neděle 27. února 2011

Pokrývka čajové konvice - Tea cozy

Uz dlouho si rikam, ze usiji tepelnou "cepicku" na cajovou konvici. Caj piji od rana do vecera, zeleny, bily, bylinkovy, ovocny, stridam je pravidelne a mohli by jste si vybrat nejmene z dvaceti druhu, kdyby jste se u me na salek caje zastavili :) Dnes slavime narozeniny kamaradky a ja i kdyz darek uz mam koupeny, jsem ji dnes jeste narychlo usila tuhle pokryvku na konvici. Snad se ji bude libit ....

I want to make a tea cozy for a long time. I drink tea all day long, green, white, fruit, herbal, I mix then up all the time and if you would stop for a cup of tea at my place, you could pick from at least twenty different varieties of tea :) Today, we are celebrating friends birthday and even thought I had a present already, this afternoon, I also made her this tea cozy. I hope that she'll like it ......

Zabaleno a nachystano na cestu .....

Packed and ready to go.....

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sobota 19. února 2011

Brian Buckrell

Kdysi jsem se tady zminovala o tom ze rada maluji. Kazdy ctvrtek se schazime s partou stejnych nadsencu. Tento tyden jsme zhledly prezentaci Briana Buckrella, ktery nam predvedl svou techniku malby.

I mentioned here before, that I like to paint. I belong to a painting group that meets every Thursday. This week we have a workshop with Brian Buckrell. It was very interesting and lovely day.

Tyhle nadherne kytky jsem nasla na Snowybliss blogu. Snad se vam budou libit tak jako mne a treba si take udelate latkovou kytici :)

I found these fabulous flowers at Snowybliss blog. I hope you like them as much as I do and maybe you give it a try and make a nice fabric bouquet too :)

A jeste fotka Maka. Vic jich najdete na blogu me dcery.

And last but not least photo of Mak. You can find more of them at my daughters blog.

Preji vam vsem krasny zbytek vikendu.
Have a wonderful weekend.
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pondělí 14. února 2011

Makeef's 1

V sobotu jsme oslavili Makeefa prvni narozeniny. V predvecer oslavy jsem mu jeste stacila usit maleho medvidka :)

Saturday, we celebrated Makeef's first birthday. I managed to make him this little bear the night before :)

Oslava byla moc hezka, myslim, ze i Makeef si to uzil, mel tam spoustu kamaradu sveho veku a take dospelaci se nenudili.

It was a nice party, Makeef had his little bodies there and also we adults had a good time.

Dcera mu udelala papirovou cepicku a na triko nasila kravatu ve stejne barve.

My daughter made him this party hat and sewed the tie on his shirt in coordinated color.

Hezkeho Valentyna!

Happy Valentines Day!
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pátek 11. února 2011


Mnohe z vas asi uz nekdy slysely o kefirovych zrnech nebo kefirove kulture. Nebudu se tady podrobne rozepisovat o tom, co uz napsali jini, treba pani Jarmila Teplikova ma velice informativni stranky. Ja si zrnka privezla pred vice nez deseti lety z navstevy cech ale pri odjezdu na dovolenou v nasledujicim roce a po preruseni vyroby jsem se uz ke kefiru nevratila. Posledni dobou jsem ale premyslela, ze si je zase obstaram a jak uz to tak nekdy chodi, ona si "obstarala" mne. Nekdo je nebizel v inzerci mistnich novin a ja si je druhy den dovezla domu :) Od te doby piju nejmene 2x denne cerstvy kefir, delam z kefiru tvaroh, vymyslim nove recepty, kde bych mohla kefir vyuzit. Pridavam do ovocnych poharu, zadelavam s nim testo na vafle, chleba a ruzne buchty, zkratka mleko nahradim v receptu kefirem. Jako mala a mlada holka se slovo kefir, zakysana smetana, ci kysele mleko prede mnou nesmelo ani vyslovit, tak jsem to vse nemela rada. Ted si na kefiru pochutnam, delam ho hodne husty a vychlazeny je naramne lahodny. Pouzivate take kefir a mate nejake dobre recepty na jeho vyuziti ?

Lots of you probably heard about kefir grains or kefir culture before. I am not going to write about it here, since there is so much information out there already. More here. I brought the grains back with me from one of my visits to Czech many years ago and made kefir for about a year before I stopped due to our holiday. I never went back to it. For a while now, I was thinking about it and decided to find the culture again. I didn't have to, it found me :) I saw an add in the local paper last week and the next day a brought it home. Since then I am drinking at least 2 cups of kefir every day, I am making quark cheese from kefir, I am testing new recipes where I can use it. I add it to smoothies, to waffle batter, bread, cakes. I replace the milk in the recipes with it. When I was young, you couldn't even say the word kefir, buttermilk or sour cream front of me, I just distaste it so much.Now, I drink at least two cups of it every day and I savor it. It's thick and smooth. Do you consume kefir as well and do you have a good recipe how to incorporate it in your food ?

Tady vidite hrudky kefirove kultury v "akci" :)

Kefir kulture in "action" :)

quark cheese
Celozrnne vafle zadelane kefirem a polite tvarohen z kefiru smichanym z domacim dzemem.

Whole wheat waffles made with kefir and kefir quark cheese with homemade jam on the top.
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neděle 6. února 2011

Deka žinylkovou technikou - Heirloom cut chenille baby blanket

O vikendu jsen usila tuhle detskou deku.I kdyz prikladam link na blog kde jsem ji objevila, a kde najdete podrobne nafoceny postup, chtela bych vam trosku priblizit, jak jsem se stim "poprala" ja. Misto tri vrstev flanelu jsem pouzila dve, z vrzchni latkou jsou to tedy celkem tri vrstvy a myslim, ze to uplne staci. Prosivane rady jsou asi 1cm - ridila jsem se ryskou na sicim stroji abych nemusela merit. Koupila jsem si na strihani pomucku ale zkusila jsem strihat nuzkami a jde to take pekne, takze se bez ni obejdete. Latky a dokoncena deka se perou az po usiti! Pouzivam susicku na pradlo ale myslim, ze neni potreba, prouzky se roztrepily uz v pracce, tim deka nabyde a je hezky "hunata". Prosivani je sice zdlouhave a zpotrebovala jsem 4 spulky niti ale vysledek stoji za to, 100% se brzy pustim do dalsi :)

Over the weekend I made this Heirloom cut chenille baby blanket. I am including link for the blog where I found this baby blanket tutorial. I used only two layers of flannel instead of three and I think it's totally sufficient. I love it, this is by far my favorite baby blanket ever! I had fun making it and I will be starting another one soon :)

Makeefovi bude pristi sobotu 1 rok a tak profesionalni fotografka nafotila o vikendu serii portretu cele rodinky. Tady je ukazka, vice priste :))

Makeef is turning 1 next Saturday and as a part of this upcoming event the family had a photo shoot this weekend. These are just samples, more to follow :))

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