Je stale jeste teplo i kdyz dost casto prsi. To nam ale nebrani chodit na prochazky, na houby, pripravovat zahradu na zimu a vubec travit hodne casu na cerstvem vzduchu :)
Mushroom galore
Houbove nadeleni
Lobster mushrooms
Houby zvane lobster neboli humr.
They are delicious.
Jsou vyborne.
Gorgeous morning on the water visiting friends on Hornby.
Krasne rano na vode pri navsteve Ostrova Hornby.
Fords Cove Marina
Pristav Fords Cove
Harvested peppers from our greenhouse
Papriky ze skleniku
using the last of the tomatoes
a rajcata
and canning it so I can later make Hungarian Lecsó (also, letscho, letcho, or lecho, depending on the transliteration).
zavarena na leco.
I made this hat from a pattern I found here.
Hackovana cepice podle popisu (trosku upraveneho) LenkyH.
And a little sneak peek into my "craft room". I will show you more next time.
A male nahlednuti do me "dilny". Priste vam ukazu vic.