pondělí 25. dubna 2011

Soutez - Giveaway

Ani  tomu nemuzu uverit. Minuly tyden prelezlo cislo ctenaru meho blogu 100 Diky vsem za to, ze se sem vracite, za mile komentare, za kamaradstvi na dalku.......:)  Na oslavu vyhlasuji soutez o  tuto knihu.  Podminky jsou jednoduche.   Jestli jeste nesledujete tento blog, prihlaste se ke sledovani.   Vsichni zanechte komentar pod timto prispevkem . Soutez probehne tento tyden, uzaverka je v nedeli 1. 5.  V pondeli 2. 5. vylosuji a zverejnim jmeno vyherce. Dekuji a preji mnoho stesti .....

I can't believe it. Last week the number of people following this blog reached number 100 . Thank you for coming back, for kind comments, for friendship :) I decided to celebrate with a giveaway. You can win this book if you are or become this blog follower and  leave a comment under this post. This contest is open till Sunday, May 1st. The winner will be announce on Monday, May 2nd. Thank you and good luck.....

A co vse najdete v teto knizce?

 And what do you find in this book?

Stripky z velikonocniho vikendu.

Little preview from Easter weekend.

Soutez je uzavrena.

The giveaway has ended.

čtvrtek 21. dubna 2011

Velikonoce - Easter

 Preji vam vsem krasny velikonocni vikend plny pohody. Poridili jste si neco noveho aby vas nepokakal beranek, take tuto tradici drzite a nebo mate jine? Ja ji prevzala od sve babicky, ktere mi kazde velikonoce kupovala nove boty, protoze jeden nikdy nevi.........  :)) Ja budu na velikonoce doma z rodinou, jestli bude hezke pocasi tak budem nejspis, jak ja rikam, "pracovne odpocivat" protoze zahradka se probouzi a tak je stale co delat........

 Happy Easter everyone ! How do you celebrate Easter in your family, do you have any traditions  and what are you going to do this weekend?  I am staying home with my family, if the weather stays nice, we'll  be working outside in the garden and in the yard a lot, since there is so much to be done in this time of the year. There will be some relaxing time as well, with good food and baked goodies. Have a good one........

all images from "The Graphics Fairy"

 Zajdete se podvat na   Creature Comforts  blog, zanechte comentar a tim se zucastnite losovani o knizku.
Check out this great giveaway at Creature Comforts blog ! 

úterý 19. dubna 2011

plechovka - cookie tin can

Myslim, ze tahle plechovka je jen vyrobena tak aby vypadala stare. Objevila jsem ji ve frcu a i kdyz prodavacka rikala, ze byla darovana se spoustou starych veci , nemyslim, ze je z 50 let. Na to vypada moc zachovale! Je mi to ale celkem jedno, libyli se mi moc obrazky a barvy a proto jsem ji take koupila :)

I think that this tin can is made to look old. I found it yesterday,  dirt cheep,  in the thrift store and even though the clerk was saying that it came in with a bunch of very old stuff,  somehow it's in a pretty good shape for it to be from the 50's. I don't really care, I like the graphics and colors and that's why I bought it :)

Nase krmitko je okupovano hejnem ptaku a zrni musim doplnovat kazdy den. Zda se mi, se jich den ze dne pribyva. Vcera jsem zahledla dva kolibriky a tak musim zavesit krmitka i jim.

Our bird feeder is swarm with flock of birds, I have to refill it every day and there is more and more coming each day. I also saw few hummingbirds yesterday so I will have to put their feeders out as well.

Dalsi blogy, kterymi se muzete nechat inspirovat, snad najdete neco prave pro vas :)

More craft inspirations for you! I hope you'll find something that you like :)

 poppy talk
 the split stitch
mama says sew

pondělí 11. dubna 2011

Kniha - Book

Prekvapeni ve schrance, misto vyhlizene Mariny tahle knizka. Necakala jsem ji tak brzy po objednani a o to vic me potesila.

Surprise in the mailbox, instead of the Marina magazine that I am waiting for, I've got this book. I wasn't expecting it yet, since I just ordered it last week so I was really happy. 

Z meho oblibeneho nakladatelstvi Book Depository, ktere ma postovne zdarma !

From my favorite book store, Book Depository , that offers free shipping !

sobota 9. dubna 2011

babovka - bundt cake

Vlasticka na svem blogu doplnila recept na tvarohovou babovku a tak jsem se hned dala do peceni. Tvaroh si ted vyrabim z kefiru ( z kefirovych zrn), ktery jednoduse necham ve lnenem pytliku, zatizeny na sitku, vykapat. Po asi dvou mesicni prestavce mam zase k dispozici cerstve kravske mleko. Byla jsem nestastna, kdyz mi pani, od ktere ho odebiram oznamila, ze nejakou dobu nebude. Kravka ted mela telatko my zase mame vyborne bio mleko.

I made this delicious quark bundt cake from recipe I've got at Vlasta's blog. Lately, I make quark cheese from kefir, which I make from kefir grains. I put the kefir in linen bag and let the liquid drain from the kefir. I am so happy to be able to get fresh, organic milk again. Last few months the milk wasn't available, but now the cow had a calf and we are good to go again. At least, that's what the milk lady said :) 

Ze sebrane smetany jsem vyslehala slehacku a na vrch "nasazela" jeste zavarene hrusky. Mnamm, Vlasti, jeste jednou moc dekuji!

From the cream I made whipped cream and topped it with canned pears. Mnnn, thank you Vlasta!

I kdyz normalne piju kafe jen z mlekem, dnes jsem se rozsoupla a slehacka putovala i do hrnku.

Even though I don't normally put cream into my coffee, today I spoiled myself and topped my cup with the whipped cream.

A aby jste si nemyslely, ze jen jim a lenosim :))..... tak vam jeste ukazu dalsi detskou kabelku, kterou jsem vcera usila. Pracuji take na prevodu strihu na tuto kabelku do pdf formatu, v kterem bude strih k dispozici k zakoupeni v mem obchudku.

You may think I am just siting around drinking coffee and eating cake :)) ...... so, I am going to show you another little purse, that I made yesterday. I am also working on making this pattern available for sale in pdf format.

středa 6. dubna 2011

Stolek - Table

Od Evci ,Vladky , Helci a Peti jsem dostala tato krasna oceneni, dekuji, moc si toho vazim a posilam dal :)

These awards came from Eva , Vladka, Helca  and Peta, thank you,
 I appreciate it very much! Feel free to grab them for your lovely blogs :)  

Jako by mi dneska neco rikalo at se zastavim v Armade spasy. Okamzite mi tam padl do oka tenhle stolek, jeste nemel ani cenu, zrovna ho davalli do prodeje. Ocenili ho na $ 11.90 ! Jak vidite na obrazku, na desce sedi sundavaci ram se sklenenou vyplni. Tak jsem si koupila praci, jen jeste nevim jaky dostane nater. Priklanim se ke svetle, bilo - kremove barve ale jeste to neni jiste :) Nerada natiram v uzavrene mistnosti a tak se uz tesim na teple pocasi, kdy se budu moc pustit do natirani nejenom stolku ale i dalsich veci, ktere se mi tady pomalu hromadi.

Something was telling me today to go check out our Salvation Army. I spotted this table right away, it wasn't even priced yet, they just put it out. I've got it for $ 11.90 ! In the picture you can see, that it has removable glass top. I bought work for myself :) I will refinish it, most likely with some kind of antique white but because I don't like to paint indoor, I'll have to wait for warmer weather.

pondělí 4. dubna 2011

Kabelky pro male slecny - Little girls purses

Pani z detskeho butiku, ktery prodava me vyrobku me pozadala, jestli bych neusila kabelky pro male slecny. Dnes jsem se do toho konecne pustila, udelala strih a usila dva prvni prototypy. Snad se budou libit.

Lady from The Kids Boutique that sells my stuff asked, if I could make little girls purses. Today, I finally made pattern and two prototypes. Hopefully she'll like them.

sobota 2. dubna 2011

Pozor na me aneb jsem bidna vrazetkyne!

Dalsi napady i z navody o ktere se s vami musim podelit :)

Another ideas and tutorials that I can't resist to share with you :)

1. A pretty life in the suburbs
2. A diamond in the stuff 
3. I heart nap time 
4. Little miss momma 

Dnes byl nadherny den, slunce svitilo do kuchynskych oken, .........az do te doby, nez jsem objevila nas hmyz mrtvy na dne jejich skleneneho obydli. Vycitam si to cely den. Jeste jsem si naivne rikala jak se hezky vyhrivaji a oni se zatim prehrali :(

It was such a lovely day today, the sun was shining through the kitchen windows, till......I found our stick bugs dead in their glass container. I am kicking myself for not thinking of that, there I was happy, that they are having a sun bath. So much guilt :(

                            image from travelpod.com


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