čtvrtek 26. května 2011

prazdna misa - empty bowl

 Jak uz jsem tady nekolikrat psala, nase oblibena snidane jsou sekane ovocne vlocky s nastrouhanym jablkem, nasekane orechy, mandle a ruzna jadra a seminka, rozinky a nejake dalsi ovoce podle chuti a sezony. V lete vetsinou boruvky, ted prevazne kompoty z nasich lonskych zasob, dnes zavarene tresne. Chtela jsem vam nafotit i naplnenou misku pred jidlem ale v konecne fazi jsem na fotku samo sebou zapomnela. Tak tady na vas alespon juka po snidani umyta, smutna, prazdna misa :))
( Neil zrovna zahledl fotku prazdne misy, kdyz prochazel okolo mne a kdyz jsem mu rekla, ze ji davam na blog, zeptal se me z usmevem jestli si lidem rikam o penize :) Mam rada jeho smysl pro humor! )

 I already blogged about our favorite breakfast few times. Steel cut oats, grated apples, nuts and seeds,  raisins and other fruits. In summer time usually  blueberries,  now mostly caned fruit that I made last year. I wanted to photograph the food on the table too but as usual, I got distracted with the final steps of preparation.  So there it is, empty, already clean, sad looking bowl :))
( Neil just walked by as I was finishing this post,  saw my empty bowl picture and asked me if I am asking you people for money:)) I love his sense of humor! )

 Na blogu u Ange me zaujala jeji zrucnost, z jakou dava novy zivot starym  kusum nabytku.

I visited Angies blog today and was was inspired by her handy "before and after" furniture transformations.

Dalsi obhackovany kaminek na objednavku me dcery. Uz ma u ni sve nove mistecko.

Another crochet covered rock at my daughters request. It has a new home already
 at her place.

 "Brisko" kaminku .....

The rocks  "belly" ......

Pohodovy den vam vsem.....

Lovely day to all of you........

středa 25. května 2011

Zelena - Green

Pastor's Girl's Ponderings  se muzete zapojit do Photo challenge, tema zni " zelena"  :)  Na svuj blog pridate fotku a na jeji blog link.

You can enter Photo challenge at Pastor's Girl's Ponderings, the theme is " green" . Have fun!

Moc se mi libi tyhle saty z Urban Outfitters ktere snadno promenite ze sexy/ plazoych  na slavnostni pouhou stuhou v pase a bez ni se hodi ke kazdodennimu noseni. To jsou pro mne ty prave letni saty :)

I really like this versatile dress from Urban Outfitters. From sexy/ beach   to dressy with simple ribbon  to casual. That to me is the perfect summer dress :)

 Myslim, ze k temle satum by se bajecne hodily tyhle drevaky od  " Chanel "

I thing this dress would look lovely with this pair of clogs from   " Chanel " 

pondělí 9. května 2011

Den Matek - Mothers Day

 Nedeli jsem stravila  z detmi a spolecne jsme oslavili den matek. Doufam, ze jste si tento den take uzili.

I celebrated Mothers Day with the kids yesterday, what a lovely afternoon!! I hope you had a great day as well :)

Vnoucek Makeef uz vi na co je golfova hul, co se v mladi naucis........:)

Grandson Makeef knows already what the golf club's for. You have to start them young :)

Vice fotek najdete tady.

You can find more photos here.

pondělí 2. května 2011

obhackovany kamen - crocheted rock cover

Tento vikend probehl v pracovnim duchu. Neil a Dom kaceli stromy mezi nasim a sousednim pozemkem. Nas plot stoji na hranici a souseduv je o metr dal. Predchazejici majitele meli kone, sousede je maji dodnes, a proto, ze se pry udajne kousali, postavili jejich plot metr od naseho!  Vzrostle stromy zacaly nicit oba ploty a tak se Neil  po predchozi domluve, pustil vcera do rezani.  Proc cisti jejich pozemek Neil, mi neni jasne, na tuto otazku mi odpovedel, ze priste to bude delat soused a ja se uz dal radeji neptala :))  Dominik pracoval s nim, jezdit s traktorem je pro nej zabava a tak jim sla prace pekne od ruky. A co jsem delala ja? Vzhledem k tomu ze vcera byl sesty den me jarni cistici kury, nemela jsem moc energie. Trosku jsem jim pomohla, ztravila nejaky cas na zahrade pripravou zahonu a presazovanim sazenicek a navecer me Neil presvedcil at radeji odpocivam a trosku se najim. Nakonec jsem ho poslechla, byla jsem opravdu dost unavena a kuru tedy zkoncila o den driv......

Dominik mi  natrhal pampelisky a dal je do vazy, kterou kdysi davno vyrobil ve skole :)

We did lots of work this weekend. Neil and Dom were clearing trees between property lines. Our fence is on the line and neighbors is set one meter into their property. Why? Apparently the neighbors horses and horses of the previous owner of this property were fighting, hence the two fences. I wasn't very happy that it was us ( not me but you know what I mean :) ),  doing all the work but it needed to be done. The grown trees started to damage both fences so Neil and Dom, after talking to the neighbor did it . Dominik is a big help now, he had fun riding the tractor and worked hard all day. Yesterday was 6st day of my spring fasting. I helped them a little, worked in the garden for a bit and then Neil convinced me to take it easy and have a little bit to eat. He was right, I was really running low on energy, so I had some food even though  I was suppose to be fasting one more day. Oh well........

Dominik picked some dandelions for me and put them in a vase he made at school long time ago :)

 Obhackovala jsem si kamen, vidam je v ruznem provedeni na spouste blogu a uz dlouho jsem se na to chystala. Zatim jen jednoduchy vzorek ale v hlave mam uz spoustu napadu.

I crocheted this rock cover yesterday. I've  seen them all over the internet  and wanted to make one for a long time. So here it is, first prototype but I have so many ideas in my head already to make more.  

and the winner is.......

Dekuji vsem za hezke komentare a za ucast.  Tentokrat jsem nelosovala ja ale nahodne cislo za mne vybral pocitac :)  Gratuluji Ajko!!!

Thank you everyone SO much for the lovely comments and for playing along.  This time the winner was chosen by the random number generator. :)  Congratulations Ajka!!!

Soutez je uzavrena.

The giveaway has ended.



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