sobota 28. dubna 2012

Scalloped Dresden Bag

Venku prsi, doma topime a  dnesni den jako by primo vybizel k tvoreni. Toto je kabelka  " Scalloped DresdenBag "  usita podle strihu z meho minuleho prispevku.  Jen jsem si strih trosku upravila a hlavne zvetsila., protoze mam rada prostorne tasky.  Postup na siti je velice podrobny a tak se sila moc pekne. Je z lnene latky a bavlny, sponky jsem zreciklovala ze stare kabelky. ( jen jeste podotknu, ze kabelka/strih je urcena jen pro osobni pouziti a ne na prodej )

It's  raining, our fire is going and in my opinion, that is a perfect day for crafts. I decided to make the 
" Scalloped Dresden Bag "  from my last post.  I made adjustments to the original pattern and made the bag bigger,  because I like to have lots of room  for all my stuff  :)  The instructions are very detail  and easy to follow. I used linen and cotton fabrics and recycled the "hardware" from an old purse. 

úterý 24. dubna 2012


Dnes vam prinasim dve "dobroty".  Prvni, v podobe bezplatneho strihu na kabelku, kterou si chci stoprocentne usit.

I have a  few goodies for you today. First one is  this free Scalloped Dresden Bag  pattern. I thing that it's really lovely and I, for sure, will make one for myself. 


 Druha je navod jak "vysperkovat" obycejnou salu. Pouziva se "papir do mrazaku" ktery po vystrihnuti sablony nazehlime na latku. Po "vybarveni a zaschnuti barvy jen sloupneme a je hotovo.

 Second is this easy  tutorial   for beautifying  a simple scarf. 

 O vikendu jsme vyrazili do nedalekeho mestecka Nanaimo, kde nikdy nevynecham obchod pro kutily Michaels a nakoupim veci o kterych jsem vubec netusila, ze je  "nutne' potrebuji  :)

We went down to Nanaimo this weekend, where I always shop at Michaels store. I bought things I didn't know I needed :)

Tento mesic jsem se stala clenkou mistniho zdruzeni "pratel vlny"  a vcera poprve vyzkousela predeni. I kdyz jsem si koupila vlastni kolovratek, pronajala jsem si na mesic tento skladaci, ktery je modernejsi a hlavne prenosny.  Pustila jsem se do prace z prizi, kterou jsem sama vyprala a  ucesla. Slo to pomalu a ne dobre, ale nepocitala jsem stim, ze sednu ke kolovratku a bude ze mne zkusena pradlena.. Budu se toho muset hooodne naucit.

I also  joined  our local  Wool gatherers guild,  and yesterday, for the first time, I tried to spin some of the fleece, that I washed and carded. As I expected, it did not go very well. There is soooo much to learn!

Nitka se kroutila, byla tenka a tlusta, vetsinou moc " umotana" ale nevzdala jsem to a z prvnich dvou (ne moc povedenych)  klubicek vznikl tento  pleteny prouzek

The fleece was winding, thick and thin, but I kept trying. This is a sample, that I knitted from my first (not very good) balls of yarn.

Dnes se s vami rozloucim fotkami figuriny, kterou jsem si vcera koupila na foceni mych vyrobku. Nejenom sal, salu, nakrcniku a podobne ale take sperku, ktere vam snad uz v brzke dobe predvedu.

Before I say good bye, I want to show you my new "torso" I bought yesterday. I like to take photographs of my handmade stuff  and I think, that it will looks more presentable.  Hopefully, I'll be  able to show you my new necklaces soon.

Skoro dokonceny sal.......

Almost finished shawl......

neděle 15. dubna 2012

Spring and such......

 Prave hackuji tento nadherny sal,  navod najdete tady. Kdyz na prave strane zadate "download" muzete si zdarma stahnou  popis.

I am crocheting this beautiful shawl.  You will fine the free pattern download here. 

Bohuzel u nas nemeli tuto prizi prave v tehle barve ( uz je objednana a snad pristi tyden dorazi ) a tak jsem  zatim sahla do mych zasob.

 Unfortunately, they did not have the yarn available in the same color,  but I did order it and it should be here next week.  For now,  I picked this one from my stash, as I couldn't wait and have to try the pattern right away.

 Verim, ze jste si hezky uzili  velikonocni vikend! K nam konecne dorazilo jarni pocasi a tak pracujeme okolo domu a na zahrade. Osazuji kvetinace, vyndala jsem kvetiny, ktere prezimovaly v kulne, sazim seminka. Sazenicky rajcat a paprik jsem presadila do vetsich kvetniku a brzy poputuji do skleniku.

Hope you all had a wonderful Easter weekend! Spring weather finally arrived,  and we are happily working around the yard and in the garden. I am busy planting flower pots, taking out my winterized plants and planting all kinds of seeds. My tomatoes and peppers seedlings have been already transferred  into bigger pots, they'll be ready for the greenhouse soon.

Muj oblibeny " jarni " strom na ostrove Hornby, kde jsme stravili minuly tyden.

This is my favorite " spring " tree on Hornby Island, where we spent last week.

Devoshire Farm, Courtenay, B.C.

čtvrtek 5. dubna 2012


Velikonoce se blizi ale ja, diky stale trvajici chripce  nemam nic poradne nachystane :(  Nezdobim, nepecu ale misto toho odpocivam a probiram se  nekonecnou inspiraci na internetu.   Podelim se s vami o tyto dva zajicky :)

Easter is approaching  rather fast, but due to my flu, I am not doing much of decorating or baking.  I am resting most of the time, trying to get better, looking through tons of Easter inspiration and ideas. I'll share these two cute bunnies with you :)

Tyto roztomile zajicky najdete na blogu  the Purle bee a strih si muzete vytisknous zde.

You can find these bunny puppets at  the Purl bee blog and the pdf. printable pattern is here.

 Dalsi jou pleteni zajicci na vajicka z blogu Zakka Life.

Next is this bunny egg cozy pattern, which you can find at Zakka Life blog.

 A nakonec jeste dokoncena decka. Doufala jsem, ze prize kterou jsem ji hackovala je vlna, po dokonceni putovala rovnou do pracky z horkou vodou, kde  krasne zplstnatela nebo se rika zfilcovatela?  Kazdopadne to byl pozadovany efekt a ted je z ni muj novy nakrcnich.

And last but not least is my new neck warmer. The crocheted doily, which I finished by felting it in the washing machine and that turned out just the way I imagined it would.

Preji vam vsem krasny vikend at uz slavite Velikonoce nebo Pesach......
Have a wonderful Easter weekend or Passover celebration ......


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