čtvrtek 27. května 2010

středa 26. května 2010

Cepice - Hats

Cepicky ktere jsem prez vikend uhackovala.Zacalo to tim,ze me Terezka pozadala o cepicku pro Makeefa.Jenze prvni se mi zdala mala,druha zase nebyla tak prijemna na dotek jak bych si prala,treti byla ok ale pro jistotu jsem udelala jeste ctvrtou v trosku jine barevne kombinaci a nez jsem se nadala,hackovala jsem patou :) Tak si snad Terka vybere a zbytek poputuje do detskeho obchodu odkud jsem dostala nabidku,ze me "vytvory" prijmou do prodeje :)

Hats that I made over the weekend.Tereza asked me to make one for Makeef but the first one looked too small,the second one wasn't soft enuf for my taste,the third one was ok but I made the forth one in a little bit different color combination and before I know it I was making the fifth hat:)) Tereza can choose which one she likes and the rest is going into a kids store where they offer to put my stuff up for sale :)

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úterý 25. května 2010


Volala mi znama z prosbou,jestli bych ji nemohla poradit.Leti zacatkem cervence se sestrou do Prahy na 5 dnu a jeden den by si chtely vlakem nebo autobusem vyrazit na vylet a videt toho co nejvic.Cesky nemluvi,maji rady hudbu,umeni a samo sebou nejaka ta pamatka by tam take mela byt a asi moznost projit si neturisticke ulicky z obchudky a dobrym jidlem.No a protoze je to vylet na jeden den tak by to asi nemelo byt moc daleko od Prahy.A tim se dostavam k tomu proc o tom tady vubec pisu.Prosiiiim poradte.Napada vas nejake kouzelne mistecko,kam by se mohly vypravit? Budu moc rada kdyz poradite,predem dekuji za vase napady a doporuceni.

My friend asked me if I can give her any tips for a day trip in Czech.She and her sister are staying in Prague for five days in July and want to travel by bus or train and do and see something interesting outside of Prague.Any input on that is greatly appreciated,thank you :))

Par fotek z vikendu na Hornby.Tyhle maky fotim kazdy rok a jeste me to neomrzelo :)

Few pictures from the weekend on Hornby.I take photos of these poppies every year and never get tired of it :)
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pátek 14. května 2010

Hra Game

Zapojila jsem se na vyzvu Zuzky do hry,ktera zpociva vtom ze otevrete vase foto files a vyberete desatou fotku,kterou potom publikujete na vasem blogu.Tohle je ma desata fotka.Dve ptaci hnizda pod strechou pracovni dilny naseho kamarada.Zkuste to, je to zabavne :))

I am participating in a little game that my friend Zuzka invited me to play.You go to your photo files and publish your tenth picture on your blog.This is my tenth picture.Two bird nests under a roof of our friends workshop.Try it, It's fun:))

Je to me nejnovejsi album a chtela jsem se s vami stejne podelit.Tak tady jsou dalsi fotecky.Nadherne misto na ostrove Hornby z rozhledem na ocean :))

This is my newest album and I wanted to share it with you anyway.Here they are,more pictures.Beautiful place on Hornby Island with ocean wiew :)) 

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středa 12. května 2010

Mothers Day

V nedeli jsme oslavili den matek.Od Terezy jsem dostala orchidej a od Michaela salu stejne barvy.Ze by nahoda? :)) Byl to Terezy prvni rok kdy tento svatek slavi , z maminkou a sestrou jejiho partnera a dalsi pritelkyni s dcerou jsme si vyrazily na obed a moc si to uzily.

Saturday my daughter and I celebrated mothers day.It was her first one and we had a blast. She gave me this beautiful orchid and coincidentally (or not:)) ) Michael gave me this lovely scarf with the same hues.

Prace na zahradce pokracuji, pripravuji zahonky a osazuji truhliky a kvetinace. Pocasi nam zatim preje.

I am also spending lots of time outdoors, getting organize to plant our garden. My pots are being planted and  the weather is cooperating.

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