pátek 29. července 2011

before and after

 Kytovani, brouseni, natirani, polstrovani, proste takove recyklovani stare zidle. Zatim jsou hotove ctyri z deseti ale i to je pokrok, Pracuji na nich postupne, tak rikajic za provozu, protoze ty v puvodnim stavu stale pouzivame u jidelniho stolu. Koupila jsem barvu ktera je zaroven i zakladova ale i tak kazda zidle potrebovala tri natery. Titerna prace a dalsich sest zidli prede mnou :)))

Zapojila jsem se do souteze u Ivy. Bezte se podivat na jeji blog, jeji malby jsou moc hezke a najdete u ni vzdy neco noveho a zajimaveho.

Filling, sanding, painting, upholstering and here it is, recycled chair. So far four of them and six more to go but that's a progress for me. We still use the old ones at the table, that's why I am working  in batches. Even though I bought good paint with primer in it,  it still takes three coats  to have a nice finish.

I entered " recycling  do over"  giveaway at Iva's. Check out her blog, her painting are beautiful and her blog inspiring.

pondělí 11. července 2011

Citronovnik - Lemon Tree

 Pri nedavne navsteve zahradnictvi mi tata udelal radost timhle citronem. Je to krizenec citronu a mandarinky ci pomerance- to se presne nevi ale plody jsou pry vyborne  Jmenuje se Meyer lemon, ma uz nekolik malych citronku  a opojnou vuni.

My dad bought me this little "Meyer Lemon" tree when we visited our local nursery last week. I did some research on the web and found out that it is a good variety, lemon cross with ether mandarin orange or orange and has very flavorful taste but not as strong as other lemons. It already has some little lemons and the flowers smell is amazing.

 V sobotu jsme se zastavily u jednoho z mnoha "garazovych" prodeju. Nevim jestli jsem se o nich uz zminovala ale lide otevrou sve garaze, vyndaji stoly pred dum a na zahradu a prodavaji sve nepotrebne veci. U nas tzv. garage sale. Samo sebou se tam vzdycky najde neco co musite proste mit :))  Ja nasla tuhle krabicku a bavlnky na hackovani.

Garage sale found - little box full of crocheting yarn,  perfect for covering more rocks.

Prvni fotka je kolibrik, ktery nam vletl do kuchyne a ktereho jsem ze zebriku chytila v rohu stresniho okna. Druhy je perfektne zachovaly ususeny chudak, ktery se dostal  do mistnosti, kterou nepouzivame a ven uz cestu nenasel. Poleti s tatou do cech.......

First photo is a hummingbird that got stuck in our skylight. I had to rescue him with a ladder. The second one is dried out one,  that my dad found in one of the rooms that we seldom use, where he got stuck and died. He is going to take him home with him........

 image by  " little dear tracks"

Dnesni inspirace je z blogu   Little Dear Tracks.

Today's inspiration is from  Little Dear Tracks  blog.

čtvrtek 7. července 2011

my dad's visit

Nejdrive bych vam vsem chtela moc podekovat za vsechny mile komentare k minulemu a predminulemu prispevku.  Moc si jich vazim a je mi hned lepe  pri pomysleni na vsechna ta uprimna a povzbudiva slova, ktera jste mi tady laskave  zanechaly!

Leto je v plnem proudu,  ja si uzivam otce a deti dedecka, ktery je u nas uz vice nez 14 dni. Je to jeho prvni navsteva Kanady a myslim, ze se mu tady velice libi. Pred par roky odesel do duchodu a od te doby jsme planovali jeho navstevu. Az letos se mi ho podarilo premluvit, snad take diky svatbe Terezy. Vyrazime na vylety, predstavujeme mu pestrou paletu celosvetove kuchyne, odpocivame i pracujeme na zahrade. Ta, podle Neila, pry letos vypada lepe nez kdykoli predtim ....... tati dekuji :)

 Hornby Island, Ford Cove

 I would like to thank all of you, that left comments for the previous posts. They made me feel better and I appreciate your sincerity !

It's been over two weeks since my father arrived to  Canada. This is his first visit here and he is enjoying the stay. I tried to  convince him to come after he retired and I thing that Terezas wedding was a big motivation.  The whole family gets together often, we are exploring Vancouver Island,  local and international cuisine and spend lots of time in the yard and garden which according to Neil never looked better......thank you dad :))

 Hornby Island, Helliwell Provincial Park

 Dlouho odkladana renovace kuchynskych zidli. To je zatim veskery pokrok, ktery jsem za posledni dva tydny zvladla :(

Long overdue kitchen chairs renovation. This is my progress in two weeks so far :(

A na rozloucenou  jeste krasne predelane stare hodiny od Landeelu.

I will leave you with this Clock Make Over from Landeelu.

Preji vam vsem krasny den......

Hope you have a wonderful day.........


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