Dnes jsou tomu prave dva tydny, co jsme se rozloucili z tatou na letisti ve Vancouveru. Rano pred odjezdem jeste rychla zastavka u dcery a posledni obejmuti z pravnouckem Makeefem.
It is two weeks today since we said good buy to my dad at the Vancouver airport. Before we left our town in the morning, we made one more stop at my daughter's house to say good buy. Here is a photo of Makeef's and great grandpa's last hug.
Vancouver's Stanley Park
Vancouver's Stanley Park Hollow Tree
Vancouver International Airport
Neil, Dad and Tess
"The Spirit of Haida Gwaii, the Jade Canoe," featuring legendary Haida creatures, is a cast bronze statue (6.05m by 3.89m by 3.48m)
Bronzova skulptura Billa Reida na letisti ve Vancouveru.
Tata se po celou dobu navstevy vzorne a obetave staral o zahradku, v tom nejlepsim, kdyz vsechno kvete a dozrava, prave odletel domu. Snad ho alespon potesim fotkama.
Dekuji tati, zahradka nikdy nevypadala lepe!
My father took exceptional care of the garden the whole time he was here. He left when everything started to bloom and ripen. I know he will love these photos.
Thank you dad, the garden never looked better!
Babicka mi na jare poslala seminka rajcat. Tato odruda se jmenuje "
Býčí srdce ". Pokazde, kdyz je vidim na ni myslim,. Skoda, ze se nedozila toho, aby videla, jak se jim u nas ve skleniku naramne dari........
My grandmother sent me heirloom tomatoes seeds this spring. They are called "
Bulls heart " Every time I am in the greenhouse I think of her, she would be pleased to see how great they are doing .......
Fotky MoniO, kliknete pro zvetseni.
All images by MoniO, click to enlarge.