pondělí 23. března 2015

one step at a time

Exploring  watercolors  day after day. I am painting a portrait of ( and for ) my very dear friend. Her birthday is coming up and I decided to give it a try and dived right in. I am a self taught painter ( I wouldn't call myself an artist)  and I just learn as I go.

Den po dni se seznamuji z akvarelkami. Nejsem malirka a vse co vytvarim se ucim sama, krok za krokem. Tentokrat jsem se rozhodla namalovat portret me velmi blizke kamaradky. Blizi se jeji narozeniny a jestli vsechno dotahnu do konce, bude to jeji darek.

 Can you tell that I am a bit obsess with deer lately? ....  :)
Asi uz jste uhodli, ze jsem se posledni dobou zblaznila do vysoke zvere....  :)

all images © Monika Opatril

pátek 13. března 2015

I finished my beetle watercolor painting last weekend. I had to buy another brush for all those tiny details. I am finding out what I need and like (and dislike) as I go. I still didn't purchase any set of more expensive watercolors. I am quite content what I have right now, which is the student grade. Oh well, the time will come ;)

Minuly vikend jsem dokoncila akvarel brouka. Musela jsem si koupit dalsi stetec na ty malinke detaily. Postupne zjistuji co potrebuji a co me vyhovuje (a nevyhovuje). Jeste stale jsem se neodhodlala koupit drahe akvarelove barvy, zatim jsem spokojena s tim co mam, coz je studentska kvalita.  No coz, ten cas prijde ;)

Nature is waking up.
My peach tree is still in the pot and I put it in the greenhouse for the winter. Its already flowering ♥

Priroda se probouzi.
Broskvicku ve vekem kvetinaci mam zazimovanou ve skleniku a uz krasne kvete ♥

 Plum tree outside.
Svestka venku.


 I am very happy that I found black elderberry shrub plant at our nursery. There is red berry variety growing everywhere here, but it is not edible.  I came across one black elderberry once, but I was not able to propagated it.

 Mam silenou radost, sehnala jsem v zahradnictvi bezinku. Tady je rozsireny druh z cervenymi bobulemi, ktere nejsou jedle. Na jeden ker cerne bezinky jsem narazila ale nepodarilo se mi ji rozmnozit. A to se rika, ze bezinka je plevel!

 Lots of greens are growing all winter as we have such a mild year. Kale, parsley, arugula, swiss chard and of course the winter staple leeks.

Letosni zima byla opravdu mirna a tak mimo porku, ktery vydrzi celou zimu roste kaderabek, rukola, swiss chard, petrzelka.

 I've got some new pictures of the boys from my daughter. They grow way to fast!

A jeste par fotek nasich kluku, ktere jsem dostala od dcery. Rostou jako z vody! 

 all images ©Monika Opatril

sobota 7. března 2015

KOH-I-NOR watercolor

I am sure, most of you probably already came across the "photo to wood transfer" tutorial on the internet. I wanted to try this for years, but never really got to it.  Well I am going to celebrate my friends birthday next week and I wanted to make something special for her. So I took a photo from our Hornby getaway weekend and make her this "photo frame" with her pooch Juno in it. I hope that she will like it! I found this piece of wood with nice thick bark still attach to it and I thought that that will be the perfect "canvas" for this project. I like the rustic look and I know that's the look my friend likes too.   Here is a good tutorial if you want to give it a try yourself.

Jsemsi jista, ze jste uz na internetu narazily na tuto techniku prenosu fotky na drevo. Ja se ji chystala vyzkouset uz nekolik let ale nikdy jsem se k tomu nedostala.....az ted. Pristi tyden slavime narozeniny me kamaradky a tak jsem ji udelala tenhle "ramecek" s fotkou jeji cubicky Juno. Vyfotila jsem ji pri nasem pobytu na Hornby a ted se me to naramne hodilo.  Vybrala jsem tenhle kousek dreva s tlustou kurou, je to v rastickem stylu, ktery ma ona moc rada. Jestli si tuto techniku chcete vyzkouset, nasla jsem pro vas navod  zde.

 I found this Czech KOH-I-NOR watercolor wheel set in our craft store. I was stoke! It brings back so many childhood memories :)

Minuly tyden jsem u nas ve meste! objevila tyhle KOH-I-NOR vodove barvy. Musela jsem si je okamzite koupit, vzpominku na detstvi jsem tam proste nemohla nechat :)

My resolution to paint daily is not really working, but I try to sit down and "doodle" as much as I can. Our time is changing tonight and with longer days I may have more time to paint :)

Muj zavazek vytvorit alespon jednu "maluvku" denne se mi moc nedari ale snazim se zasednou a malovat jak jen to cas dovoli. Dnes v noci se u nas meni cas a z delsimi dny to snad pujde lip :)

Do you remember the rabbit on my shelf.  Anyway, this was an attempt to pain him....

Pamatujete si na tohohle  zajicka na me polici? Takhle dopadl pokus ho namalovat...

 I was home alone all day today. I painted three pieces of furniture with the chalk paint and also started this beetle painting. I hope I can show you the finish picture next time. Productive day for me, wishing you a wonderful weekend as well.

Dnes jsem byla cely den sama doma. Natrela jsem tri kusy nabytku "kridovou barvou" a pustila se do tohoto brouka. Priste vam ho uz snad predvedu dokonceneho a v plne krase ;)  Pro me produktivni den, preji vam krasny vikend.

neděle 1. března 2015


Yay first spring day. It is still super nice here, my girlfriends and I went to Hornby Island last weekend for our annual girls getaway. It was as usual  AWESOME !  Are you ready for pictures overload?  It's going to be a long scroll, lol. Enjoy.....

Hura, prvni jarni den!  U nas je stale nadherne, minuly tyden jsem stravila s kamaradkama na ostrove Hornby. Je to uz tradicni, kazdorocni "damska jizda". Bylo to, jako pokazde UZASNE !  Jste pripraveni ? Bude to dlouhe ale doufam, ze si to uzijete ;)


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