Dnes byl pro mne a Dominika dlouhy den.Od 9:30 do 16:45 v nemocnici.Odstranovali mu UZ PODRUHE nosni mandle.Prvne,kdyz mu bylo 5 a to krcni,nosni najednou.Ted mu je dvanact a uz delsi dobu jsem pozorovala,ze se mu zase spatne dycha.Vysetreni na nosnim jsem si ale musela vylozene vydupat.Jeho osetrujici lekar me nebral moc vazne,kdyz jsem mu rikala,ze mam podezreni,ze mandle zase dorostly :(
Long day For Dominik and I today. We were at the hospital from 9:30 till 16:45. He had his adenoids removed the second time. ( First time when he was 5 with his tonsils) He is twelve now and i noticed that he had difficulty breathing so I had to convince the family doctor to send him to see a specialist and sure enough, they grew back.
Prvni termin v cervenci byl zrusen stejne jako druhy v zari-lekar nemohl operovat.Vcera zacal Dominik smrkat a vecer jsem mu namerila 37.6.Byla jsem presvecena,ze tentokrat to budu muset zrusit ja.Nastesti byl ale rano v poradku,po konzultaci se sestrickou jsem ho do nemocnice odvezla a vse probehlo v poradku.
We had two dates since July, but they were both canceled. You can imagine my dismay finding out that Dominik's temperature was up to 37.6 yesterday. I thought he was getting sick, but everything was okay this morning and we've got a green light to go.
Ted uz lezi doma v posteli a po prasku proti bolesti s pridavkem morfinu snad bude mit klidnou noc.......
He is resting at home now.......