Mnohe z vas asi uz nekdy slysely o kefirovych zrnech nebo kefirove kulture. Nebudu se tady podrobne rozepisovat o tom, co uz
napsali jini, treba pani Jarmila Teplikova ma velice informativni
stranky. Ja si zrnka privezla pred vice nez deseti lety z navstevy cech ale pri odjezdu na dovolenou v nasledujicim roce a po preruseni vyroby jsem se uz ke kefiru nevratila. Posledni dobou jsem ale premyslela, ze si je zase obstaram a jak uz to tak nekdy chodi, ona si "obstarala" mne. Nekdo je nebizel v inzerci mistnich novin a ja si je druhy den dovezla domu :) Od te doby piju nejmene 2x denne cerstvy kefir, delam z kefiru tvaroh, vymyslim nove recepty, kde bych mohla kefir vyuzit. Pridavam do ovocnych poharu, zadelavam s nim testo na vafle, chleba a ruzne buchty, zkratka mleko nahradim v receptu kefirem. Jako mala a mlada holka se slovo kefir, zakysana smetana, ci kysele mleko prede mnou nesmelo ani vyslovit, tak jsem to vse nemela rada. Ted si na kefiru pochutnam, delam ho hodne husty a vychlazeny je naramne lahodny. Pouzivate take kefir a mate nejake dobre recepty na jeho vyuziti ?
Lots of you probably heard about kefir grains or kefir culture before. I am not going to write about it here, since there is so much
information out there already. More
here. I brought the grains back with me from one of my visits to Czech many years ago and made kefir for about a year before I stopped due to our holiday. I never went back to it. For a while now, I was thinking about it and decided to find the culture again. I didn't have to, it found me :) I saw an add in the local paper last week and the next day a brought it home. Since then I am drinking at least 2 cups of kefir every day, I am making quark cheese from kefir, I am testing new recipes where I can use it. I add it to smoothies, to waffle batter, bread, cakes. I replace the milk in the recipes with it. When I was young, you couldn't even say the word kefir, buttermilk or sour cream front of me, I just distaste it so much.Now, I drink at least two cups of it every day and I savor it. It's thick and smooth. Do you consume kefir as well and do you have a good recipe how to incorporate it in your food ?
Tady vidite hrudky kefirove kultury v "akci" :)
Kefir kulture in "action" :)
quark cheese
Celozrnne vafle zadelane kefirem a polite tvarohen z kefiru smichanym z domacim dzemem.
Whole wheat waffles made with kefir and kefir quark cheese with homemade jam on the top.