pondělí 24. června 2013

B-day weekend

V nedeli jsme oslavily me narozeniny. Tedy slavilo se uz od patku a jeste se slavit bude :) Proste takova "roztahana" oslava. Dcera s rodinou je od patku u znamich na svatbe, starsi syn byl vsechny tri dny v praci a protoze Neila bolela zada, odvolali jsme veceri domluvenou s kamarady. Snad se mu brzy udelala lepe a budem moc vyrazit a dcera prijizdi zitra.

Sunday we celebrated my birthday. Well  it was rather all weekend celebration with friends stopping by and we are not finish yet  :)  My daughter and her family were gone for a friends wedding,  my older son was working and Neil had really bad back pain so we had to cancel dinner with friends. I hope that he  feels better soon and we can go out and my daughter  is coming tomorrow.

Bajecny patecni vecer s kamaradkami.
Awesome Friday night with girlfriends.

Neil, Dom, jeho pritelkyne Alex a jeji maminka.  Jako loni i letos mi Alexandra a Dominik  upekli vyborny dort! Tentokrat plneny malinami s citronovym kremem.

Neil, Dom, his girlfriend Alex and her mom  Kathleen. Same as last year, Alexandra and Dominik baked me delicious cake. This year filled with raspberries and with lemon frosting.

 Nedelni rano, mi kluci, darky....
Sunday morning, my boys, presents.....

 ....fotak, ktery jsem si moc, moc prala, takze bezmezna radost.
.....camera that I really, really wanted so I am supper stoke!

úterý 11. června 2013


Nejdrive se svami chci podelit a snad i zazehnout jiskricku inspirace. Kde kdo dnes hackuje ci plete a vzdy tomu tak bylo a bude ale nekdo ma  i uzasny cit pro barvy a jejich kombinaci. Potom vznikaji krasne vyrobky jako treba na tehto fotkach. Navody jsou dost nazorne a prekladac google jiste take pomuze.

I want to share these few tutorials with you. Lots of people knit and crochet. They always did and they always will, but some just have the right feeling for the color and the results are beautiful.

1.Northern Star  
2.Half flower
4.Scallop hat

Modra neni moje barva a tak jsem se rozhodla usit  si maxi sukni z bile bavlny. Obkreslila jsem strih, vytahla  serger a pustila se do prace. Byla jsem hotova nez bys rekl svec :)

Blue is not my color, but  I like this maxi skirt so I decided to trace the pattern and make one I like. I took out my serger sewing machine and set to work. I used light cotton fabric, no elastic in the waist, just a band from the same fabric.....easy peasy, I was done in no time!

 Sukni budu jeste barvit ale o tom zase priste :)
 I am going to dye this skirt, I'll post about it soon :) 


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