čtvrtek 28. června 2012

thank you......

Nejprve bych  vam vsem chtela podekovat za  mila prani k narozeninam, moc me potesila!
A ted  se s vami podelim o par fotek ze zahradky......

I would like to thank you for all the warm birthday wishes! 
And now I would like to share few photos from the garden......

Vcera jsem malem zaslapla tuhle nadhernou muru, "usadila" se primo pred vchodem na terasu a tak jsem ji po vyfoceni honem  prendala na bezpecnejsi misto.

I almost stepped on this beautiful moth yesterday. I found it at the front of the house and after I took the photo I moved it to safer spot.

Vcera jsme take zasadili slivu, narozeninovy darek od pratel.

We planted this plum tree yesterday, my birthday gift from friends.

 Susim bylinky.....tymian
  I am harvesting my herbs....thyme



 bougainvillea v plnem kvetu 
 bougainvillea in full bloom


a to je pro dnesek vse :)
and that's all for today :)

pondělí 25. června 2012

birthday celebration

V sobotu jsem z rodinou a prateli oslavila narozeniny. Bylo nadherne pocasi a tak jsme posedeli na zahrade, jedli, pili, povidali ale take hrali ruzne hry, no zkratka pohodovy den, jak ma byt.....

 I celebrated my birthday this Saturday with family and friends. The weather was great and we spent the afternoon outdoor, talking ,eating, drinking and playing games. Lovely, relaxing day, how it's suppose to be....

Dominik a jeho pritelkyne me prekvapili timto vybornym dortem, ktery sami upekli.

Dominik and his girlfriend surprised me with this delicious cake, that they baked themselves.


Minuly tyden jsem se  pustila do vyroby kvasku podle tohoto receptu, ktery jsem nasla na blogu u Michleny  a znej v sobotu upekla  chleb podle meho osvedceneho receptu. Chlebovy kvasek jsem pridala i z drozdim,  ktere normalne pouzivam a vodu jsem jeste nahradila podmaslim. Chleb byl vyborny, vonavy a chutove opravdu rozdilny od chleba peceneho bez kvaskuKvasek byl jen ctyri dny stary a tu "pravou" chut pry docili teprve po ctrnacti dnech "zrani" i kdyz pouzit se da uz ted.

I started Sourdough starter last week and I baked really delicious bread yesterday. I used my bread recipe (with yeast) and added the starter and also some buttermilk. Here is a good video how to make the starter and let me tell you,  the taste and the texture are well worth the extra work!
 Zaujal me jednoduchy (mnou jeste neodzkouseny) navod na "rezani" sklenenych lahvi. Trojitou prizi namocime v odlakovaci na nehty a uvazeme okolo lahve. Zapalime a sklenici pomalu otacime. Tesne pred dohoreni (plaminek meni barvu a zkomira) lahev ponorime do nadoby z vodou a ledem. Sklo by melo prasknout kousek pod mistem, kde byl provazek. Kdyz se to nepovede na poprve, muzete zkusit znovu ale pouzijte novy kousek prize. Ostre hrany obruste smirkovym papirem, pri brouseni pouzijte trosku vody - tolik navod.

I didn't have time to try this tutorial yet, but I can see how can this get addictive :))

úterý 19. června 2012

Shepherd's pie

 Mame radi tento tzv. pastevcuv kolac a protoze vcera bylo venku zase pomerne chladno a toto je jidlo, alespon pro me, pro chladnejsi pocasi ( ano, na noc jsme zapalili v kamnech ohen ) pustila jsem se do vareni.

We love Shepherd's pie, and because yesterday's weather called for some kind of comfort food ( yes, we lit a fire for the night ), I put together this dish.

 Nejprve si pripravime bramborovou kasi. ( Ja kasi bezne delam na pul s kvetakem a pridam vzdy jeste do hrnce par strouzku cesneku. Po uvareni dodelam stejne jako kasi jen z brambor a verte, ze jestli to zkusite, budou se vsichni olizovat ) Dale si nakrajime mrkev, okrajime zrnicka sladke kukurice, vyloupeme hrasek ( muzeme pouzit i nakladane ) a dame na chvilku povarit.

Start with making the mash potatoes. I almost always substitute half the potatoes with cauliflower  and add few garlic cloves in the water as well.  While the potatoes and cauliflower and garlic cloves are cooking, chop carrots, corn and cook till done but firm.  You can add fresh peas too or use caned as I did.
 Nakrajeny cesnek, cibuly a porek osmazime s troskou olivoveho oleje a mletym masem. Ja jsem pouzila klobasy, ktere byly uz ochucene, kdyz pouzivate mlete maso, okorente podle vlasni chute. Kdyz je maso uvarene pridame povarenou mrkev, kukurici, hrasek, zahustete troskou tmave omacky- instantni tmave jisky?

Sauté chopped garlic, onion, leek and ground beef with a bit of olive oil. I used sausages, that were already spicy but you can use salt, pepper and other seasonings of your choice. When the meat is no longer pink add the carrots,corn and peas and add some gravy or beef broth. Mix well and spread the ground beef in an even layer on the bottom of a casserole dish. Next, spread a layer of mashed potato mixture. You could sprinkle it with cheese as well. 

 Vse dobre promichame, narovname do pekace, prikryjeme bramborovou kasi ( muzeme pridat nastrouhany syr ) a dame na 30 minut zapect do trouby.

Cook in the oven until bubbling and brown, about 30 minutes.

 Latky na quilt, pripravene do pracky.

Fabrics for the quilt, ready to be wash.

Tady uz vyzehlene a pripravene ke strihani.

Ironed and ready to be cut. 

 Tuto latku jsem vybrala na zadni stranu deky.

 I have chosen this one for the back side of the quilt.

Nemuzu se dockat az se pustim do prace, dnes se ale udelalo po delsi dobe hezky a tak jsem cely den stravila na zahrade.

I can't wait to start working on it, but the weather was really nice today so I spent the day outside gardening.

neděle 17. června 2012

 to all the fathers out there!! We celebrated father's day with Neil's sister and her two kids. They spent the weekend with as and we had a lovely time. I hope, we can do it again soon :))

Dnes je " Den Otcu ". My jsme si uzili vikend z Neilovou sestrou, neteri a synovcem a dnes spolecne oslavili tento svatek.

                                                                         Dominik and Emily

Novy prirustek do me  sbirky, neni to nadhera?
New addition in my collection, isn't she beautiful?

 Mak a vozicek, s kterym si hral uz Neil a jeho sourozenci.

Neil's and his siblings old wagon, that his sisters kids outgrew. Mak's loving it.

Dalsi variace z kynuteho testa, na tzv. "sneky".  Na podrobny a krasne nafoceny postup se muzete podivat zde.  Ja jsem zdvojnasobyla davku (pulku bile mouky nahradila celozrnnou ), z ni udelala pet mensich "zavitku" a po upeceni je jeste polila citronovou polevou.

Puvodni recept
300 g mouky (2 hrnky)
1/2 lzicky soli
120 ml vlazneho mleka (1/2 hrnku)
15 g cerstveho drozdi (nebo 1balicek suseneho)
30 g rozpusteneho masla (1/8 hrnku)
1 zloutek
1lzice cukru
50 g rozpusteneho masla (1/4hrnku)
4-5 lzic cukru
3 lzicky skorice

Another variation of cinnamon buns " Estonian Kringe " I  doubled  the batch and made five of them instead of just two and  I also drizzled lemon glaze on them after they were baked.

Preji krasny tyden....
Hope you have a great week.....

sobota 9. června 2012

✿ free quilting ✿

Dny bezi jako voda, pocasi se opet zkazilo a ja se nemuzu dockat, az si budeme moc zase posedet venku.....v dnesnim lijaku by clovek ani neveril, ze pred tydnem bylo takhle hezky. Travila jsem dny na zahradce, kde v tomhle chladnem pocasi roste pekne snad akorat trava.

Time flies, the weather turned ugly and cold once again. I can't wait for the sun to return, so we can enjoy the outdoors. It's hard to believe, that  it was nice and sunny not that long ago and I was working in the garden, where now, only the grass grows like crazy, while the rest of the plants are waiting for the warmer days.

Moc se mi libi  stin vetve na teto fotce.
I love this photo with the shadow of the tree branch on the ground.


 Kdyz  nemuzeme grilovat, udelala jsem dnes hamburgery alespon na panvi v kuchyni,  mnnn cerstve upecene celozrnne housky, domaci okurky,  relish........

Certainly not a nice weather for a barbeque, but I made these burgers for our dinner today indoor in a pan, with fresh homemade buns, pickles and relish that I caned last summer.....mnnn.

V pondeli jsem absovovala kurs na prosivani patchvorkovych dek.  Byl to bajecny den, kde jsem se toho moc dozvedela. Vyzkousely jsme  si ruzne vzory a zpusoby volneho prosivani ( free quilting). Je to zajimava technika,  se zvlastni patkou na stroji, ktera umoznuje volne pohybovat latkou. Zacatky byly nevalne ale jak hodiny utikaly a ruce si zvykaly, slo to lepe a lepe.

I took a free motion quilting course this Monday. It was very informative and fun and I learned a lot in one day! We tried different techniques of free quilting, which I never did before. You need a special foot on your sewing machine, that allows you to move the fabric freely in all directions. It was difficult at the beginning but as the hours passed  it got easier and i felt more confident.

Toto jsou vzory site volne bez sablony.

These are free motion patterns.

Tohle je dalsi zpusob, jak muzeme prosivat. Prez sablonu z  jemneho  papiru, ktery se po prositi odstrani.

 Another way to quilt is to use tissue paper pattern, that you remove after you done free quilting.

Nebo muzeme nazehlovat dilky lepiciho (zazehlovaciho) papiru , ktere po obsiti sloupneme a nazehlime o kus dal a tak pokracujeme stale dokola.

You can also use freezer paper pattern that you reapply ( iron on ) after each row. 

Ted se citim o moc vic pripravena pustit se do sve prvni deky i kdyz mozna nejprve prijde na radu nejaky mensi projekt, na kterem budu moc jeste trenovat :)

 I feel better about starting my quilt project, even thought I may tackle some small ones first, just for
 practice :)


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