detskych tvarickach.
I also like these " Window Cats " Aren't they cute?
Prvni snih na vrcholcih hor......
First snow on the mountains......
sobota 20. října 2012
Spindle - Vřetánko
Dnes jsem v bazaru objevila tohle nadherne vretanko.Bylo pohozene mezi kuchynskymi potrebami protoze si nejspis nekdo myslel, ze je to kvrdlacka, mela jsem zkratka stesti! Po prichodu domu jsem ho hned vyzkousela, je to u naz tzv. ruske nebo take tibetske vretanko a krasnou ukazku jak se snim pracuje najdete tady nebo tady.
Jak se předlo na vřetánku
Today at Value village I found this beautiful spindle in the kitchen section. I think, that someone thought, that it was some kind of wooden utensil. Ha,ha, lucky for me! It is a Russian (Tibetan,support) spindle and you can watch a good example of how it works here or here.
Na fotce je take pouzdro na telefon, ktere jsem hackovala vcera a cepicka pro neter dokoncena pred par dny.
Also in the photo is a case that I made for my phone yesterday and a hat for my little niece, that I finished couple of days ago.
Zpracovavam urodu, tady je plna misa jablek, pripravenych do odstavnovace. Z tohoto mnozstvi je asi 7 litru dzusu, vloni jsem zavarila asi 120 litrovych lahvich.
Apples ready to be juice. I made approximately 7 liters of juice from this amount. Last year I caned about 120 liters.
Prvni houby tohoto roku :)) Tyhle fotky jsou z minuleho tydne, kdyz bylo jeste hrozne sucho. Od te doby poradne naprselo a tak se zitra chystam zase vyrazit.......
My first mushrooms this year :)) These photos are from last week, when the weather was still so gorgeous and the forest was dry as a bone. It rained a lot since then and I am planing to go mushroom picking tomorrow.......
Jak se předlo na vřetánku
Today at Value village I found this beautiful spindle in the kitchen section. I think, that someone thought, that it was some kind of wooden utensil. Ha,ha, lucky for me! It is a Russian (Tibetan,support) spindle and you can watch a good example of how it works here or here.
Na fotce je take pouzdro na telefon, ktere jsem hackovala vcera a cepicka pro neter dokoncena pred par dny.
Also in the photo is a case that I made for my phone yesterday and a hat for my little niece, that I finished couple of days ago.
Zpracovavam urodu, tady je plna misa jablek, pripravenych do odstavnovace. Z tohoto mnozstvi je asi 7 litru dzusu, vloni jsem zavarila asi 120 litrovych lahvich.
Apples ready to be juice. I made approximately 7 liters of juice from this amount. Last year I caned about 120 liters.
Prvni houby tohoto roku :)) Tyhle fotky jsou z minuleho tydne, kdyz bylo jeste hrozne sucho. Od te doby poradne naprselo a tak se zitra chystam zase vyrazit.......
My first mushrooms this year :)) These photos are from last week, when the weather was still so gorgeous and the forest was dry as a bone. It rained a lot since then and I am planing to go mushroom picking tomorrow.......
sobota 6. října 2012
Happy Thanksgiving !
Vikend Dikuvzdani je tady a ja se snazim naplanovat rodinnou "seslost' (jak jinak nez z pecenou krutou ) ktera k tomuto svatku patri. A tak jsme meli veceri uz v patek i kdyz tento svatek je vlastne az v pondeli. Je stale krasne pocasi, slunicko sviti a barvy podzimu jsou tak nadherne.......
Thanksgiving long weekend is here and as always, I am trying to coordinate the busy schedule of the whole family. So....we had our turkey dinner Friday. Our weather is still gorgeous, and suppose to be for the next week or so, and the fall colors are ohh so beautiful!
Mak na " poli dyni " ( fotky Tarino Bambino )
Mak at pumpkin patch (photos the courtesy of Tarino Bambino )

I love this little boy!
Tuhle krasnou salu jsem nasla na Flickr. A tady najdete postup, jak tyhle kyticky uhackovat.
I found this scarf on Flickr, isn't it beautiful? And here is very good tutorial for this "puff stitch flower" pattern.
Image by " namolio " via Flickr.
Preji vam vsem krasny vikend!
I am wishing you all very relaxing weekend!
Thanksgiving long weekend is here and as always, I am trying to coordinate the busy schedule of the whole family. So....we had our turkey dinner Friday. Our weather is still gorgeous, and suppose to be for the next week or so, and the fall colors are ohh so beautiful!
Mak na " poli dyni " ( fotky Tarino Bambino )
Mak at pumpkin patch (photos the courtesy of Tarino Bambino )

I love this little boy!
Tuhle krasnou salu jsem nasla na Flickr. A tady najdete postup, jak tyhle kyticky uhackovat.
I found this scarf on Flickr, isn't it beautiful? And here is very good tutorial for this "puff stitch flower" pattern.
Image by " namolio " via Flickr.
Preji vam vsem krasny vikend!
I am wishing you all very relaxing weekend!
úterý 25. září 2012
Hooks and Needles
Ani jsem si neuvedomila, jak me chybely jehlice a hacek. Po tom, co jsem pro vnoucka v nedeli usila malou hracku, jsem vcera zacala novy projekt, uhadnete co to bude?
I didn't realize how much I missed my hooks and needles and after sewing the little toy for Mak, I started another project last night. It's coming along quite nicely. Can you guess what it's gonna be?
Trosku jsem si upravila popis ale na internetu je spousta podrobnych navodu na tuto "africkou kvetinu".
I adjusted the pattern to my liking but you can find a lot of good tutorials for this "african flover".
Vcera jsem Makeefovi "predala" jeho novou velrybu a jak vidite, mela uspech, huraaa!
I gave Makeef his new toy whale yesterday and as you can see, he did like it, hooray!
Hackovany nahrdelnik, prvni a zatim take posledni....napadu mam plno ale casu se stale nejak nedostava.
Crocheted necklace, first and last for now......lots of ideas but no time.
I didn't realize how much I missed my hooks and needles and after sewing the little toy for Mak, I started another project last night. It's coming along quite nicely. Can you guess what it's gonna be?
Trosku jsem si upravila popis ale na internetu je spousta podrobnych navodu na tuto "africkou kvetinu".
I adjusted the pattern to my liking but you can find a lot of good tutorials for this "african flover".
Vcera jsem Makeefovi "predala" jeho novou velrybu a jak vidite, mela uspech, huraaa!
I gave Makeef his new toy whale yesterday and as you can see, he did like it, hooray!
Hackovany nahrdelnik, prvni a zatim take posledni....napadu mam plno ale casu se stale nejak nedostava.
Crocheted necklace, first and last for now......lots of ideas but no time.
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