Dny bezi jako voda, pocasi se opet zkazilo a ja se nemuzu dockat, az si budeme moc zase posedet venku.....v dnesnim lijaku by clovek ani neveril, ze pred tydnem bylo takhle hezky. Travila jsem dny na zahradce, kde v tomhle chladnem pocasi roste pekne snad akorat trava.
Time flies, the weather turned ugly and cold once again. I can't wait for the sun to return, so we can enjoy the outdoors. It's hard to believe, that it was nice and sunny not that long ago and I was working in the garden, where now, only the grass grows like crazy, while the rest of the plants are waiting for the warmer days.
Moc se mi libi stin vetve na teto fotce.
I love this photo with the shadow of the tree branch on the ground.
Kdyz nemuzeme grilovat, udelala jsem dnes hamburgery alespon na panvi v kuchyni, mnnn cerstve upecene celozrnne housky, domaci okurky, relish........
Certainly not a nice weather for a barbeque, but I made these burgers for our dinner today indoor in a pan, with fresh homemade buns, pickles and relish that I caned last summer.....mnnn.
V pondeli jsem absovovala kurs na prosivani patchvorkovych dek. Byl to bajecny den, kde jsem se toho moc dozvedela. Vyzkousely jsme si ruzne vzory a zpusoby volneho prosivani ( free quilting). Je to zajimava technika, se zvlastni patkou na stroji, ktera umoznuje volne pohybovat latkou. Zacatky byly nevalne ale jak hodiny utikaly a ruce si zvykaly, slo to lepe a lepe.
I took a free motion quilting course this Monday. It was very informative and fun and I learned a lot in one day! We tried different techniques of free quilting, which I never did before. You need a special foot on your sewing machine, that allows you to move the fabric freely in all directions. It was difficult at the beginning but as the hours passed it got easier and i felt more confident.
Toto jsou vzory site volne bez sablony.
These are free motion patterns.
Tohle je dalsi zpusob, jak muzeme prosivat. Prez sablonu z jemneho papiru, ktery se po prositi odstrani.
Another way to quilt is to use tissue paper pattern, that you remove after you done free quilting.
Nebo muzeme nazehlovat dilky lepiciho (zazehlovaciho) papiru , ktere po obsiti sloupneme a nazehlime o kus dal a tak pokracujeme stale dokola.
You can also use freezer paper pattern that you reapply ( iron on ) after each row.
Ted se citim o moc vic pripravena pustit se do sve prvni deky i kdyz
mozna nejprve prijde na radu nejaky mensi projekt, na kterem budu moc jeste
trenovat :)
I feel better about starting my quilt project, even thought I may tackle some small ones first, just for
practice :)