sobota 22. února 2014

Snowshoeing on Mt. Washington

Ctvrtecni vylet na sneznicich. Priroda, jak casto pisete opravdu panenska.  Bydlime v udoli, na jedne strane more,  na druhe hory. Toto je 15 minut autem od domu asi v puli hory Washington. Nejenom ja si uvedomuji jak je tady krasne. Vzdy me prekvapilo a potesilo to slyset  i od deti, zvlast kdyz byli jeste male!

Thursdays snowshoeing on Mt. Washington, about 15 minutes from our house.We live in a valley surrounded by ocean on one side and mountains on the other. Many of you comments on how beautiful the nature around here is. I do agree and I was always surprise and happy to hear that from my kids as well. It is nice to know they appreciate their surroundings!

Na cerstvem vzduchu vyhladne :0)
Fresh air sure increases your appetite :0)

Je libo  "stopecku snehove" whiskey?
Anyone in for "whiskey slushie" ?

Krasne odpoledne ve spolecnosti bezva kamaradek 
Awesome afternoon in the company of awesome friends 

Pohled z vrcholku do udoli. Foto ztazene z teto webove stanky, kde najdete vic fotek lyzarskeho strediska na hore Washington.

View from the top of Mt. Washington. This and more photos  here.

úterý 18. února 2014

Martha Stewarts Cozy Mittens

Tuhle prochazku jsme stihly po tom co roztal minuly snih a pred tim nez se v nedeli prihnala snehova vanice. Byli jsme par hodin bez elektriky ale druhy den uz bylo zase krasne slunecno. Ted je venku tajici brecka :(

We squeezed  this walk in between the last snow and our Saturday's snow storm. The power went out for few hours, but the next day the sun was out again. Now we just have the melting slash on the ground :(

 Prochazkova stezka vede  lesikem,
This walk way goes through forest area,

 okolo potoka
with little stream

 maleho letiste
by small planes airport

 a to vse v tesne blizkosti more.
and all of this right next to the sea.

 Zajimavy popis na rukavice z webove stranky Marthy Stewart.  Po upleteni tohoto prototypu jsem zjistila, ze nemam dostatek vlny.  Jednoduchy ale velmi zajimavy (tedy alespon pro mne) vzor.

I tried this interesting pattern from Martha Stewart . It is a clever pattern. When I finished the first one I realize I don't have enough yarn for the other one :( 

 Takze "paracka" a kombinace z jednim z dalsich, mnou umotanych, klubek. Musim rict, ze pleteni rukavic z vlastni vlny je velice uspokojujici a tyto male projekty jsou perfektni pro vyuziti vsech  zbytku!

So, I took it apart and started again with one of the many little balls from my stash. These are perfect for projects like this. I love to knit gloves and mittens with my wool.

Po upleteni se rukavice ve svu zhackuji  kontrastni prizi.
The mitts are join (crochet) together with contrasting color. 

čtvrtek 13. února 2014

Happy Birthday Mak!

Oslava Makeefa 4tych narozenin......

Makeef's 4th birthday party .......

 Milujem ho

Jak to rychle uteklo, jako by to bylo vcera co se narodil.....

It feels like yesterday when he was born.....

a v kvetnu uz z nej bude starsi braska :)

and he will be "big" brother in May already :)


úterý 11. února 2014

Herbal Tea

Snow..... time for a tea!  I love mixing my own teas. I dry skins from organic citrus fruits, and use organic ingredients as much as I can. I am lucky to have a herb garden (yes, I planted stinging nettle in my yard too ,lol) and I collect and dry my herbs. You can "play" with your teas and add what is pleasurable to your pallet. I like the hot ginger  and the taste of cloves a well as mint (this time pineapple mint) and lately I am adding turmeric not just to my teas, but to my smoothies as well.

Snih....cas uvarit caj! Moc rada si micham sve vlastni bylinkove caje. Dnes je to :
1. zazvor
2. citrusova kura
3. kurkuma
4. hrebicek
5. mata
Snazim se pouzivat bio  ingredience, mam stesti, ze mame zahradku, kde si pestuji bylinky. Vysadila jsem si dokonce i koprivu, protoze nikde okolo nas nerostla.

 You have to have something sweet with your tea, or at least I do ;)  Do you remember this recipe? Believe it or not, I still have a few jars left, so cherry pie it is.......... 

K caji potrebujete neco sladkeho, tedy alespon ja ;) Pamatuje si tenhle recept? Verte,neverte ale par sklenicek mam jeste ve spizi, takze ....tresnovy kolac.

Hope you are all doing well, keeping warm and cozy!
Doufam, ze prozivate pohodove dny v teple domova!

pátek 7. února 2014

Donuts - Koblihy

Ve stredu pri ceste do prace nam zetak dovezl vnuka a tak jsme si ho cely den uzivali :)

 My son in law dropped off our grandson on Wednesday morning on his way to work. So we had the whole day to enjoy his visit.

 On si to uzival take :)
 He enjoyed it too :)

 Kdyz u nas byl  naposled  "objednal" si u mne cepici ala "pavoučí muž" :)

Last visit he asked me to make him a Spider-Man hat. 

 Takhle to dopadlo.....
Here is the result......

 a tady uz cepice v akci :)  Vydali jsme se do nedalekeho lesa na prochazku.

and here is the hat "in action" :)  We went for a walk to the close by forest.

 Cely tyden je krasne slunecne pocasi ale teploty se pohybuji slabe nad nulou. Brrr.....

It is sunny all week, but just above zero and cold.....

 Ptacci jsou radi, ze maji stale naplnene krmitko.  Je zabavne je pozorovat, jen musi davat pozor na kocky. Zrovna miluly tyden to jeden chudak neprezil :(

 The birds are happy that the feeder is always full. It is entertaining to watch them, but they have to be really carefuller and look out for the cats. One didn't make it last week :(

 Nesmi chybet neco sladkeho na zub. Tady jsou koblihy podle receptu me babicky. Jsou rychle a moc dobre.

Tvarohove koblihy: 
250 měkého tvarohu
3 vejce
1 vanilkovy cukr
6 lzic rumu
200g mouky
1 prasek do peciva
spetka soli

Tvaroh utreme se zkoutky, vanilkovym cukrem a rumem. Pridame mouku se soli a kyprici prasek a nakonec snih z bilku.  Lzici vykrajujeme koblihy a peceme v rozpalenem oleji po obouch sranach do zlatova. Horke posypeme cukrem.

And something sweet to snack on. My Grandmas fast and easy Quark Cheese Donuts recipe.

Quark cheese donuts:
250 quark cheese
3 eggs
1 vanilla sugar
6 tbsp. rum
200g  flour
1 baking powder
pinch of salt

Cream the quark cheese, egg yolks, vanilla sugar and rum. Add flour,salt and baking powder, mix and fold in beaten egg whites. Drop spoonfuls of dough in the hot oil and fry on both sides till golden brown. Sprinkle with powder sugar when still hot.

 Muzeme jeste rozkrojit a naplnit marmeladou. Jen se po nich zaprasilo!
You can make a cut and fill them with jam too. They don't last long!


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