čtvrtek 30. ledna 2014

Kettle Corn

V sobotu jsme hlidali Makeefa. Bylo krasne slunecno a kdyz se vyradil na zahrade, rozhodli jsme se, ze pujdeme na chvilku na plaz.

We babysat Makeef this Saturday. It was a beautiful, sunny day and when he was finished playing in the yard, we decided to go to the beach for a bit.

  Je par kilometru od domu, pekne z kopce dolu a mi se najednou ocitli v jinem svete. Husta mlha vsude kolem nas. Nakrmili jsme racky a rychle spechali domu za slunickem.

 It is just few km down the hill from our place but it was like a different world there. Thick fog everywhere around us. So we fed the seagulls and hurried back home to enjoy the sun.

Dalsi kousek zrenovovaneho nabytku. Nejdriv pekne obrousit vrchni desku.
Another  shabby chic side table done. First I had to strip the top.

Tu potom znovu namorit tmavou barvou a muze se zacit pracovat. Poprve namodro....
Then I stained it with dark color and I started working on the bottom part. First the blue...

 podruhe svetle sediva
then the light gray

 a opatrne brousit.
and careful sanding.
 Jeste navoskovat a je hotovo.
Then some wax and it is done.

Mam tyhle renovace moc rada.
 I love these projects, they are so much fun.

Zrovna jsem dodelala tuhle " na sladko" prazenou kukurici abych mela neco na "zobani' pri psani. Je moc dobra a tak se svami podelim o recept  a  tady je video, kde i bez prekladu uvidite jak na to. Rozehrejeme si olej na stredni teplote, pridame cukr a kukurici a priklopene poklickou stale pohybujeme po plotynce aby se cukr ani kukuricna zrna nepripalila.  Cukr v oleji karamelizuje a kukurice zacne praskat. Kdyz uz praska jen jednou ci dvakrat za vterinu "pop corn'' je hotov.
1/4 hrnku rostlineho oleje (ja pouzila kokosovy)
1/4 hrnku cukru (muze byt i hnedy)
1/2 hrnku kukurice na prazeni 

I just finished making this delicious Kettle corn, This is a good recipe you may want to try. Watch the video too. I used organic coconut oil instead and also brown sugar because Dominik didn't want me to use organic coconut sugar. He felt that would be way too healthy lol. He is such a sugar junkie :)) 

pátek 24. ledna 2014


Tento tyden jsme oslavili 17te narozeniny naseho nejmladsiho  syna. Pripada mi to jako vcera, kdyz jsem ho prvne drzela v naruci 

We celebrated our youngest son 17th birthday this week. It feels like yesterday when I held him in my arms for the first time  

 Deti kdysi meli  vypalovačku do dřeva, ktera se nakonec rozbyla. Ja si ted koupila jednu pro sebe a mam o zabavu postarano......

I am having fun with my  new pyrographer. The kids used to have one years ago, but it broke. I bought a new one recently for myself and I am trying it out....

Dalsi pradeno me vlny, barvene potravinarskymi barvami. Clovek nikdy nevi co se na vretanku nakonec "vyvrbi".

Another batch dyed with food coloring. You never know how the final product will look. It's fun.....

Preji vam krasny vikend!
Have a wonderful weekend!

pondělí 6. ledna 2014

Dvere za vanocnimi svatky se zavrely a leden vnesl pohodu "obycejnych" dnu. Mam zase vice casu delat veci ktere mne bavi. A abych vyvazila vysedavani u kolovratku a dalsi sedave zaliby, vyrazim denne na 4-5 kilometrove prochazky. Pocasi nam nastesti preje.  A protoze po "vyslapu" prijde vhod neco tepleho ale rychleho, tady je recept  na "plnene topinky".  Na olivovem oleji osmahneme cibulku a pridame nakrajene houby (ja mela zmrazene lišky). Okorenime podle chuti a dusime az jsou houby mekke. Mezitim si pripravime platky chleba a syra (co dum da, u me to byl cedar :)) Kazdy platek chleba z vnejsi strany namazeme maslem  a na vnitrni  polozime platky syra.  Pridame houbovou napln, chleby pritiskneme k sobe a  na rozehrate panvi  opeceme do zlatova.  Je to mnamka!

 Now that the holidays are over, things are back to normal. I have more time to do stuff I like once again and to balance the time I spend sitting at my spinning wheel or doing other crafts, I started walking longer distances. 4-5 kilometers a day. When I come home I want something quick and warm and comforting. This grilled cheese sandwich is just it. It is a regular grilled cheese, but with a little twist. I fried some onions and mushrooms ( I had frozen chanterelles mushroom ) seasoned to taste and filled the bread (with the cheese) before I fried it. Yammy!

Fun with fiber....


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