pondělí 27. června 2011

Svatba - Wedding

 Svatba me dcery, ostrov Hornby, 24.6. 2011.  Prikladam par amaterskych fotek a doufam, ze profesionalne nafocene snimky take brzy uvidite.

My daughters wedding, Hornby Island, 24.6. 2011. I am posting few pics and hope that you can see the professionally taken  photos soon. 

Nas " maly, velky " muz :)

Our " little big " man :)
 .......a cela rodina.

..........and the whole  family.


Mrs. and Mr. L 

Dodatecne pridany link, dalsi fotky najdete tady
This is an added link for more photos.


neděle 12. června 2011

Babicka - Grandmother

                           11.8. 1927  -  11.6. 2011

Vcera zemrela ma milovana babicka,  ktera  poslednich par tydnu marne bojovala z nasledky 40 let starych zdravotnich problemu.  Mozna jste si vsimli me odmlky, omlouvam se a hned jak se trochu vzpamatuji me tady budete mit zpet.
Odpocivej v pokoji........

My beloved grandmother passed away yesterday. She lost her battle of 40 year old medical problems at the age of 83. You may have noticed my absence here the last few weeks,  I'll be back as soon as I pull myself together and make peace with her death.


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