úterý 21. července 2015

summer garden

Summer's in full swing, the garden is doing amazingly well and the weather is gorgeous. I guess that's one of the reason why we have such a bumper crop of everything this year. Here is just a little sneak peek ..... I have so many pictures I want to share with you, trips, events, and fun stuff, but the time is precious and I am spending every little bit enjoying the outdoors. I hope you are doing the same, have a wonderful week!

Leto je v plnem proudu, zahrada vypada uzasne, vsechno roste a uroda letos je a bude uzasna. Zasluhu na tom ma jiste i letosni nadherne pocasi. Tak tedy alespon par fotek ze zahradky. Chtela bych se s vami podelit i o ty z vyletu, rodinych seslosti a tak dale ale casu je malo a ja vyuzivam kazdou chvilku kterou muzu k tomu uzit si tohle nadherne rocni obdobi. Verim, ze si to uzivate i vy a preji vam krasny tyden!

 The owls are garding our crop ;)
 Sovy nam hlidaji urodu ;)



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